Unfortunately there are enough stupid people who have been brainwashed by the right that they are willing to go along with the things that literally make their lives harder.
I dont buy it. again I already lived through one trump term. and I dont really believe you buy it either. if trump is some extraordinary threat that must be stopped by any means then isnt the logical conclusion to actually prepare for an internal armed conflict in the US? why would voting stop anything? if what's happening in Gaza is the result of israeli fascism then would it not follow that Joe Biden, Israel's #1 benefactor, is also a fascist and a white supremacist?
again the more likely conclusion is the one I said in my initial post and also the conclusion that malcolm x, george jackson, and the black panther party came to: the USA was always fascist, minorities within the borders exist as a "prisonhouse", and a certain section of Americans can leverage fascism against the rest of the world for material gains.
you do realize that there has been new developments since his 2016 so saying that there is no difference when there more on the line is you choosing to ignore reality , just say you dont care instead of trying to preach about this s***
you do realize that there has been new developments since his 2016 so saying that there is no difference when there more on the line is you choosing to ignore reality , just say you dont care instead of trying to preach about this s***
whatever you say guy. obviously malcolm x and huey newton just didnt live long enough to meet you: biggwave on kay tee tee two dot com.
whatever you say guy. obviously malcolm x and huey newton just didnt live long enough to meet you: biggwave on kay tee tee two dot com.
this is why i dont argue online lol
as someone who claims to be knowledgable on this s*** your ignorance is showing i doubt theres anyway to convince you otherwise since you already chose your side but seriously speaking, 20 years from now if you have a conscience youll look back on this with regret, youre on the wrong side of history
this is why i dont argue online lol
as someone who claims to be knowledgable on this s*** your ignorance is showing i doubt theres anyway to convince you otherwise since you already chose your side but seriously speaking, 20 years from now if you have a conscience youll look back on this with regret, youre on the wrong side of history
says the guy voting for a man whos nickname starts with the word "genocide". whatever you say guy.
I'll make sure to tell my palestinian friends that they are all wrong and that we all shouldve listened to biggwave from ktt2 .
says the guy voting for a man whos nickname starts with the word "genocide". whatever you say guy.
I'll make sure to tell my palestinian friends that they are all wrong and that we all shouldve listened to biggwave from ktt2 .
out of curiousity what will your opinion be when trump gets elected and he does worse?
Trump Plan for Pro-Palestinian Protesters: “Throw Them Out of the Country
Trump threatens to cut off US aid to Palestinians over Jerusalem dispute - timesofisrael.com/trump-israel-was-to-pay-for-jerusalem-recognition-pa-showing-no-respect
On Israel, Trump Is Even Worse Than Biden
he called biden a "palestinian" as a slur in the debate a week ago and instructed the supreme court to attack womens reproductive rights, youre not an ally noway you could ever be an ally
out of curiousity what will your opinion be when trump gets elected and he does worse?
Trump Plan for Pro-Palestinian Protesters: “Throw Them Out of the Country
Trump threatens to cut off US aid to Palestinians over Jerusalem dispute - https://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-israel-was-to-pay-for-jerusalem-recognition-pa-showing-no-respect/
On Israel, Trump Is Even Worse Than Biden
he called biden a "palestinian" as a slur in the debate a week ago and instructed the supreme court to attack womens reproductive rights, youre not an ally noway you could ever be an ally
"an ally"
b**** I am literally a lebanese woman of palestinian descent. keep your mouth closed.
"an ally"
b**** I am literally a lebanese woman of palestinian descent. keep your mouth closed.
that wont work cause out of bad vs horrible youre choosing horrible, smh
that wont work cause out of bad vs horrible youre choosing horrible, smh
I'm not choosing either
The moral grandstanding from not choosing either candidate is hilarious af to me, basically that shows me you are cool with either
The moral grandstanding from not choosing either candidate is hilarious af to me, basically that shows me you are cool with either
there aint no other choice
wont "your people" be the ones that suffer worse ?
theyre already being exterminated, by the current administration. their is no "worse". thats what ive been saying since page 1. you dont get it though because youre a smug liberal buffoon who I would assume has never spoken to an actual palestinian before in their life prior to me.
there aint no other choice
If i was arguing here for Putin to be elected for an X term on an off-chance that whatever his political opponent does with Ukraine might be worse you would probably end up sending me death threats. Are you surprised people here are not willing to eat up this shell game?
Anyone who chooses not to participate in an election doesn’t have a valid opinion on it
"an ally"
b**** I am literally a lebanese woman of palestinian descent. keep your mouth closed.
I love how you ignored literally everything that person posted
The moral grandstanding from not choosing either candidate is hilarious af to me, basically that shows me you are cool with either
saying this while biden openly funds a genocide, bypassing congress mind you LMAO
saying this while biden openly funds a genocide, bypassing congress mind you LMAO
So vote for Trump then bro?
So vote for Trump then bro?
or neither cause they both are awful evil decrepit old POS
im still voting for everything up until the presidency