  • Jan 11, 2020

    Is god your ONLY motivation?

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Jan 11, 2020

    Sounds like youre trying to live through others, not good

    Idk how u got that.

    But I'm not tho

  • Jan 11, 2020


  • blase 🦋
    Jan 11, 2020

    Why would I want to die if I enjoy living

  • Jan 11, 2020

    I make it my mission to make this life I’m living now a fulfilled one . If it’s no guarantee of what’s to come after death then i have my motivation right there to be grateful at my current existence and make the most of it .

  • Jan 12, 2020

    Because I’m not a loser who needs to non existent reward for bettering myself and others in what time I do have.

  • PIMP 💿
    Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    bro wdym, i dont need to believe in something AFTER all this

    what are you talking bout?

    got fam beside me, significant other too, nice hobbies on the side, playing ball on weekends, making music, traveling..

    what u aimin for b, imagine believin in god in 2020 why?

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    There is no meaning. Whether you’re Drake or you’re a homeless bum on the street, you are both equally as meaningless and nothing but a blip in time in the grand scheme of things. So you do what you will wit that information and still try to enjoy yourself regardless and indulge in pleasures.

    So your solution is hedonism?

    You're just distracting yourself from truth. Which is the inevitability of sickness, old age, and death, which today or tomorrow will destroy all these pleasures.

  • Jan 12, 2020

    Isn’t it kind of selfish to want to live a good life just so you can have a good afterlife? @robocat

  • Jan 12, 2020

    everyone can make their own "meaning" in life

    im just here having fun, doing what i like, enjoying life and helping others do the same

    But that meaning would be subjective.

  • Jan 12, 2020

    So your solution is hedonism?

    You're just distracting yourself from truth. Which is the inevitability of sickness, old age, and death, which today or tomorrow will destroy all these pleasures.

    Eh, not really. Because hedonism has a more “dirty” connotation, ie; a life of d**** and sex.

    But I mean in general. Any kind of pleasure. Learn you an instrument, maybe you’re a gamer, maybe you’re an artist and like painting.

    Anything that brings you joy and gives you some kind of push to keep you going. No matter how small.

    Because exactly that, it’s not running from the truth, it’s the fact that there is nothing but the truth and we all die and nothing we do ultimately matters. So try to spend that meaningless time enjoying yourself as much as possible until you fade away like everybody else. It’s the least you owe yourself.

  • Changeofheart

    Nothing, I want there to be a meaning to everything and I want to believe in a god. But from what I see if there is a god he is the villain

    Wow powerful stuff

  • Ellinia 🍰
    Jan 12, 2020

    I feel like there not really being a point to anything at all is something that gives me a lot of comfort and peace. No matter how much or little effort you put in, in the end as long as you enjoyed your stay there's equal worth. Viewing certain acts as inherently worthwile or wasteful only puts extra pressure on people imo and in the end it can hold people (or humanity as a whole) back. As long as you're happy doing what you do you shouldn't feel like you have to want more, and I think that aiming for something like heaven by the way you carry yourself throughout life is doing exactly that. You should behave a certain way because of your intrinsic goals, not only because it will guarantee you heaven. That's not being genuine the way I see it. I feel like there's something very superficial and greedy about wanting heaven anyway.

  • Jan 12, 2020
    baby pluto

    new kanye tweets i need too reply to first

    Oh so you one of those huh

  • Jan 12, 2020

    Money and p****

  • Jan 12, 2020

    A book I just read called The Chosen by Chaim Potok had a father talking to his son about the whole meaning dilemma.

    "Human beings do not live forever, Reuven. We live less than the time it takes to blink an eye, if we measure our lives against eternity. So it may be asked what value is there to a human life. There is so much pain in the world. What does it mean to have to suffer so much if our lives are nothing more than the blink of an eye?

    I learned a long time ago, Reuven, that a blink of an eye in itself is nothing. But the eye that blinks, that is something. A span of life is nothing. But the man who lives that span, he is something. He can fill that tiny span with meaning, so its quality is immeasurable though its quantity may be insignificant. Do you understand what I am saying? A man must fill his life with meaning, meaning is not automatically given to life.

    It is hard work to fill one's life with meaning. That I do not think you understand yet. A life filled with meaning is worthy of rest. I want to be worthy of rest when I am no longer here.”

  • Jan 12, 2020

    atheism is just christianity in its final form lol

  • Jan 12, 2020


  • ghosting ®️
    Jan 12, 2020

    Ravens football


  • Jan 12, 2020

    This thread is sad as s*** to read

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Values and passing them on.
    Also, I'm not a religious person, but a spiritual one, so I wouldnt identify myself as Atheist exactly.
    And I can see that religion also has it's good sides, so no need to be militant about it and curse the hell out of all religions just because some are abusing them.

  • Jan 12, 2020
    2 replies

    Values and passing them on.
    Also, I'm not a religious person, but a spiritual one, so I wouldnt identify myself as Atheist exactly.
    And I can see that religion also has it's good sides, so no need to be militant about it and curse the hell out of all religions just because some are abusing them.

    If your spiritual I wouldn’t consider you atheist

  • Jan 12, 2020

    If your spiritual I wouldn’t consider you atheist

    Thats what I wrote fam
    Guess you just confirming a definition

  • Jan 12, 2020

    my own goals and happiness tf

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    elon musk believes in changing the world

    Putting your faith in another man rather than god