can anybody recommend a really good record player?
i wanna get the yamaha sub also
i also have rokit 6s
What’s your budget bruhhh
If ima have it a while I’d say 200-250?
Fluance RT81
I would also take a look in OfferUp for local deals on used turntables.
Sony wm1zm2
64audio A18s CIEM
Effect Audio Code 51 cable
I wish I had harrysmiles money.
This, in my car
FiiO BTR 5
S*** is amazing tbh. I got PowerAmp app on my phone for the EQ and it's insane.
It easily pushes more power over Bluetooth compared to any phone.
This, in my car
FiiO BTR 5
S*** is amazing tbh. I got PowerAmp app on my phone for the EQ and it's insane.
It easily pushes more power over Bluetooth compared to any phone.
Take a look, yall
Take a look, yall
noticed the pic had some disparaging things on it then my phone died mid reupload...
This, in my car
FiiO BTR 5
S*** is amazing tbh. I got PowerAmp app on my phone for the EQ and it's insane.
It easily pushes more power over Bluetooth compared to any phone.
What is that and what does it do? HECK
Interface: Motu M4
Speakers: Yamaha HS8
Headphones: Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10 & ATH-M50X
Nearfield PC Set Up:
Amp: Yamaha A-S301
Dac: Musical Fidelity M1
Speakers: Kef LS50
Love the coaxial design of Kefs for near field listening + lossless audio files loaded onto foobar
Headphones: HD 800S
DAC: Chord Mojo 2
Amp: RNHP Amp
Glad I found this thread, I work in a/v installation and have been working on my own hifi system recently. Right now it's just a basic 3.1 setup but hopefully I can go to a full 5.1 in the future.
Fronts: Polk RTi A1
Center: Some old paradigm i had in my garage
Sub: Energy ES8
Receiver: Yamaha RX-V563
Sources: Pioneer Elite PD-F19 CD changer, various Xbox's and a PS3
Glad I found this thread, I work in a/v installation and have been working on my own hifi system recently. Right now it's just a basic 3.1 setup but hopefully I can go to a full 5.1 in the future.
Fronts: Polk RTi A1
Center: Some old paradigm i had in my garage
Sub: Energy ES8
Receiver: Yamaha RX-V563
Sources: Pioneer Elite PD-F19 CD changer, various Xbox's and a PS3
Just picked up a set of Polk RTi A7 towers for my new fronts, gonna be rewiring the A1's as surrounds. Replaced my old Yamaha receiver with a Sony DA2800ES I got for free at work.
Surround setup almost complete