  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    you don’t always, but you can save money by renting in the long run

    a mortgage may be less than a rent payment at times, BUT you have take into account repairs, property taxes, and other costs (like bills if they aren’t included in the rent)

    on top of that, if you don’t keep up with the home in terms of repairs and upgrades, you will actually loose money when you try and sell it down the road (or at the very best break even)

    additionally, you are banking on the area in which you choose to buy a house in to keep its property value. some areas boom and housing prices soar, others crash and housing prices follow suit

    buying a house is a huge gamble if it’s not your forever home/don’t have the income for repairs, property taxes, etc

    Okay but the difference is that you’re paying for property that you will OWN

    And when you rent, homeowners are going to account for all those costs you mention AND profit

    So at the end of the day, you’re paying for their taxes, mortgage, your repairs, your utilities, and their own money. And at the end of the day you don’t even get to own a house once you pay the value of the house

    What the f*** do you gain from this financial relationship outside of avoiding homelessness?

    And buying a house shouldn’t be a gamble with speculative markets fam.

  • sponge 🧽
    Jan 31, 2022

    wtf is goin on

  • sponge 🧽
    Jan 31, 2022
    BlueChew Sean

    Suddenly those abolish rent and landlords threads on here don't look so crazy

    true commie psyop going on ITT stay woke buddies!

  • Jan 31, 2022
    2 replies

    The Marxist a***ysis blames the game more than the player, to be fair. I don't blame your father for investing in properties. It doesn't matter that much anyway in the grand scheme of trillions of dollars.

    I felt like Marx was spitting at the part he spoke about land and housing in the Communist Manifesto Very applicable to the current situation we have in modern South Africa. And I do feel like capitalism is lowkey responsible for the terrible state society is in today and we're heading fast to an unsustainable black hole because of Capitalism There's really no reason why people like Bezos and Musk should be as rich as they are while I drive past dozens of homeless people everyday But until people wake up and the system falls...

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply

    Okay but the difference is that you’re paying for property that you will OWN

    And when you rent, homeowners are going to account for all those costs you mention AND profit

    So at the end of the day, you’re paying for their taxes, mortgage, your repairs, your utilities, and their own money. And at the end of the day you don’t even get to own a house once you pay the value of the house

    What the f*** do you gain from this financial relationship outside of avoiding homelessness?

    And buying a house shouldn’t be a gamble with speculative markets fam.

    having a place to live without having to eat $1000s in property taxes (and they are $1000s), not having to worry about repairs, and having a place to live without the general headache of homeownership.

    again, i am 100% against slum lords who buy up properties and do a s***ty job at maintaining them, but i don’t see an issue with renting

    you want an 18 year old to invest in something which can essentially be 2x the cost of a student loan (which is already bs) when they want to move out?

    wouldn’t renting be the better option for them?

  • Jan 31, 2022
    2 replies
    BlueChew Sean

    I felt like Marx was spitting at the part he spoke about land and housing in the Communist Manifesto Very applicable to the current situation we have in modern South Africa. And I do feel like capitalism is lowkey responsible for the terrible state society is in today and we're heading fast to an unsustainable black hole because of Capitalism There's really no reason why people like Bezos and Musk should be as rich as they are while I drive past dozens of homeless people everyday But until people wake up and the system falls...

    there is an economic theory which claims capitalism is so efficient that it will inevitably destroy itself, so it is likely to happen

    the question is what remains

    societal collapse or a fully automated system ran by robots and AI?

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply

    Roads are designed to control water. If you removed them it would cause mass flooding.

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    having a place to live without having to eat $1000s in property taxes (and they are $1000s), not having to worry about repairs, and having a place to live without the general headache of homeownership.

    again, i am 100% against slum lords who buy up properties and do a s***ty job at maintaining them, but i don’t see an issue with renting

    you want an 18 year old to invest in something which can essentially be 2x the cost of a student loan (which is already bs) when they want to move out?

    wouldn’t renting be the better option for them?



  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply

    Roads are designed to control water. If you removed them it would cause mass flooding.

    this is a new level of stupid

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    there is an economic theory which claims capitalism is so efficient that it will inevitably destroy itself, so it is likely to happen

    the question is what remains

    societal collapse or a fully automated system ran by robots and AI?

    Idk, I'm just sick of every second post I see while scrolling through IG being a f***ing ad I blame capitalism for this overdrive advertisement s***hole the world has become. Every company launching their own streaming service to get a piece of the market. People paying ridiculous prices for low quality clothing just because it has a certain logo on it. I'd give anything for this f***ing bullshit to stop.

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply



    because you aren’t paying the full cost of everything, additionally, the costs are broken off into rent payments. property taxes are done yearly (or bi yearly)

    not many 18 year olds can afford a $4000 charge at once (for property taxes)

    but broken up over months, yes it’s doable.

    again though, it’s not like you are paying for the whole thing for landlord, remember there are units within apartments, so at worst you are paying a fraction of the total cost a landlord has to pay, which means, you aren’t paying as much as the landlord anyway

  • Jan 31, 2022

    this is a new level of stupid

    I know you’re not taking about me

  • Jan 31, 2022

    Tbh the idea of working in a place clear across town is crazy, at home or local for the win

  • Jan 31, 2022
    6 replies
    BlueChew Sean

    Idk, I'm just sick of every second post I see while scrolling through IG being a f***ing ad I blame capitalism for this overdrive advertisement s***hole the world has become. Every company launching their own streaming service to get a piece of the market. People paying ridiculous prices for low quality clothing just because it has a certain logo on it. I'd give anything for this f***ing bullshit to stop.

    a lot of it has more do with human nature than capitalism (imo)

    humans will always want to chase a bag or be part of a scheme to get rich

    now if we live in a society with all things equal and everyone gets paid essentially the same, where does the innovation come from?

    this is where me and communists / socialists heavily disagree. they think people will innovate just to innovate, all of the time

    to some extent, yes, but i’d argue the drive for becoming rich lights the spark under more people than just innovating for personal enjoyment. or even worse, they innovate for themselves and don’t share because there’s nothing to gain

    humans are inherently selfish - although i admit we’ve evolved to this - but in reality there’s no going back without another 100s to 1000s of years of reprogramming

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    because you aren’t paying the full cost of everything, additionally, the costs are broken off into rent payments. property taxes are done yearly (or bi yearly)

    not many 18 year olds can afford a $4000 charge at once (for property taxes)

    but broken up over months, yes it’s doable.

    again though, it’s not like you are paying for the whole thing for landlord, remember there are units within apartments, so at worst you are paying a fraction of the total cost a landlord has to pay, which means, you aren’t paying as much as the landlord anyway

    Owning a house at 18 hasn’t been economically viable for decades and it’s specifically BECAUSE landlords and real estate agencies own lots of housing that they won’t sell or purposefully inflate prices for because they’d rather have a source of income through extracting wealth than letting people own the place that they live

    Nowhere else in history have we explicitly prevented people from owning their own shelter for the sake of extracting value from them in exchange for that shelter. Not even in the feudal era did peasants pay rent for their huts

    It’s wrong and it must be ended so people can actually own homes again

  • Jan 31, 2022
    BlueChew Sean

    The railway system is already strained enough in my country with overcrowding and theft of infrastructure. There's no way it should be the main form of transportation for the entire country

    Remember seeing this, back in joburg, second pic is just a pity

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    I felt like Marx was spitting at the part he spoke about land and housing in the Communist Manifesto Very applicable to the current situation we have in modern South Africa. And I do feel like capitalism is lowkey responsible for the terrible state society is in today and we're heading fast to an unsustainable black hole because of Capitalism There's really no reason why people like Bezos and Musk should be as rich as they are while I drive past dozens of homeless people everyday But until people wake up and the system falls...

    Marx wrote:

    To prevent possible misunderstanding, a word. I paint the capitalist and the landlord in no sense couleur de rose (i.e., seen through rose-tinted glasses). But here individuals are dealt with only in so far as they are the personifications of economic categories, embodiments of particular class-relations and class-interests. My standpoint, from which the evolution of the economic formation of society is viewed as a process of natural history, can less than any other make the individual responsible for relations whose creature he socially remains, however much he may subjectively raise himself above them.


  • Jan 31, 2022
    2 replies
    hot pancakes

    there is an economic theory which claims capitalism is so efficient that it will inevitably destroy itself, so it is likely to happen

    the question is what remains

    societal collapse or a fully automated system ran by robots and AI?

    "there is an economic theory which claims capitalism is so efficient that it will inevitably destroy itself, so it is likely to happen"

    This is exactly what Marxists say lol

    Capitalism's success destroys itself from within gradually

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jan 31, 2022

    op mad cause he failed his driving test

    Thatd be the funniest s*** oat

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply

    "there is an economic theory which claims capitalism is so efficient that it will inevitably destroy itself, so it is likely to happen"

    This is exactly what Marxists say lol

    Capitalism's success destroys itself from within gradually

    Capitalism running out of resources due to its requirement of unlimited growth within a world of limited resources is not “efficiency”

  • Jan 31, 2022

    Capitalism running out of resources due to its requirement of unlimited growth within a world of limited resources is not “efficiency”

    It is efficient

    Just that this efficiency does not benefit the productive classes

    The game is rigged

    The efficiency is lining up bourgeois pockets for short-term benefits

    There is more wealth inequality in the USA right now according to a study I read than in feudal France pre-revolution

  • Jan 31, 2022


  • Jan 31, 2022
    3 replies
    hot pancakes

    a lot of it has more do with human nature than capitalism (imo)

    humans will always want to chase a bag or be part of a scheme to get rich

    now if we live in a society with all things equal and everyone gets paid essentially the same, where does the innovation come from?

    this is where me and communists / socialists heavily disagree. they think people will innovate just to innovate, all of the time

    to some extent, yes, but i’d argue the drive for becoming rich lights the spark under more people than just innovating for personal enjoyment. or even worse, they innovate for themselves and don’t share because there’s nothing to gain

    humans are inherently selfish - although i admit we’ve evolved to this - but in reality there’s no going back without another 100s to 1000s of years of reprogramming

    Simple question, why is technological innovation seen as an unambiguous good?
    People are so hung on how small they can get their iPhone bezel to be while happily advocating against political innovation for example.
    Tech bros are making billions of forcing everything onto the Internet and marketing it as green

  • Jan 31, 2022
    1 reply

    Owning a house at 18 hasn’t been economically viable for decades and it’s specifically BECAUSE landlords and real estate agencies own lots of housing that they won’t sell or purposefully inflate prices for because they’d rather have a source of income through extracting wealth than letting people own the place that they live

    Nowhere else in history have we explicitly prevented people from owning their own shelter for the sake of extracting value from them in exchange for that shelter. Not even in the feudal era did peasants pay rent for their huts

    It’s wrong and it must be ended so people can actually own homes again

    i’d argue that owning a house at 18 isn’t viable because at 18 you (generally) hardly have any money to buy your own food because you’ve been dependent on your parents your whole life and haven’t had any real world experience yet

    times are different now, but i’d take rent over living like a feudal peasant, especially because they were basically indentured servants to the land / lords / royals

    at least you have to ability to choose which type of place you’d like to live in, make try out different areas of the country (or even world)

    imagine having to buy a house everytime you wanted to move to a new state. the process is exhausting already. it’s much simpler to contact a landlord and rent than go through the whole sales process, which includes finding someone willing to pay for your property

  • Jan 31, 2022
    3 replies
    hot pancakes

    a lot of it has more do with human nature than capitalism (imo)

    humans will always want to chase a bag or be part of a scheme to get rich

    now if we live in a society with all things equal and everyone gets paid essentially the same, where does the innovation come from?

    this is where me and communists / socialists heavily disagree. they think people will innovate just to innovate, all of the time

    to some extent, yes, but i’d argue the drive for becoming rich lights the spark under more people than just innovating for personal enjoyment. or even worse, they innovate for themselves and don’t share because there’s nothing to gain

    humans are inherently selfish - although i admit we’ve evolved to this - but in reality there’s no going back without another 100s to 1000s of years of reprogramming

    This argument has been debunked more times than I can count

    Humanity is naturally altruistic and we are the most social beings to ever populate this earth. The idea that each human is inherently individualistic and has no interest in their community outside of potential personal benefit is not only well disproven but also illogical
