F*** him for playing the sympathy card and acting ignorant towards the president’s actions
I always thought conservatives were about taking responsibility for their actions but they always end up blaming cancel culture for what happens to them. I guess they mean other people should accept consequences and not them.
First rocky gets special interest from trump
Then he collabs with a trumper
Asap gotta explain this s***
i honestly dont think i love anyone enough to risk ruining my career like this
i'm so confused why these Trump fans seem to love the guy so much?? its not even like their Republicans first and Trump fans second.
they ride for him so hard, yet at the first moment of trouble he threw everyone who stormed the Capitol building under the bus
it's so strange.
Damn. If it weren’t for the abuse accusations that just came out I’d feel bad for him
and Obama didn’t want you to get Haunted Graffiti, right? He wouldn’t- he said, “the cassette tape compilations are enough”. But we wanted the new stuff folks, and that’s what we got. Round and round, right? Round and round. And we love Pom Pom! R Stevie Moore is getting much too much credit, much to much. And it’s one of the worst deals we ever had
I always thought conservatives were about taking responsibility for their actions but they always end up blaming cancel culture for what happens to them. I guess they mean other people should accept consequences and not them.
No no no you got it all wrong.
YOU’RE supposed to accept the consequences of THEIR actions.
damn even his dad got MAGA style corruption goin on
"As of 2012, his father Mario Rosenberg was a multi-millionaire, a wealth that Ariel stood to inherit.3 In 2014, Mario was one of 19 people convicted in a $154 million insurance-fraud scheme, described by authorities as "the largest medical-fraud prosecution" in US history. He pleaded no contest to the charge.80 According to his attorney, the plea was made due to his lack of funds to continue battling the case"
Right Wingers support free expression now so he shouldn't have any trouble finding a right wing record label that welcomes creatives who are sick and tired of cancel culture