Imagine not listening to Rx Papi, Rio Da Yung OG, 454 and Sahbabii
The forward thinkers of rap
As much as I love these artists I’m kinda joking
But seriously @op
You just gotta stumble upon what you like in this modern rap landscape or actively search for it
The market is so over saturated that often times really great talent is mostly over looked
I would hate for that to happen to me, I still a love for music I hope you pull through OP
What are you listening to? Are you listening to underground stuff and boundary pushing music or the same ol same ol?
You talking just hip hop or music in general
Music in general.
Hip-hop feels especially hollow, but maybe that's actually the music. Rappers are shallow lol. When i listen to dusty s*** it's alright.
Something I didn't realize is that a lot of (new) (rap) music is made for and by <25 year olds.
No. Personally I’ve always been very specific in my tastes so I rarely find s*** I like anyway and it always will be this way, even with all the crazy different music I find nowadays
But I explore/enjoy music more as I get older it seems
Can anyone else relate to this?
Music I used to enjoy affects me less. New music is generally not that interesting to me, aside from a few artists I stan, but even their impact on me feels reduced.
Some of it may come from my learning the technical aspects of music production. Producers will say they had to relearn how to enjoy music as a listener.
Music used to be my favorite thing tbh. It’s really a shock to me and my identity that I may not enjoy it as much anymore.
Dealing with this too. Mostly with rap
Not responding to the trolls ITT. Thread isn't about boombap vs mumble, it's not about "these kids today..." (I'm around most of y'alls age), and it's not about this or that artist.
Yep, when i was around lets say 15-20 I was always checking for new albums new artists, i just make a playlist with songs i like
lmfao you are the worst kind of music listener
F*** are you even talking about?
You either like the music or you dont. Its not as complicated as the OP is making it at all.
Your approach and understanding of the thread is just f***ing trash. Blocked tbh.
Yeah you've got:
Hell there are scenes being built up that I don't even know of.
There's just waaaaay too much cool s*** in the ether, if you can't find it or wade through it I kind of feel bad for you. If you want deeper music you can find it in the Art Rap scene. But of course the younger kids and mainstream rap is going to be more shallow, but the more indie/underground rap scene has more interesting and boundary pushing production and are trying to bring it to the mainstream.