Trapsoul a near classic for sure, maybe one skip but yeah
Damn is a classic
Futures 1-2 with Future was probably a bigger moment than the music iibh
Drizzy classic mixtape
The rest idk
TRAPSOUL is the only one on here that you could argue isn’t a classic
all the others are undeniably classics
Friendly ass nigga. You should be a video game reviewer, IGN would love your ass
I don‘t get the reference but u can ligmaballs u silly goose
do you fw Patrice O‘Neal?
IYRTITL being a mixtape floors me everytime
yeah here is my best music ever, it’s a mixtape tho
Damn, Astroworld, iyrtitl, trap soul, culture, hndrxx, TLOP = yes
The rest would be a no for me dawg
I don‘t get the reference but u can ligmaballs u silly goose
do you fw Patrice O‘Neal?
They always giving games 8/10 and more, s*** really has to be trash for them to give a 7 or less
Not too familiar with his material, just seen a few clips. But I hear he was funny af
IYRTITL was a moment. It captured Drake at a moment of growth and transition, yet still managed to appeal to so many people. As a rapper, it's one of his best projects. It redefined the hottest rapper out as an artist and as a person. Classic.
DAMN is an absolutely fantastic blockbuster rap album. You know them when you hear them. It balances pop and self-reflection so f***ing well. I've rarely heard such a depressing album with so many bangers. Top tier beats and hooks and Kendrick raps his ass off when the song calls for it. A terrific record and it made Kendrick a superstar. Classic.
TLOP is just different, idk. Absolutely nobody else could have made that album, as assembled, except Kanye West. It is one of the most unique albums I've ever heard, which is ironic because so many people were involved in putting it together. It completely decimates the line between art and artist. Classic.
HNDRXX - personal classic
Culture - 100%
IYRTITL - No but great tape
Pinkprint - No
TLOP - Yes
Trapsoul - mmm no but you could probably make a case for it
Tha Carter IV - No
DAMN - objectively yes but not for me
Astroworld - same as DAMN
HNDRXX - No, but a personal classic to me
Culture - Yes
The Pinkprint - Yes
TLOP - Yes
Tha Carter IV - No
DAMN. - Yes
What y’all got?
Carter IV a classic
yeah idk man
These are great.
@sab Fists up now
that belongs to C5
I'll always take C5 over C4
Neither are perfect and are definitely below the other three IMO but C5 just appeals to me more
prod is terrible, Wayne himself was great on C5 though
The beats are solid. I don't know what you are looking for.
Kendrick on Mona Lisa was music to my ears.
None of these are classics the end.
But the best album here would be C4.
you see the vision.
buncha dudes on here who wanted a C3 sequel hating on C4
@sab Fists up now
cult classic, sure
but most people don’t know the album exists except that J. Cole sampled the same song as a song on there
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)