More time to finish up AC6
Probably jump straight from this to CP 2077 2.0 + PL.
yeah the had me shook with that release date overlap
well I hope you like it. I cant make any promises crpg are definitely more of a slowburn genre.
But their catch is definitely not multiplayer since most dont even have it.
You pretty much gotta enjoy the roleplaying stuff. The game offers you endless choices and the companions respond to it. Like fallout new vegas except probably even more roleplaying and obviously entire different combat
I'm trying so hard to get into this s***, started playing a lot of magic n s*** so maybe I would just like it more solo for awhile
God I hope this doesn’t launch broken as s***.
I am confident about the first act tho it has gotten basically bugless there since they playtested it alot in public
I expect it to get more glitchy down the later acts
Multiclasses confirmed
I also overread that they will release another origin companion so 7 overall which is massive
character creator wil also be expanded. Literally a freckles tab. Age, body type etc.
God I hope this doesn’t launch broken as s***.
hope not (on pc) they've been sitting on my $60 since day 1 for a reason
Never heard of this game but it looks interesting ima look more into this game. Reply with some vids about the game if yall can
omg used new motion capture tech to „act“ and animate every single dialogue.
No generated bethesda and ubisoft bullshit everything is hand made
Blows my mind in a genre where voice synchro used to be rare.
Now you got a isometric rpg where you can zoom in to have detail facial expressions and see the actual characters talking
60 frames on the 5 is a win nice stuff
They used new motion capture tech to „act“ and animate every single dialogue.
No generated bethesda and ubisoft bullshit everything is hand made
Blows my mind in a genre where voice synchro used to be rare.
Now you got a isometric rpg where you can zoom in to have detail facial expressions and see the actual characters talking
That’s one of the first things I noticed when they first started showing off the game was how dynamic the conversations were.
I was like “There’s no f***ing way they’re all gonna be like that.”
Was curious if they were maybe using similar tech to what CDPR developed for Cyberpunk.
God im so excited I hope you guys dont mind me bumping this thread
And also August with armored core man I am eating
The way it just flips the entire game just because you chose 1 out of 12 classes I will get 1000 hours out of this
God im so excited I hope you guys dont mind me bumping this thread
And also August with armored core man I am eating
its okay to be passionate about something. You are eating
Last big developer stream for those who might be interested I believe they will showcase the game well
Bloody hell this character creator is enormous
Comments lost their s*** when they mentioned pronouns lmaooo. Gentials section????
Looks cool
Making an alternative version of the custom character that has a more sinister story and quests is a brilliant idea
Lmaoooo theres an entire dating simulator here
showing a gay s***scene during this livestream is crazy
The bear noway
can't wait! glad to see someone else so hyped @Kenig hope we can coop sometime. really excited to see how larians crowning achievement feature in crpgs is adapted into the full bg3 experience.
can't wait! glad to see someone else so hyped @Kenig hope we can coop sometime. really excited to see how larians crowning achievement feature in crpgs is adapted into the full bg3 experience.
absolutely down to it. This livestream has just skyrocketed my excitement even more
What your first character gonna look like?
Personally that dark urge just seems amazing to play
Bloody hell this character creator is enormous
Comments lost their s*** when they mentioned pronouns lmaooo. Gentials section????
Looks cool
Making an alternative version of the custom character that has a more sinister story and quests is a brilliant idea
Lmaoooo theres an entire dating simulator here
This game is f***ing insane.