  • Jul 1, 2024
    2 replies
    krishna bound

    no because i know how the government actually works and also that the coalitions that supported Trump's re^tard^ed fat ass already said they were going to do all of this in 2016

    What about the Supreme Courts immunity decision they just delivered?

  • Jul 1, 2024
    2 replies

    Oh this is unbelievably bad

  • Jul 1, 2024
    Zach LaBeam

    Yall expecting s*** to be perfect when it's an ongoing fight for the country. People that voted against the civil rights act are still alive. Seems like Idiocracy will be here before the revolution if yall waiting for that

    bro got out of a time machine from 2007 and made this comment.

    american racism is not the result of stupid people making bad decisions; that is the smug liberal bullshit answer yes but its not the real one. the united states was created through a slaveowners revolt, that is the actual foundation of the country. where do non-white people fit into that schematic?

  • Flaphead 🎧
    Jul 1, 2024

    Oh this is unbelievably bad

    Man f*** this country

  • Fries

    Oh this is unbelievably bad

    They gonna say nothing he did is "official" conduct right after he wins the election lol

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply

    Project 2025 fear mongering hasn't worked because it isn't some Trump directive or campaign promise, it's The Heritage Foundation's detailed goals for a "future republican administration." Just because its their goals doesn't mean they get uniformly implemented immediately without a doubt

    This is the GOP we're talking about, a party with no cemented plans and can barely work together to pass bills. They had majorities in Congress Senate, and the Presidency in 2017 and lost votes for bills to push Trump goals.

    I'm not saying one should just mark it off or not care. It's concerning, but it's not gonna successfully deflect people from Trump. There's other aspects to worry about if you don't want him back, and you have to face the fact Americans have experienced Trump already and aren't as prone to warnings of him as they were in 2016 and 2020. Gotta find a new strategy

    I disagree, you are describing the mask of the GOP, the whole point is to make Trump, Bobert, MTG the face of the GOP so you ignore the weasels that got 3 new justices into to SCOTUS, who all at best were disingenuous in their confirmation and now have proven they were. Long standing precedents have been overturned that are pushing this country back decades…we are still a young country, remember that.

    The spoils of WW2 not being fought on our soil(yea yea Pearl Harbor stfu) have been spent and pocketed. We are not far ahead anymore.

  • Jul 1, 2024

    Malcolm X: "the US should have its own Mau Mau"

    a guy on ktt2: "actually you can't expect perfection, vote harder".

  • Jul 1, 2024
    Zach LaBeam

    Bro it's literally a coalition of the biggest conservative donors coming together

    Again, its not tied enough directly to Trump to frame it as a leading cause to rally support against him. I understand the fear, but strategically its not working to base everything around this initiative.

    Things like Trump being likely to solidify the 6-3 Supreme Court hold with 2 more appointments, continuing his historic run of federal appointments, executive orders, cabinet members appointments, etc.. are all more immediately relevant and easier to communicate than a massive plan made by other people than Trump. Plans of that size have quite literally never been implemented in the way people are trying to argue

    My main issue is the framing trap people keep falling into. Democrats have lacked an actual Trump strategy for 9 years and just pray people rally around the same "well if Trump is elected ____" lines. It's not working anymore evidently

  • Jul 1, 2024

    What about the Supreme Courts immunity decision they just delivered?

    having (at least lightly) read the decision i'd only really be scared of this if it implied the immunity refers to Trump specifically rather than the wider executive branch of government

    the application of the law is iffy to an extent but i understand the argument being made by the SC majority. that said, it feels like the dissent is talking about something completely different than what the majority is discussing in the decision document though. notably, the majority concedes that there IS an apparatus for repealing the default immunity applied to presidents - it does not state that immunity is absolute; it's only "absolute" insofar as the pre-existing apparatus of arbitrating executive power can't be counter-balanced by civil law but rather needs to go through the same process that systematic balances are based on

    in other words, more simply, rather than the decision declaring absolute immunity, it's saying that the system of balancing executive power rests on the acknowledgement of the executive office as legitimate. rather than saying the president has absolute power, it's saying that the power of the president (and thus immunity) is recognized by the status of the remainder of legal entities to hold it as legitimate. If it is not legitimate, then it is the job of congress (or secondary, the states) to revoke the office's immunity through impeachment or convention. the courts can't strip presidents of immunity in the same way they can't grant immunity because it's outside the court's jurisdiction

  • Jul 1, 2024

    my brother in christ, cnn is not a liberal network lol, go look up who owns it

    they were actively trying to pump up trump like 1 year ago lmao

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply

    What about the Supreme Courts immunity decision they just delivered?

    When has a president not been immune from official acts lol

  • americana 🍷
    Jul 1, 2024
    Zach LaBeam

    Appoint a liberal justice when one of these f***s dies?

    One second you’re advocating that we need to vote Joe Biden to save America because we can then maybe appoint a liberal judge who will maybe make decisions that will maybe ease liberal legislation that will maybe pass when congress maybe ends up liberal

    The whole time there is a lot of motivation for any one part of this process to fail because corporate power in America is so strong that any politician can look at a check and say f*** the system

    F*** you bro

  • americana 🍷
    Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    Before I answer that question I have one for you. Does an "ideal" government exist anywhere on earth, in your opinion?

    Oh nevermind we’re doing this now

    Why are you absolving genocide

  • Jul 1, 2024

    Oh nevermind we’re doing this now

    Why are you absolving genocide

    Am I?

  • Jul 1, 2024
    2 replies

    How come other countries' populations are afforded a degree of separation from the government's actions that Americans are not? Most of the residents in America are against what Israel is doing

  • americana 🍷
    Jul 1, 2024
    Zach LaBeam

    How come other countries' populations are afforded a degree of separation from the government's actions that Americans are not? Most of the residents in America are against what Israel is doing

    I’m not saying Americans are responsible for the genocide

    However, you are all responsible for your inaction and complacency during this genocide

  • Jul 1, 2024
    2 replies
    Block Muteson

    When has a president not been immune from official acts lol

    The immunity decision is the distraction…every single SCOTUS decision this week has expanded Judicial power.

    The Judicial branch is now, though it may already been, the strong and most powerful branch of the US.

    President gets elected, Congress gets elected…Judges?

  • Jul 1, 2024

    The immunity decision is the distraction…every single SCOTUS decision this week has expanded Judicial power.

    The Judicial branch is now, though it may already been, the strong and most powerful branch of the US.

    President gets elected, Congress gets elected…Judges?

    Lifetime appointments for an unelected position is wild

  • Jul 1, 2024

    The immunity decision is the distraction…every single SCOTUS decision this week has expanded Judicial power.

    The Judicial branch is now, though it may already been, the strong and most powerful branch of the US.

    President gets elected, Congress gets elected…Judges?

    Welcome to the 21st century

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    How come other countries' populations are afforded a degree of separation from the government's actions that Americans are not? Most of the residents in America are against what Israel is doing

    every day that you or me dont overthrow the american empire, we are responsible for the murder of palestinians, among other horrific things. thats just a fact, if that makes you uncomfortable than you should sit in that discomfort and then come to the reasonable conclusion that its a problem with the existing system.

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply

    every day that you or me dont overthrow the american empire, we are responsible for the murder of palestinians, among other horrific things. thats just a fact, if that makes you uncomfortable than you should sit in that discomfort and then come to the reasonable conclusion that its a problem with the existing system.

    I'm supposed to take accountability for religious conflict in the middle east? Alright bro

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    I'm supposed to take accountability for religious conflict in the middle east? Alright bro

    palestine is not a "religious conflict", it is a conflict of american neocolonialism and settler colonialism. israel exists as a means of exporting american fascism to the fertile crescent.

    the united states is simply israel on a much larger scale.

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply

    palestine is not a "religious conflict", it is a conflict of american neocolonialism and settler colonialism. israel exists as a means of exporting american fascism to the fertile crescent.

    the united states is simply israel on a much larger scale.

    ..all based on interpretations of land rights based on religious texts. They didn't pick Israel at random

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    ..all based on interpretations of land rights based on religious texts. They didn't pick Israel at random

    again, you are wrong. because you are a smug liberal ignoramus. I am a lebanese jew, my family is palestinian. jews, muslims, and christians lived in palestine in a relatively peaceful coexistence for thousands of years until european settlers began the dispossession of arab land.

    stop speaking on s*** you do not know anything about.

  • Jul 1, 2024

    did they just give a rapist immunity