  • Dec 6, 2022

    Best believe if America gets ever attacked, it’s citizens will be ready to FIGHT.


    jesus you are f***ing stupid

  • Dec 6, 2022

    Average conservative behavior

  • Dec 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Did they find the whites that did this yet

  • RASIE 🦦
    Dec 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Yeah it’s probably the right or some foreign enemy.

    The only way a leftist could have done it out of political motivation is if it was in retaliation with the whole womens rights being attacked.

    Other than that, left doesn’t really have motive to be doing things like this.

    Seems more right wing extremist or Foreign enemy based.

    Liberals have no motive for this kind of attack.

    The Left most certainly does.

  • Dec 6, 2022
    2 replies

    Liberals have no motive for this kind of attack.

    The Left most certainly does.

    I know people will disagree, but at this point left=liberal

  • RASIE 🦦
    Dec 7, 2022
    1 reply

    I know people will disagree, but at this point left=liberal

    At what point? The two are opposed and have fundamentally different motivations, plans of action, and subsets.

    The only context in which "the left" understood as shorthand for liberal is the American two party system of government (and that includes the largely Americanized social media culture).

    The motive for someone on the Left to attack a power grid — this kind of power grid in particular — does not exist for a Liberal because they are an ally of the system being attacked.

  • Dec 7, 2022
    2 replies

    At what point? The two are opposed and have fundamentally different motivations, plans of action, and subsets.

    The only context in which "the left" understood as shorthand for liberal is the American two party system of government (and that includes the largely Americanized social media culture).

    The motive for someone on the Left to attack a power grid — this kind of power grid in particular — does not exist for a Liberal because they are an ally of the system being attacked.

    You saying whole lot without saying much. Please tell me these differences between the left and liberals?

  • Dec 7, 2022

    You saying whole lot without saying much. Please tell me these differences between the left and liberals?

    In terms of the modern connotations that the words have picked up, it's really just a question of your stance towards capitalism. And not capitalism in some vague sense (i.e. supporting "progressive" policies like universal healthcare does not inherently make you an anti-capitalist), but the most literal question of who should own the means of production.

  • RASIE 🦦
    Dec 7, 2022

    You saying whole lot without saying much. Please tell me these differences between the left and liberals?

    In a nutshell:

    The Left is against capitalism, in favor of improving communal values and dismantling class divisions on the macro and micro scales. It is traditionally focused on material issues and enacting material change.

    Liberals are proponents of capitalism, in favor of improving and/or maintaining its status, and against dismantling class division. They traditionally (and increasingly over the past 60-odd years) focus on protecting status quos and the interests of private capital, while publicly supporting and funding post-material grievances that don't threaten the agendas of capital.

    Attacking a literal energy monopoly — not a "de facto" or "virtual" one — that controls every single strand of electric static that occurs in North Carolina; that recently merged with its largest regional competitor to become a true energy dictatorship; that lobbies and literally writes legislation in its own words to prevent public or more accessible/cheaper alternative supplies of energy in the region, is a textbook motivation of extreme action by the Left. When a single private institution can increase energy price rates and territories at will, with the support of local and national governments, the working and lower classes either have to sit there and take it by sacrifice other necessities, go into debt and irredeemable credit status, or become homeless. Or they can actually fight back, even if it turns out to be in vain.

    Liberals support companies like Duke Energy and will defend their rights to carry out business the way they do, because Liberals supports the system that allows for these economic and class inequities. The motivation to attack such institutions in a material way (e.g., destroying their infrastructure) doesn't exist for them. The Liberal's only "plan of action" against that behavior is airing empty concerns and criticisms about it in public forums.

  • Dec 7, 2022

    don't wanna brag butt...

  • Dec 7, 2022

    Did they find the whites that did this yet

    no and its weird, it seemingly has just been slipped under the rug...

    it was front page on CNN for a minute then got pushed all the way to the bottom and hasnt been reported on as "loudly" since

    i wonder if the FBI wants them to keep it quiet

  • Dec 8, 2022
    1 reply
  • plants 🌻
    Dec 8, 2022
    hot pancakes

    bruh they tried to hit south carolina too

    wit how dilapidated parts of the grid are they're smart af for doin it like this

    takin notes rn

  • Dec 8, 2022

  • Dec 9, 2022

    There was a similar incident yesterday in my area where a dumbass tried to vandalized 5 cell phone towers.

  • Dec 9, 2022

    I know people will disagree, but at this point left=liberal


  • Dec 9, 2022

    god bless 'em if it's gets rid of this 5g s*** i'm tired of being schizo mode! lolz

  • Dec 20, 2022

    good article on this @op