People should have female friends not even because it will help them find a partner but just because they’re human beings and you should aim to understand people
You’re basically talking like a narcissistic sociopath.
Options? Negotiate? Prime? What the f*** are you talking about, you mentally ill idiot? Human relationships aren’t a market. Human beings should be treated as an end in themselves and not as a means to something else. Are you doing graphs to quantify your relationships? Are you doing weekly meeting with the boys to manage strategies to manage girls - oh sorry, I mean “options” - and people? Are you that much of a narcissistic idiot?
I’d bet my f***ing balls that you’re one of those naive nerds who read blogs about being “redpilled”. I’d bet my f***ing balls you’ve already bought/torrented self-help books which are supposed to teach you “how to be an alpha”. You’re ridiculous and you’ll never be happy. Never.
Authentic, meaningful relationships are based on tenderness, vulnerability and love. There are of course power dynamics but these end up contained by the honesty/love/transparency of those involved in this kind of relationships.
You’re basically talking like a narcissistic sociopath.
Options? Negotiate? Prime? What the f*** are you talking about, you mentally ill idiot? Human relationships aren’t a market. Human beings should be treated as an end in themselves and not as a means to something else. Are you doing graphs to quantify your relationships? Are you doing weekly meeting with the boys to manage strategies to manage girls - oh sorry, I mean “options” - and people? Are you that much of a narcissistic idiot?
I’d bet my f***ing balls that you’re one of those naive nerds who read blogs about being “redpilled”. I’d bet my f***ing balls you’ve already bought/torrented self-help books which are supposed to teach you “how to be an alpha”. You’re ridiculous and you’ll never be happy. Never.
Authentic, meaningful relationships are based on tenderness, vulnerability and love. There are of course power dynamics but these end up contained by the honesty/love/transparency of those involved in this kind of relationships.
Thank you for typing it out
It gets way harder to find love as you get older so there’s a trade off to waiting till you 35
I think people aren’t even understanding what it means to get married at 35
If you get married AT 35
that means you should’ve been with the person you are marrying for at least 2-3 years if not more. So you started the relationship 32-33
So it’s not like you are meeting someone at 35 then also marrying them within that year
Y'all are being unrealistic.
Yeah, of course. Being “realistic” is talking about relationships like it’s a f***ing business model.
2 things. You missed the women between 23-30. And not considering it being harder to find quality non wrinkled women when you're at that age of ~35
Yeah, of course. Being “realistic” is talking about relationships like it’s a f***ing business model.
Marriage for a long time was a union of wealth and resources amongst families. Not that I care but that was the norm for thousands of years.
2 things. You missed the women between 23-30. And not considering it being harder to find quality non wrinkled women when you're at that age of ~35
He’s gonna end up on 90 day fiancé
as a man why are you worried about other men's lives
This to like mind your own f***ing business
It just exposes who has influenced you
Most people know not to use that word
It also exposes y’all not actually arguing against concepts
Since you’re telling me to talk to women in real life (I’m not sure why y’all don’t think I do )
How about you ask your girl the same thing I asked you and just see what she says
And don’t phrase the scenario as her meeting the 35 year old you. It has to be the same difference in time so that if they were to be married in the same amount of time as y’all are, he would be 35 (that’s the math most of y’all are getting wrong/triggered about)
It also exposes y’all not actually arguing against concepts
Since you’re telling me to talk to women in real life (I’m not sure why y’all don’t think I do )
How about you ask your girl the same thing I asked you and just see what she says
And don’t phrase the scenario as her meeting the 35 year old you. It has to be the same difference in time so that if they were to be married in the same amount of time as y’all are, he would be 35 (that’s the math most of y’all are getting wrong/triggered about)
Stop looking for validation for your warped views
Marriage for a long time was a union of wealth and resources amongst families. Not that I care but that was the norm for thousands of years.
still a popular form of having a relationship depending on where u live
And like I said seriously get female friends and have real life experiences with some honest genuine people
You're putting a person looks over all the other attributes they offer
This sounds like a "you problem" you're trying to convince others to feel the same way about.
You obviously can’t read
I didn’t put looks over everything else
I said if you could have both, you would choose both
Re read the last paragraph in my post you quoted and honestly tell me if I’m putting looks over everything
It’s not the same thing at all. If a woman doesn’t feel safe around you because you’re a bag of bones vs her feeling safe next to Tyrone that’s ripped and goes to the gym... that’s a feeling of security. I wouldn’t call that materialistic. But if you do, then sure.
Then by your definition every woman is materialistic and their standards for dating or marrying you don’t magically jump from being materialistic to not materialistic based on your age.
What they want is based on who they are, not who you are
not necessarily my question but also i dont think kickin ppl off a site has ever had a good success rate of transforming said person lol
true, its more the internet itself, they need to get off.
Id say to em, get off the web, Read feminist books, and talk to girls without thinking with their d***s or tryna get in a relationship all the time or trying to “protect them” or show dominance or any thing like that lmfao. Things have to flow naturally.
living the way OP and ppl agree with them live is extremely sad. They cut off such an integral part of life thinking that way, and the internet just perpetuates it.
People should have female friends not even because it will help them find a partner but just because they’re human beings and you should aim to understand people
I agree, when it comes to single men/women. However a married man can have female friends but has to be careful doing that.