only heard the chapter one tracks, about to begin my first listen now
can’t wait to hear this album man
had to play back ESP as soon as it ended the synths in the chorus sound beautiful
the drumming in it reminds me of the drums in Walk in The Park too
Really glad they did the chapters thing cause if I waited until now to hear it all it would probably feel same-y. When you sit with each song for a couple weeks it’s a completely different experience
Really glad they did the chapters thing cause if I waited until now to hear it all it would probably feel same-y. When you sit with each song for a couple weeks it’s a completely different experience
yeah i rly like how they did this albums rollout, worked out nicely
modern love stories outro was the best way they could’ve closed out the album
still processing it but so far it goes like 2 > 1 > 4 > 3 for me. superstar, pink funeral, ESP, new romance, masquerade & modern love stories are my favourites off the top, new romance is one of the best tracks they’ve ever done imo
This is so boring wtf why does every song sound the same
Yea their weakest record ive heard
This could have been trimmed down a bit, I will say. It monotonously drags on too long. I dig it though for what it is.
Feel like The Bells is straight from Devotion. Love this song so much
That guitar is immaculate... so perfect
Incredible f***ing show. I am stunned
What was it like !!! God I can’t wait
I dont know what tf happened to my post lmaoo. But yea the show was incredible. Most of the songs were from chapter 1 with some others mixed in like masquerade. And they did some extended jams on a few songs which were nice. And they did an encore, and then another encore after. They sound amazing live