  • Oct 7, 2020

    im watching begins right now, lowkey better than dark knight bar ledgers performance

    Personally I f*** with Batman Begins more as well

  • Oct 7, 2020


  • Oct 7, 2020
    1 reply


    Superman: “Man, F*** GOTHAM P**** ASS MF SQUARE UP”
    Batman: “GRR.. mmph...”
    Superman: “FK I THOUGHT, HO ASS MF”

  • Oct 8, 2020

    Batman is a human mixing it up with boring ass gods and other superheroes that have a dozen different powers and abilities.

    Dude really is the GOAT

  • Oct 9, 2020
    1 reply

    batman beats anyone with prep time

  • Oct 9, 2020

    Batman is far and away the most interesting and complex comic book character ever created. Nobody cares about these poorly researched, uninformed, contrarian “hot takes” about Batman.

    His character is so popular and he has the most lauded films in comic book history that are universally accepted as great. As a result the only “original” opinion people can form about Batman is that he’s boring.

  • Oct 10, 2020

    Batman like clown bussy on some Andre Marhold s***

  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Ayye tho but if Batman is so great, why do yall have to defend him so hard
    If you believe he's great isn't that enough?

    If Batman saw yall this upset he'd probably call you a "re-t*rd"

  • Oct 10, 2020
    2 replies

    Ayye tho but if Batman is so great, why do yall have to defend him so hard
    If you believe he's great isn't that enough?

    If Batman saw yall this upset he'd probably call you a "re-t*rd"

    In all seriousness, Batman’s mentally unstable lmao

  • Oct 10, 2020

    In all seriousness, Batman’s mentally unstable lmao

    Aye im prolly a bigger batman fan than a lot of people in this thread but I'll rewatch something with Batman that I hadn't seen in years like "wtf is his deal

  • Oct 10, 2020

    In all seriousness, Batman’s mentally unstable lmao

    Part of the reason why he's so fascinating lol

  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Grown ass man obsessed with bats, f***ing loser

  • Oct 10, 2020
    2 replies
    neal walter

    Grown ass man obsessed with bats, f***ing loser

    In BvS he said criminals were like weeds. But taking out Superman might he the only thing he does that matters.
    Not prison reform.
    Not changing social conditions that hurt the vulnerable.
    Not checking on his employees that are maimed in collateral damage.
    But killing Superman will make a difference.

    Not only does he want people to stay in s***ty situations, he wants to kill their hope too

  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    I'd give him some credit for backing a non corrupt politician in Dark Knight if he wasn't salty about Harvey d***ing his chick down and letting the joker get to Dent twice.

  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    In BvS he said criminals were like weeds. But taking out Superman might he the only thing he does that matters.
    Not prison reform.
    Not changing social conditions that hurt the vulnerable.
    Not checking on his employees that are maimed in collateral damage.
    But killing Superman will make a difference.

    Not only does he want people to stay in s***ty situations, he wants to kill their hope too

    That's cuz he gets off more on punishing people than helping people, kinda like the police.

  • Oct 10, 2020
    neal walter

    That's cuz he gets off more on punishing people than helping people, kinda like the police.

    He punishing Gotham by letting joker live.
    They dont fear the bat signal they fear what it brings, clowns.

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    I'd give him some credit for backing a non corrupt politician in Dark Knight if he wasn't salty about Harvey d***ing his chick down and letting the joker get to Dent twice.

    Yall talking about this like its real life is hilarious

  • Oct 10, 2020
    · edited


  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Yall talking about this like its real life is hilarious

    OP made a whole thread and niggas came in here mad off of jokes made by casuals as if it mattered while simultaneously claiming it dont matter.

    I'm just trolling now and they keep biting

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Oct 10, 2020

    OP made a whole thread and niggas came in here mad off of jokes made by casuals as if it mattered while simultaneously claiming it dont matter.

    I'm just trolling now and they keep biting

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Oct 10, 2020

    with that being said downloading batman v superman extended cut now. seen theatrical twice but new to the extended

  • Oct 10, 2020


  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all see that Steven Seagall (idk how to spell it) got his own COPS-type show where he’s a cop going around harassing poor ppl and minorities? Some real irl Batman s***

  • Oct 11, 2020

    Y’all see that Steven Seagall (idk how to spell it) got his own COPS-type show where he’s a cop going around harassing poor ppl and minorities? Some real irl Batman s***
