it's true man, this is just a blatant outrage marketing attempt to save a dying franchise. They knew this would receive backlash and generate controversy and they expect people to rally for it and buy it to prove racist wrong or some s***.
At the end of the day this game will most likely fail because ubisoft is dogshit now and on their way out. The "it failed because of racism and intolerant gamers" narrative will be a easy cope for them and the anti-woke folks gonna use it to further push their agenda.
S*** like this isn't doing anything beside using black people as lightning rod for attention and controversy in order sell a product.
I'm black myself and i'm all for black protagonists in video games but it's usually a red flag when a franchise wait until they are on their death bed to be all inclusive and s*** especially in such manners.
Series died with AC3 for me, the entire build up for Desmond's character arc was him putting his hand on a pedestal and dying made me not wanna buy another AC game until Origins
Really glad that I’m not the only person that felt this way
Me buying AC Odyssey was the biggest mistake of my life all because I enjoyed Origins so much, what an absolute snoozefest that game was and it reminded me why I hated modern day Ubisoft, never AGAIN
Dam you just like me
Patiently waiting for black flag remake
it’s literally a kkk meeting in the comments about the protagonist reveal
F*** em
it's true man, this is just a blatant outrage marketing attempt to save a dying franchise. They knew this would receive backlash and generate controversy and they expect people to rally for it and buy it to prove racist wrong or some s***.
At the end of the day this game will most likely fail because ubisoft is dogshit now and on their way out. The "it failed because of racism and intolerant gamers" narrative will be a easy cope for them and the anti-woke folks gonna use it to further push their agenda.
S*** like this isn't doing anything beside using black people as lightning rod for attention and controversy in order sell a product.
I'm black myself and i'm all for black protagonists in video games but it's usually a red flag when a franchise wait until they are on their death bed to be all inclusive and s*** especially in such manners.
didnt the last AC sell a f***ton lol
didnt the last AC sell a f***ton lol
Mirage no, Valhalla yes. They said Valhalla made over $1 billion; Mirage has only done $250 million so far.
Mirage no, Valhalla yes. They said Valhalla made over $1 billion; Mirage has only done $250 million so far.
nigga said "only". 250mil is crazy good
nigga said "only". 250mil is crazy good
I mean. . . .for AC, it isn’t. That’s 5 million copies at most. Pretty much every other AC has sold 10 million copies in the same amount of time.
I mean. . . .for AC, it isn’t. That’s 5 million copies at most. Pretty much every other AC has sold 10 million copies in the same amount of time.
Yeah folks asked for mirage but clearly that ain’t what most people want to buy
I mean. . . .for AC, it isn’t. That’s 5 million copies at most. Pretty much every other AC has sold 10 million copies in the same amount of time.
Mirage was also a smaller budget no? Wasn't it also sold for $50 as well
Ubisoft done started a damn race war revealing this game. They are so mad a black guy is one of the main characters
Then the only online bs. Which not really a problem for me as my ps5 is always connected but there may be small portions of people who dont have internet. I'm excited about playing a next gen assassins creed though, I just wanna see how beautiful the game world is.
Its annoying tbh finding insults about my race over a video game. As much as Ubisoft has gone downhill over the years, it's their property and they can make it how ever they like with whatever creative freedoms they want. It's their s***. No one is forcing anyone to play it.
Not getting any AC vibes from this trailer. They should have emphasized the shinobi stuff way more, like most of the fights shown are out in the open lol