Just play Ghost of Tsushima this is gay and pandering af
fr the Japan one was rumored since the end of Revelations, they waited so much that Tsushima AND Sekiro AND Ronin already dropped, making this game look like a cheap knock-off of the above mentioned
nah you can’t make this s*** up man our world is cooked fr
Social media has corrupted us
People think it’s acceptable to be racist
Just play Ghost of Tsushima this is gay and pandering af
Deciding between mid and mid is crazyn
Sekiro is right there
Deciding between mid and mid is crazyn
Sekiro is right there
Sekiro’s a masterpiece but I think GoT is a cool game
Ubisoft some f***ing clowns and if I was black working for them I would look for new employment
doing a 4 page apology for having a black samurai in a game that has never been about perfect realism? Absolutely pathetic to fold to racist for cash
The racists got Ubisoft out on their full defence mode
Ubisoft more on defense about this than their actual internal issues about racism and sexism in their staff
catering to white tears in 2024 is crazy
their preorder numbers probably not what they wanted
If you going to cater to the racist just make a racist assasination game at this point if you want racist to write the story let them then cause you are F***ING CLOWNS FOR THIS
you got Ian miles Cheong under the post saying "IKDR" and you think I am even going to think about purchasing your s*** ?
Ubisoft some f***ing clowns and if I was black working for them I would look for new employment
doing a 4 page apology for having a black samurai in a game that has never been about perfect realism? Absolutely pathetic to fold to racist for cash
horrible company
horrible company
I can't believe they would drop this . I missed it yesterday. As someone working at a gaming company once you type a 4 page apology to racist you might as well hire them
This isn't even going to get them sales. I am already ready to see people say GTA VI is woke
The racists got Ubisoft out on their full defence mode
What the hell are they doing this for lmao
these mfs are literally APOLOGIZING for having a black character in a game THEY MADE!!!!
why doesn’t syndicate have a 60 fps boost
I always found it weird that it was the only modern era ac to not get a 60fps patch. They even went back and fixed the broken backwards compatibility on PS5.
Deciding between mid and mid is crazyn
Sekiro is right there
braindead take
I always found it weird that it was the only modern era ac to not get a 60fps patch. They even went back and fixed the broken backwards compatibility on PS5.
yeah i was playing last night and the game feels very sluggish because of that which stinks because it’s a pretty great game so far