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  • Jun 28, 2021

    FYI if you’re digging for a flaw in an online strangers relationship to validate your views that kinda says a lot yk

  • Jun 28, 2021

    I think people aren’t even understanding what it means to get married at 35

    If you get married AT 35

    that means you should’ve been with the person you are marrying for at least 2-3 years if not more. So you started the relationship 32-33

    So it’s not like you are meeting someone at 35 then also marrying them within that year

    So that means you’re gonna be 32 searching for b****es fresh outta high school

  • Jun 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah, of course. Being “realistic” is talking about relationships like it’s a f***ing business model.

    So go waste your time money and energy. Searching for that one magical person that completes you...

    Relationships are a two way street lol.

    You're assuming/expecting way too much from women imo.

    If men are pigs/trash women can be too.

  • Bestowed

    Marriage for a long time was a union of wealth and resources amongst families. Not that I care but that was the norm for thousands of years.

    “The bourgeois sees in his wife a mere instrument of production. He hears that the instruments of production are to be exploited in common, and, naturally, can come to no other conclusion than that the lot of being common to all will likewise fall to the women. He has not even a suspicion that the real point is to do away with the status of women as mere instruments of production. For the rest, it is self-evident that the abolition of the present system of production must bring with it the abolition of the community of women springing from that system, i.e., of prostitution both public and private.”

    Karl Marx

    Bourgeois marriage =/= marriage. Learn the f***ing difference.

  • Jun 28, 2021
    Ygor Sunny

    So go waste your time money and energy. Searching for that one magical person that completes you...

    Relationships are a two way street lol.

    You're assuming/expecting way too much from women imo.

    If men are pigs/trash women can be too.

    Relationships are not transactional friend

  • Jun 28, 2021

    I think people aren’t even understanding what it means to get married at 35

    If you get married AT 35

    that means you should’ve been with the person you are marrying for at least 2-3 years if not more. So you started the relationship 32-33

    So it’s not like you are meeting someone at 35 then also marrying them within that year

    I feel if anything cutting away any romantic feelings from your 20s is a terrible way to live life. It is true that your 20s will probably be the peak of your time to be an adult and still function like a youth because you will be very healthy, physically strong, and have the most stamina you’ll ever have

    But simultaneously I think your 20s is a huge chance to grow up and mature and learn about all kinds of things and denying romance is denying a large part of your growth. Your entire thing also just reads as men having to find a younger woman in her early 20s, which is honestly not that ideal for marriage. You want an equal partner who is knowledgeable and can help you with life decisions and take care of you.

    I think if anything, you should date a lot of women in your 20s but if there ends up being something very serious to come out of that and you feel you have found yourself a great girl, denying that simply because of age is stupid because it’s extremely rare to find someone that is marriage worthy today

  • Jun 28, 2021

    not necessarily my question but also i dont think kickin ppl off a site has ever had a good success rate of transforming said person lol

    Who gives a s*** about transforming people

  • rvi 🐸
    Jun 28, 2021
    KOL Meezy Mestizo

    NGL @op I'm getting these vibes from your post here

  • Birdie

    Stop looking for validation for your warped views

    How is it validation? I’m not looking for validation just discussion

    If your girl answered the question and said she’d still pick you that would be data against my claim (kind of) which would help change my perspective

    I don’t know what tf her answer would be so how is it looking for validation Vs looking for the truth regardless of if it goes against what I currently believe

    Can’t make this s*** up bro

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