  • Feb 25

    I hate this negative centered content era bro

    God damn

    i hate this dude but also enjoy some of his stuff but he used to be a huge ac fan

  • Feb 26
    1 reply

    what reviews?

    Looking at twitter and gaming leaks subreddit . Just players posting clips and talking about their experience

  • RenBop

    Looking at twitter and gaming leaks subreddit . Just players posting clips and talking about their experience

    can you share the links?

  • Feb 28
    2 replies

    This game looks so good bro

  • Drezo

    This game looks so good bro

    yeah i keep seeing videos and it’s getting me more hyped we really about to get a great ac game

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    This game looks so good bro

    hate to be that guy but this is literally a blatant GoT copy in every aspect

    the wind & leaf dynamics, the bow shooting animation, even the special meter in the bottom left is the exact same as GoT

    the female assassin gameplay i‘ve seen looked pretty decent though

    and even though im black i really dont give a f\*\*\* about yasuke at all. but i‘ll never admit this to the reddit racists

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    hate to be that guy but this is literally a blatant GoT copy in every aspect

    the wind & leaf dynamics, the bow shooting animation, even the special meter in the bottom left is the exact same as GoT

    the female assassin gameplay i‘ve seen looked pretty decent though

    and even though im black i really dont give a f\*\*\* about yasuke at all. but i‘ll never admit this to the reddit racists

    Yeah and Ghost copied AC, idc as long as the game is good tbh

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    Game looks fire the forced hate is so corny

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    As good as GOT is the open world is boring and empty af

  • Drezo

    Yeah and Ghost copied AC, idc as long as the game is good tbh

    they definitely got influenced by it, but it didn‘t feel like a ripoff. i hope the same thing can be said for this. at the end of the day everyone takes influence somewhere. as long as the gameplay is good and it still has it’s own character, we‘re good

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    As good as GOT is the open world is boring and empty af

    that’s a complicated statement. technically everything is part of the open world. what it did that really drove me to explore the world fully was that side quests and mythic tales were more thoughtfully designed, like they actually cared to give a lot of the characters thorough stories, even the small individual moments were interesting, but side characters actually got arcs and their side quests felt like part of something bigger.

    The recent “Assassins creed”, by comparison, has an awful open world. You don’t want to explore anywhere because the quests feel like chores, the characters have no emotional depth, and in recent games there isn’t even as much of the classic sci-fi Abstergo narrative that used to really tie everything together.

  • There is a fundamental issue with quest design and exploration that makes Ubisoft games unfun, I really hope this game is when they finally evolve. I’m not trying to be pessimistic but I’ve played almost all the AC games and you can see where the series has really fallen in quality

    In the past several games, most of the main quests feel like low quality side quests. A game like GoT made the side quests feel like high quality main quests. That’s the difference.

  • okkkkkk7

    Game looks fire the forced hate is so corny

  • Mar 2
    1 reply
    · edited

    that’s a complicated statement. technically everything is part of the open world. what it did that really drove me to explore the world fully was that side quests and mythic tales were more thoughtfully designed, like they actually cared to give a lot of the characters thorough stories, even the small individual moments were interesting, but side characters actually got arcs and their side quests felt like part of something bigger.

    The recent “Assassins creed”, by comparison, has an awful open world. You don’t want to explore anywhere because the quests feel like chores, the characters have no emotional depth, and in recent games there isn’t even as much of the classic sci-fi Abstergo narrative that used to really tie everything together.

    Ubisoft is one of the best when it comes to open world design

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Ubisoft is one of the best when it comes to open world design

  • BlueChew Sean

    someone got on their alt to say this btw 😭

  • this is crazy

  • ·
    2 replies

    Idk why they got this guy doing commentary but the game looks clean af

  • Drezo

    Idk why they got this guy doing commentary but the game looks clean af


    I thought they had said that Yasuke couldn't prone? I guess they changed that.

  • Drezo

    Idk why they got this guy doing commentary but the game looks clean af


    this narration is stupid as f***

  • Yo the combat music sounds fire lmao

    And the delays look like they paid off this looks great. Even the comments on YouTube are starting to notice and get more positive.

    Will it "save" Ubisoft or whatever they be talking about? Idk lol but I'll be playing it

  • Yo Naoe kinda bad low-key

  • ·
    3 replies

    60ps syndicate legit feels like a whole new game. no idea why they decided to update it now but im grateful

    but i need them to do this for black flag and unity!!

  • ·
    1 reply

    60ps syndicate legit feels like a whole new game. no idea why they decided to update it now but im grateful

    but i need them to do this for black flag and unity!!

    it really took them way too long

    which i tried playing it last year i was like nah this just runs like trash but now PHEW

  • Everest

    60ps syndicate legit feels like a whole new game. no idea why they decided to update it now but im grateful

    but i need them to do this for black flag and unity!!

    Need to do Ezio Collection