  • .

  • Jan 26, 2021
    2 replies

    multiband expansion on vocals is a f***in cheat code

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jan 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Clb sexman

    multiband expansion on vocals is a f***in cheat code

    the Channel EQ, Compressor, and the multipressor (in exact order) on your vocal tracks is the midas touch.

  • Jan 27, 2021
    3 replies

    the Channel EQ, Compressor, and the multipressor (in exact order) on your vocal tracks is the midas touch.

    been doing subtractive eq then expansion then compression will experiment further.
    but i fr cant see anything online about people using expanders on vocals the s*** is literal magic and i stumbled upon it recently

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jan 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Clb sexman

    been doing subtractive eq then expansion then compression will experiment further.
    but i fr cant see anything online about people using expanders on vocals the s*** is literal magic and i stumbled upon it recently

    why not be the 1st?

    that's the fun thing bout engineering, it's all trial and error and playing with different types of s*** til you get what brings out the best results to you and for others. That's dope to hear fa real.

  • Jan 27, 2021

    why not be the 1st?

    that's the fun thing bout engineering, it's all trial and error and playing with different types of s*** til you get what brings out the best results to you and for others. That's dope to hear fa real.

    facts as ive kept learning its evident theres a lot of art to it even with all of the technical stuff. theres always like 20 different ways to reach the same result lmao such a rabbit hole

  • bebacksoon ๐Ÿ›
    Jan 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Nectar 3 is a cheat code I shoulda been usin this

    Helps me get to a cleaner vocal mix way faster w/ the auto-assist. From there I just tweak whatever I need to tweak

  • bebacksoon ๐Ÿ›
    Jan 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Clb sexman

    been doing subtractive eq then expansion then compression will experiment further.
    but i fr cant see anything online about people using expanders on vocals the s*** is literal magic and i stumbled upon it recently

    Whats the difference between multiband compressor vs the expansion?

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jan 27, 2021

    Nectar 3 is a cheat code I shoulda been usin this

    Helps me get to a cleaner vocal mix way faster w/ the auto-assist. From there I just tweak whatever I need to tweak

    Ozone 8 is clutch too.

    Izotope as a whole is a godsend.

  • Jan 27, 2021

    Whats the difference between multiband compressor vs the expansion?

    so you know a compressor lowers the dynamics of a track so everything is more even

    expansion does the opposite, it increases the dynamics in whichever band you use

    this has been mostly very useful for me when a vocal recording is very muffled due to poor recording technique, changing the dynamics of the low mids - mids - highs makes it far more balanced and less muffled. like removing a whole layer of mud

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply

    damn he terrorizing every sxn

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Anyone use UAD hardware?

  • Feb 8, 2021
    2 replies
    Clb sexman

    multiband expansion on vocals is a f***in cheat code

    What plug in u using for that

  • Feb 8, 2021

    What plug in u using for that

    Dunno, but there a lot of good Multiband plugins, Waves C6 for less cpu, Fabfilter Pro-MB, Izotope Trash 2

  • Feb 8, 2021

    What plug in u using for that

    fabfilter mb

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply

    i hope u guys are calculating your reverb times !

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Clb sexman

    i hope u guys are calculating your reverb times !

    that, and dry/wet verb signal is just as important

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Carmen is Composed

    that, and dry/wet verb signal is just as important

    if ur using it as a send it should always be 100% wet no?

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply

    also something ive found recently is to use 1 reverb for the early reflections creating that initial space around the sound

    and then another reverb with just the tail to fill the space made by the 1st reverb

    very cool

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Clb sexman

    if ur using it as a send it should always be 100% wet no?

    Yes, but if you want to you can always adjust it on the send

    Maybe I haven't noticed a difference yet, but I started doing it more and its cool

    The best way to have control for me is just to do an all wet send, and then do fader automation so I can have more or less of the ambience generation

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Clb sexman

    also something ive found recently is to use 1 reverb for the early reflections creating that initial space around the sound

    and then another reverb with just the tail to fill the space made by the 1st reverb

    very cool

    Yeah early reflections is good, but also adjusting pre-delay is a really solid way to unclutter a reverb heavy mix

    I found its especially true on snares or any percussive elements

  • Feb 8, 2021
    Carmen is Composed

    Yes, but if you want to you can always adjust it on the send

    Maybe I haven't noticed a difference yet, but I started doing it more and its cool

    The best way to have control for me is just to do an all wet send, and then do fader automation so I can have more or less of the ambience generation

    yeah ive realised automation is a huge part of making a track feel dynamic between each section and never getting boring. i damn near automate everything at some point lol

  • Feb 8, 2021
    Carmen is Composed

    Yeah early reflections is good, but also adjusting pre-delay is a really solid way to unclutter a reverb heavy mix

    I found its especially true on snares or any percussive elements

    oh yeah pre delay is definitely key, ive found if i want a dreamy kind of vocal iโ€™ll leave it pretty low but for making certain instruments pop out of the mix its very good
