Like, real talk, who’s not gonna choose to play as the shinobi in a game where the combat isn’t going to be exactly top tier?
Also, haven’t seen it mentioned, but it’s an absolute travesty that since the game has a stealth focused character that they haven’t brought over Chaos Theory’s pinpoint, contextual movement.
Even in Blacklist you could only crawl in one speed.
Damn am I tripping or does ghost of tsushima still look better than this?
Not trying to be a d*** I'm actually super excited for this ACS but for it to be next gen only the leap doesn't look big enough imo. I still wanna play as the chick though
Wait, just found out they’re doing the non-linear “choose what missions you want to play whenever” main story structure again?
we won
I’ve been playing this here and there over the course of like 3-4 years maybe longer and just beat it a few months ago…
I’ve been playing this here and there over the course of like 3-4 years maybe longer and just beat it a few months ago…
i recently started it but stopped since i cant lie the performance feels so sluggish on xbox compared to any other AC game
gonna give valhalla another chance …
i gave up game just not fun
gonna try mirage
Damn am I tripping or does ghost of tsushima still look better than this?
! trying to be a d*** I'm actually super excited for this ACS but for it to be next gen only the leap doesn't look big enough imo. I still wanna play as the chick though
got is s***ting on this in every way by the looks
Delay incoming
Sounds like they might have found a game breaking bug or something.
Probably does mean a delay is incoming.
Sounds like they might have found a game breaking bug or something.
Probably does mean a delay is incoming.
That's what I take from it.
We'll see how people react. Considering it was a game people were claiming they are passing on & Ubisoft releasing buggy games pisses everybody off we shouldn't hear too much whining.
It's the internet though. Everybody will be fake outraged that they're taking more time to fix issues with a game they weren't buying....
Delay incoming
noooo i’m so hyped for this game man
Delay incoming
Man wtf. They done let the people scare them
Now they might be trying to make last minute changes. The game is done though if it's launching in November they are just polishing at this point. Maybe they just want to focus on polishing and not doing previews. But that's crazy if there are major changes and a delay. I'm black myself but even I feel like dude why did y'all even set yourselves up for the B's and backlash making one of the protags African, regardless of the history. They know they are already walking a tight rope with the fans lately so I don't know why they would give them the ammo. Funnily enough if the dude was japanese they would have just called it a GOT clone, which ppl still are anyway. Ubisoft just can't win and most it seems don't want them to win
lol they about to delay it this far from the release date?
dont know if i seen a game do that before