  • Jul 1, 2024

    hope your mom cuts up an artery in her index finger while chopping up veggies

    I'll tell her to be careful (she's been dead for 10 years)

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    That's my point.. he did that and the world continued and the genocide is still happening. Maybe if we ALL did it but I don't see you or ol boy wishing syphilis on me lining up to self immolate

    I guess i just dont understand what point you are trying to make man.

    why tf should we even vote for anything or strive for anything in this world if nothing is going to ostensibly change immediately.

    you saying "blah blah theres nothing we can do to stop the genocide unless we all die." when there are collective protests globally weekly.
    When last year this time there wasnt nearly a quarter as many pro Palestine people in the US as there is now

    no s*** its gonna be hard work stopping a f***ing genocide funded by our government.

    but retort this with "well what are you doing to stop the genocide" again ad nauseum

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply

    I guess i just dont understand what point you are trying to make man.

    why tf should we even vote for anything or strive for anything in this world if nothing is going to ostensibly change immediately.

    you saying "blah blah theres nothing we can do to stop the genocide unless we all die." when there are collective protests globally weekly.
    When last year this time there wasnt nearly a quarter as many pro Palestine people in the US as there is now

    no s*** its gonna be hard work stopping a f***ing genocide funded by our government.

    but retort this with "well what are you doing to stop the genocide" again ad nauseum

    That's my retort because I'm hesitant to believe anyone is actually doing work. If you are great but you're in the vast minority. I repost and spread information in more credible circles than ktt2 and have donated to Palestinian causes. But because I'm concerned with the future of the country I have to live in (what i initially posted about), I'm pro genocide

  • Jul 1, 2024
    Zach LaBeam

    If you're trying to get to a destination as soon as possible and transportation will only take you part of the way there, do you not try to get as close as you can right now and figure out the rest of the way?

    This reply only makes sense if Biden was doing something to try and bring about the end of the genocide but he is not because he supports it lol

  • Jul 1, 2024

    Like I'm sorry to tell you but Biden isn't making anything better for anyone

  • Jul 1, 2024
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    That's my retort because I'm hesitant to believe anyone is actually doing work. If you are great but you're in the vast minority. I repost and spread information in more credible circles than ktt2 and have donated to Palestinian causes. But because I'm concerned with the future of the country I have to live in (what i initially posted about), I'm pro genocide

    we're saying that palestinian lives dont matter any less than american ones. to think otherwise is literal xenophobia.

  • Jul 1, 2024

    we're saying that palestinian lives dont matter any less than american ones. to think otherwise is literal xenophobia.

    Point to me where I said that?

  • Jul 2, 2024

    I’m surprised people are catching on to Project 2025 since the document has been out since the latter-half of Trumps term

    Remind me.

  • Jul 2, 2024

    OP just wants to justify voting for a senile and genocidal maniac

    Which one you talking about

  • Jul 2, 2024
    Zach LaBeam

    Appoint a liberal justice when one of these f***s dies?

    Obama had 2 terms and that didn’t happen
    Trump got 3 in 1 term

  • Jul 2, 2024
    fun guy

    Just wait man, Biden will restore Roe v Wade after he gets elected for a 2nd term. He can't do it rn because he's busy fighting the evil guys.

    “You are currently president” is my philosophy of the DNC

  • Jul 2, 2024

    I’m surprised people are catching on to Project 2025 since the document has been out since the latter-half of Trumps term

    Biden gave us the worst debate performance off all time and Democratic establishment is panicking.

  • Jul 2, 2024
    5 replies

    my brother in christ, they overturned Roe, Chevron, Jarksey amongst many others…like shut the f*** up lol

    You need to understand that commies literally want s*** to get as bad as it possibly can get, that’s why they love the far right so much.

    They can only get their revolution when economic conditions are at their absolute lowest or when a government becomes extremely explicitly oppressive for a majority of the population. And even though s*** has not been getting better over the past decades we’re still decently far from that point in most of the West. Communist revolutions don’t tend to happen in Liberal Democracies, that’s why they don’t mind ppl like Trump hollowing out institutions as people in the US were never going to vote for a Socialist government anyway.

  • Jul 2, 2024

    You need to understand that commies literally want s*** to get as bad as it possibly can get, that’s why they love the far right so much.

    They can only get their revolution when economic conditions are at their absolute lowest or when a government becomes extremely explicitly oppressive for a majority of the population. And even though s*** has not been getting better over the past decades we’re still decently far from that point in most of the West. Communist revolutions don’t tend to happen in Liberal Democracies, that’s why they don’t mind ppl like Trump hollowing out institutions as people in the US were never going to vote for a Socialist government anyway.

    You are a f***ing imbecile

  • Jul 2, 2024

    Just absolutely brain dead posting

  • Jul 2, 2024

    You need to understand that commies literally want s*** to get as bad as it possibly can get, that’s why they love the far right so much.

    They can only get their revolution when economic conditions are at their absolute lowest or when a government becomes extremely explicitly oppressive for a majority of the population. And even though s*** has not been getting better over the past decades we’re still decently far from that point in most of the West. Communist revolutions don’t tend to happen in Liberal Democracies, that’s why they don’t mind ppl like Trump hollowing out institutions as people in the US were never going to vote for a Socialist government anyway.

    could easily be something adolf hitler wrote. buffoonery.

  • Jul 2, 2024
    1 reply

    You need to understand that commies literally want s*** to get as bad as it possibly can get, that’s why they love the far right so much.

    They can only get their revolution when economic conditions are at their absolute lowest or when a government becomes extremely explicitly oppressive for a majority of the population. And even though s*** has not been getting better over the past decades we’re still decently far from that point in most of the West. Communist revolutions don’t tend to happen in Liberal Democracies, that’s why they don’t mind ppl like Trump hollowing out institutions as people in the US were never going to vote for a Socialist government anyway.


  • Jul 2, 2024
    1 reply


    bro said a bunch of fascist mumbojumbo and you ate it up like a nerd, congratulations

  • Jul 2, 2024
    1 reply

    the truth is that the united states was always a fascist country and a good portion of american citizens vacillate between a fascist and social-fascist position for their own benefit relative to the rest of the world. this doesnt apply to the american "prisonhouse of nations" which are subject to the same genocide that palestinians are currently experiencing.

    their is no "project 2025" -- you are currently living through a real genocide and you have the power to stop it. voting for joe biden has nothing to do with anti-fascism.


  • Jul 2, 2024
    1 reply


    the real "doomer" thing to do is to push a button in a voting booth and then return to your life like you did something for palestinians.

    like yall really act like its a game. i went to jail, got out, and fought a lengthy court battle to get my record expunged bc of this gaza s***. you actually do have real power as americans in the imperial core to affect global change and who you vote for is not part of that in the slightest.

  • Jul 2, 2024

    bro said a bunch of fascist mumbojumbo and you ate it up like a nerd, congratulations


  • Jul 2, 2024
    1 reply

    the real "doomer" thing to do is to push a button in a voting booth and then return to your life like you did something for palestinians.

    like yall really act like its a game. i went to jail, got out, and fought a lengthy court battle to get my record expunged bc of this gaza s***. you actually do have real power as americans in the imperial core to affect global change and who you vote for is not part of that in the slightest.

    you have real your going to sit back while a potential president takes away your power?
    make it make sense

  • Jul 2, 2024

    You need to understand that commies literally want s*** to get as bad as it possibly can get, that’s why they love the far right so much.

    They can only get their revolution when economic conditions are at their absolute lowest or when a government becomes extremely explicitly oppressive for a majority of the population. And even though s*** has not been getting better over the past decades we’re still decently far from that point in most of the West. Communist revolutions don’t tend to happen in Liberal Democracies, that’s why they don’t mind ppl like Trump hollowing out institutions as people in the US were never going to vote for a Socialist government anyway.

    this really got 5 likes yall cooked

  • Jul 2, 2024
    1 reply

    you have real your going to sit back while a potential president takes away your power?
    make it make sense

    I dont buy it. again I already lived through one trump term. and I dont really believe you buy it either. if trump is some extraordinary threat that must be stopped by any means then isnt the logical conclusion to actually prepare for an internal armed conflict in the US? why would voting stop anything? if what's happening in Gaza is the result of israeli fascism then would it not follow that Joe Biden, Israel's #1 benefactor, is also a fascist and a white supremacist?

    again the more likely conclusion is the one I said in my initial post and also the conclusion that malcolm x, george jackson, and the black panther party came to: the USA was always fascist, minorities within the borders exist as a "prisonhouse", and a certain section of Americans can leverage fascism against the rest of the world for material gains.

  • Jul 2, 2024

    When they were talking about the mega donors being pissed after the debate and wanting to pull their endorsements, it made me realize they just Freudian Slipped the fact that our politics are all bought out by billionaires.

    They were so pressed by the performance they literally accidentally went mask off. That's probably why Biden was like "shut the f*** up!!! We can't let them know we bid to you. I'm staying in this s*** so shut up!!!"
