  • Jan 12, 2020

    the only god I recognize is luther vandross

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    If your spiritual I wouldn’t consider you atheist

    Atheist implies that you dont believe in gods and I cant say that I do believe in one or several. So yeah it would be more in the direction of agnosticism.

  • PIMP

    bro wdym, i dont need to believe in something AFTER all this

    what are you talking bout?

    got fam beside me, significant other too, nice hobbies on the side, playing ball on weekends, making music, traveling..

    what u aimin for b, imagine believin in god in 2020 why?

    How could you not believe in god mate I thought you were smarter than this

  • If you don’t believe in god in 2020 why don’t you just get the f*** out of here

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Atheist implies that you dont believe in gods and I cant say that I do believe in one or several. So yeah it would be more in the direction of agnosticism.

    How are you spiritual?

  • Jan 12, 2020

    that's a dumb question, we all have people/things we cherish and love and goals we want to reach

    God just gives more meaning to the suffering and happiness

    I'm a Christian btw

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply


  • Jan 12, 2020

    But why do u care if y’all will cease to exist as if it never even happened, if u believe that?

    So the only reason you don't go around murdering people is to get into god's good books?

  • Jan 12, 2020

    How are you spiritual?

    I believe in a greater connection between all us living beings (not only humans) as well as nature (or the material/physical components of our reality) and some sense of harmony and balance between everything. I believe that we are all equal, even the worst of us, that I'm just a different page of the book and that I could also be or in fact also am the homeless kid sitting on the side of the road selling candies or polishing shoes, the guy in the suit who goes to work at a glencore office thinking of how he can maximize profits in the Congo mines, the abused women who's been left alone pregnant with the kid the violator gave her, the software developing hipster who goes to buy a coffee in starbucks, the cat stuck on the tree, the female university teacher who secretly has an affair with the cleaner, the wolf out in the woods trying to adapt to the circumstances that another city is being built in his territory, the sociopathic serial killer who's manipulating people to satisfy his bloodlust, the ant following the colony to roll the decomposing apple towards the nest, the politician trying to play his cards right to stay in power, the bird flying in the sky about to be prey for an eagle flying higher up, the social worker who's trying to figure problems out, the girl working at McDonalds since 20 years that slowly developed a depression etc. etc. (these are just examples no need to think I'm stereotyping, I just had to type something)
    I could go on, but I guess you catch my drift.

    We're all here to make certain experiences in the greater flow of things, that doesn't justify that it's right that bad things are happening to people, but we all, be it humans, animals or nature are steadily changing and moving because of what's happening. And it doesn't mean I don't believe in the concept of free will, it's up to us what kind of experiences we want to have in our lives, what opportunities we create for others by interacting with them or if we even care about what's going on aside from our own lives. We direct the flow of the story.

    And I hope, or I believe ( ;) ) that we'll move towards a world with more harmony and empathy in the long run (nature included, because it's part of us), even if it sometimes seems like we're taking a step back, especially the human race part of the equation, if you compare it to a baby learning to crawl there's bound to be some setbacks, maybe even a whole reset, but that's what it means being part of the great flow, it's not taking yourself too important, and that's not nihilism, is just setting things into a greater perspective. Archaic humans, if we take archeological scientific evidences as basis, have existed for maybe 315'000 years, which is nothing compared to the span the planet or the universe existed.
    So we as a whole race will still wisen up.

    And as many have mentioned before I'm nothing in the grand scheme of things, my physical body and the metaphysic memories of me don't matter, it's the values I pass on that are important, even if a hundred generations down people won't know who it was, I still played my part and had some influence.
    I'm young still, I feel like I barely know nothing even with all the experiences I made and I don't know how much I'll be able to change or what my part in the whole story will be, but that's excatly what's exciting and keeps me going, I guess I'll find out in the future.

  • NakedBalenciaga

    Putting your faith in another man rather than god

    I was giving an example

  • I want to enjoy the one life I have

  • Jan 13, 2020

    Jesus, the only thing that keeps y'all going is the thought of the afterlife? That's pretty sad.

  • Jan 13, 2020

    I actually find it pretty funny that people still worship deities when the only reason they remain relevant today are because religious people killed millions and forced millions more to adopt their religion.

    Imagine a world this never happened we would probably be looking back on religion as a hilarious concept much like Greek gods.

  • trying to find happiness

  • Jan 14, 2020

    For those that don’t believe in an afterlife (or ppl who are unsure)... how do u find meaning in what you do with ur life? What’s keeping you from saying there’s no point to doing anything really cuz we’re all just gonna die anyway?

    For me it's just doing the things that I want to do. I don't see a point in saving all of my money so I'm super frugal I spend when I want something, but I rarely am ever convinced to buy something unless there's a practical need for it.

    So for instance if I want a game I go either sail the seas or buy it on steam or whatever platform. I've been dying to play a lot of ps4 exclusives so I went and bought a ps4. That's the current thing that motivates me. Money also is a pretty good motivator which is why I'm going to college.

  • Jan 14, 2020


  • What a dumb question. A life spent aware that this is probably all there is is ten times more motivating and fulfilling than a life spent living for what you think might come next

  • Jan 14, 2020

    Im just waiting to die

  • Jan 14, 2020

    I just want to experience life in general, be here and witness what it has to offer because there is nothing else after this so might as well enjoy it to it's full capacity... I'll have planty time to rest when i'm dead

    But to be more precise, i want to reach my ideal self and grow into someone that can take care of my family and friends, make sure they good. Want to explore my passions like music and film etc

  • 666 💢
    Jan 14, 2020

    dying asap !!!

  • Hi-C 🦌
    Jan 14, 2020

    But why do u care if y’all will cease to exist as if it never even happened, if u believe that?

    Because why live your life in fear of some s*** you don’t know for a fact is real? Seems narrow minded as f***. If God is real, and you do all of those things, I’m sure he would be forgiving if you just live your life as a decent human being that doesn’t try to like hit all these bullshit requirements that religious people believe in