  • Dec 23, 2023

    Amazing how fast you can go through this game the second go around, almost done with Act 2 and Iā€™m only 40 hours in.

    Shaved like 20 hours off my playtime thus far by having a grasp of everything.

  • Dec 24, 2023

    Astarion is really THAT b****.

  • Dec 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Played an hour this morning. Itā€™s aight

  • They got Sam and Frodo

  • Dec 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Played an hour this morning. Itā€™s aight

    Judging this game based on an hour is like judging s***by sticking the tip of your pinky in some p****.

  • Dec 24, 2023

    Judging this game based on an hour is like judging s***by sticking the tip of your pinky in some p****.

    Relax man I had to go to work

  • Dec 27, 2023

    The hell.

    The hells*

  • Dec 27, 2023
    1 reply

    This dumbass Zevlor just HAD to jump down off the gate when he coulda just stayed up top and used range....

  • Not Like Josuke

    This dumbass Zevlor just HAD to jump down off the gate when he coulda just stayed up top and used range....

    Zevlor made it to act 3 in my game but Orin had a surprise for him

  • Dec 27, 2023

    Running this with 2 other people and itā€™s mad fun. I played like 5 hours solo before that and in a group is definitely the move. The only thing that sucks is less character interactions but everything moves so much faster.

  • Dec 28, 2023
    1 reply

    started an evil karlach playthrough. only bad b****es remain in the camp. karlach, laezel, shadowheart, minthara, astarion.

  • Dec 28, 2023

    Damn missed wave 1 Q12024 for the physicals, wave 2 Q2 it is then

  • Electric šŸ„€
    Dec 28, 2023
    1 reply

    Damn so they really expect you take BOTH routes to Moonrise or just 1?

    I went through the Underdark but skipped the Mountain Pass and was only ~lvl 5 when I reached act 2.

  • Dec 28, 2023

    Damn so they really expect you take BOTH routes to Moonrise or just 1?

    I went through the Underdark but skipped the Mountain Pass and was only ~lvl 5 when I reached act 2.

    Itā€™s a bit awkwardly worded and handled, that part of the game.

    Do all of the Underdark and the Githyanki CrĆØche in the Mountain Pass area ā€” you can go back to the Mountain Pass when youā€™re in the Underdark.

    The major cut off point is the elevator in the Grymforge in the Underdark ā€” once you go into that, Act 2 starts

    Make sure you do the Githyanki CrĆØche if you havenā€™t, really good bit of content. Especially with Laeā€™zel in party

    Edit: Damn just read your post about being in Act 2 now. Hopefully you did the CrĆØche.

  • Dec 28, 2023
    1 reply

    started an evil karlach playthrough. only bad b****es remain in the camp. karlach, laezel, shadowheart, minthara, astarion.

    Evil Karlach is funny as s*** sheā€™s probably the most ā€œgoodā€ character in terms of alignment

  • Kengi šŸ’­
    Dec 28, 2023
    1 reply

    coop is fun as f*** when you play with the right people

  • How I dealt with the Steel Watch: Murdered the gnome architect and stole the codes, gave Astarion an invis potion and bombed the reactor while everyone was inside

    Dark Urge 4ever

  • Dec 29, 2023


    im still scared to go back and play again

  • Dec 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Got this for $15. Time to give it a shot

    How lol

  • Dec 29, 2023

    How lol

    Argentinian Xbox code

  • Dec 29, 2023

    Something about the structure of this game gives me that same sort of Resident Evil style replayability. Obviously RPGs tend to be some of the most replayable style of gameā€™s, but the immersive sim elements of it give it that little extra.

  • Dec 29, 2023

    coop is fun as f*** when you play with the right people

    The fact that this massive ass game also has (legit well done) 4 player co-op on top of everything else is f***ing mind boggling.

  • Dec 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Ngl act 2 hasnā€™t been amazing for me thus far im playing it pretty straight as a vengeance paladin but it seems a lot more linear (both map- and quest-wise) compared to act 1 and Iā€™m just ready to get to baldurs gate at this point - have a feeling this 2nd act will hit a lot different with my next evil character

    For the vets, Iā€™ve just reached the entrance to the shadowfell after the gauntlet of Shar and Iā€™ve already murdered a few of the cronies at moonrise tower. roughly how long is this next section, and is it the last (still have this and the final confrontation with Ketheric) before I move on to act 3?

  • Dec 29, 2023
    2 replies
    Ā· edited

    Ngl act 2 hasnā€™t been amazing for me thus far im playing it pretty straight as a vengeance paladin but it seems a lot more linear (both map- and quest-wise) compared to act 1 and Iā€™m just ready to get to baldurs gate at this point - have a feeling this 2nd act will hit a lot different with my next evil character

    For the vets, Iā€™ve just reached the entrance to the shadowfell after the gauntlet of Shar and Iā€™ve already murdered a few of the cronies at moonrise tower. roughly how long is this next section, and is it the last (still have this and the final confrontation with Ketheric) before I move on to act 3?

    SPOILER WARNING: I donā€™t know why my spoiler embeds arenā€™t showing for me?

    ||Gauntlet of Shar is about 2-4 hours worth of content in and of itself. A few puzzles and boss battles throughout. Important point: make sure youā€™ve done everything in Moonrise Tower you needed to do - I.E. rescued the Tieflings/Gnomes before you fully complete all of the Gauntlet of Shar. It should prompt you (I think) at the very end of the Gauntlet before entering the final scene there.

    After that, the final bits back at Moonrise Tower is another hour or so, Iā€™d say. Then the game moves you into Act 3.||
    Personally I really like Act 2 ā€” I think the reason I do is because itā€™s so linear and character focussed. Shadowheart is my favourite companion so I really enjoy this run of the game.

    Plus, I think itā€™s kind of intentional from the devs ā€” Act 2 is linear, dark, vast, and gloomy. Act 3 goes into Baldurā€™s Gate which is densely populated and gives you freedom to just run around the city.
