  • Apr 2, 2020

    why is it that when I record vocals, and try to listen at the same time it sounds very low although the beat is turned down ...

    should i export first then record the vocals?

    i got this same question

  • Apr 3, 2020

    that eiosis air eq be hitting just right

  • anyone would love to do some mixing? :)

  • very layered projects tho

  • Apr 10, 2020
    1 reply

    How did Kanye even do this on the drums at 2:52. Not like any distortion ive ever heard

  • Apr 10, 2020

    I swear mixing is an endless art I learn new s*** everyday

  • Apr 10, 2020
    1 reply

    How did Kanye even do this on the drums at 2:52. Not like any distortion ive ever heard


    You talking about the snares or the weird effect after the snares?

  • Apr 10, 2020
    1 reply
    the end

    You talking about the snares or the weird effect after the snares?

    Both 😍

  • Apr 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Both 😍

    for that weird effect after it i would assume some weird pitch bending stuff, kinda reminded me of the weird sounds my drums made in this (warning loud sound)

    for the snares, im not sure some flanger to get it more metallic? layer it with percs?

  • Apr 10, 2020

    Aight so hopefully this makes sense

    So like when I turn up the volume near max my vocals sound really good on the beat, but when I turn it down to low-mid level my vocals sound quiet idk why this is, thinkin it’s a compression issue but idk

  • Apr 11, 2020
    1 reply
    the end

    for that weird effect after it i would assume some weird pitch bending stuff, kinda reminded me of the weird sounds my drums made in this (warning loud sound)

    for the snares, im not sure some flanger to get it more metallic? layer it with percs?

    that sounds fat

    So you pitch bend the sample down then up for like a split second?

  • Apr 11, 2020

    that sounds fat

    So you pitch bend the sample down then up for like a split second?

    yea try that

    i completely forgot how i got those effects on my drums but i do remember pitch bending them a s*** ton
