everyone can make their own "meaning" in life
im just here having fun, doing what i like, enjoying life and helping others do the same
Such a weird angle, how do you find any meaning in your life if you’re gonna live a new one after anyway?
but there IS no point to doing anything really cuz we ARE all just gonna die anyway
In the time that we are here, the now and future is what drives me
Creating impact not even to be remembered but to create change in a positive way
We don’t have very long at all in this lifetime to do much if you look at the scale of time
But try your best while you still have air in your lungs
But why do u care if y’all will cease to exist as if it never even happened, if u believe that?
because i want to live my best life and i want to die knowing i lived the best life
There is no meaning. Whether you’re Drake or you’re a homeless bum on the street, you are both equally as meaningless and nothing but a blip in time in the grand scheme of things. So you do what you will wit that information and still try to enjoy yourself regardless and indulge in pleasures.
Just want to be as wealthy/healthy / stress free as possible.
If I randomly want to go swimming, climb a mountain, chase some booty on the beach, etc..I wanna be able to do so. No questions no worries.
Don't want to have no one telling me what to do. No woman and def no man, especially one I can't even see. My moral compass is just fine don't need no help with that.
Also not tryna be old and in pain so that's where the health part comes in
Life is good
My motivation is knowing that someday I'm going to be able to listen to full CDQ BAE
Money keep a nigga motivated
Molly keep a nigga motivated
Percocet keep em motivated
Good drank keep a nigga motivated
I care about people that exist now and future generations that will inhabit this earth. I’d rather live righteously for them rather than for the promise of paradise after I die.
I want to leave the world a better place than it was before.
EDIT: I'm an agnostic though
Not an atheist, but like others said, what motivates you if you know there’s a future eternal life that basically makes this one inconsequential (aside from believing and being nice just for a reward in the end)
Basically, knowing this is the only shot at existence makes you more motivated to make sure it’s a good one
My family
My loved ones
You shouldnt be striving to be the very best you can be at life because of some reward that may or may not happen.
You should be striving to be the best human period right now for yourself and others.
Ill live in the memories of those i impacted.
Sounds like youre trying to live through others, not good