Series died with AC3 for me, the entire build up for Desmond's character arc was him putting his hand on a pedestal and dying made me not wanna buy another AC game until Origins
username to post is crazy
Does Valhalla get good? Started it and just got bored after a while. Feels like I keep doing the same missions
no, uninstall and save your time. dead serious.
havent played a creed since brotherhood
damn nigga u know how to climb still?
Jesus. That bad
yes, i got it for free and still didn’t get past the first few hours. it is genuinely THAT bad
Tried to play Odyssey after beating Origins and it was 100 more hours of the same exact game
Tried to play Odyssey after beating Origins and it was 100 more hours of the same exact game
Tried to play Odyssey after beating Origins and it was 100 more hours of the same exact game
Does Valhalla get good? Started it and just got bored after a while. Feels like I keep doing the same missions
worst one like actually
Does Valhalla get good? Started it and just got bored after a while. Feels like I keep doing the same missions
I didn't like it at first, but some years later i tried it back and it was kinda fun actually, nothing special for the most part when it comes to gameplay. The enviroments are pretty amazing though,
Tried to play Odyssey after beating Origins and it was 100 more hours of the same exact game
they look like pure filler/ fetch
when I just need like 30-40 hour games MAX
All the fake outrage over the protagonist is so pathetic lol
Folks going on tangents about not having a Japanese protagonist when we literally have one
Folks going on tangents about not having a Japanese protagonist when we literally have one
Nobody cared when Nioh 1 had you playing as a white dude
they look like pure filler/ fetch
when I just need like 30-40 hour games MAX
Nu-assassins creed games are pure mind numbing slop
Nu-assassins creed games are pure mind numbing slop
how was origins lol
how was origins lol
Pretty much the prototype for the new formula. Egypt is cool and the protagonist is dope but It’s not fun to play at all