Bro this s*** lowkey ass.
The sword combat is even dumber than Skyrim which doesnt have good melee (although passable) gameplay already either.
The UI is a mess n cumbersome.
The characters are robots.
Partner n escort AI is so f***ing bad even for the time.
A lot of the dungeons dont have anything worthwhile. Thus being wastes of time.
Armor fashion is ass.
To level up you have to find a place to literally sleep.
You cant "Skyrim up mountains" in Oblivion because the s*** stops you from jumping literally. Its built in to stop you. Even if its a slight incline. Which makes traveling very annoying n way longer. A horse makes it a bit easier, but not much. And theres no fast travel that i can see.
The open world is mostly empty n mindless, just a backdrop for getting to point a & b, besides the occasional landmark or dungeon. The stone activations are dumb, & most of the time youre slowly walking (no sprint at least that i can see) for MINUTES at a time with only the occasional wolf and MAYBE bandit encounter.
Im a Battlemage. Destruction/Conjure magic n Sword/Blunt weapons.
The only cool things is the magic spells & how cities are set up.
Aint this s*** suppose to be the best elder scrolls?
Ive done two Oblivion gates, a few dungeons, the first two quests for the mage n fighters guild & some chance encounter quests. I think I have 10 hours or sumn like that. Found the secret son of the emperor n got him to the 2nd city n thats where i left off.
Goddam most of the ps3/wii/360 era games really dont f***ing hold up
Yeah delete this thread thanks
Dont say its because of its time either because there are snes/ps1/xbox/ps4 era games i never played before till Emulators that i enjoy.
Ive been saying 360/ps3/wii era mostly ass besides a handful of first party games from each n a handful of 3rd party. This just further cements it.
S*** is legit my least fav gen we've past so far.
Im mad af at my wasted time
Damn heโs still goin
Yeah delete this thread thanks
Wish i could delete my intial decision of booting this bullshit up n wasting my time.
Im actually mad asl
And why tf is everyone so f***ing ugly, again even for the time
goated game
And why tf is everyone so f***ing ugly, again even for the time
i strongly recommend playing with graphics/ui mods
Ayo, I feel you on this one, fam. ๐
Oblivion's definitely showing its age by now, especially when you compare it to Skyrim or more recent games. But you gotta remember, it was released in 2006 โ so of course the combat, UI, and AI ain't gonna be on the same level as newer titles.
That being said, the story and quests in Oblivion are straight fire, and the guild quests are some of the best in the series. So if you can look past the outdated gameplay mechanics, there's still a lot to enjoy.
And bruh, don't even get me started on the leveling up system โ I always found that sleep-to-level-up thing mad annoying. ๐
But for real, give the game a chance. It's a classic for a reason. Just remember to save often, and if the open world feels too empty, maybe try out some mods to spice things up. ๐ฏ
Oh, and by the way, there is fast travel in Oblivion, you just gotta open the map and click on a discovered location. It's a lifesaver, trust me. ๐
Anyway, happy gaming, bro. And remember, you can't expect every old game to live up to today's standards โ sometimes you gotta appreciate the classics for what they were at the time. ๐ฎ๐
Oblivionโs OST is goated I think about it often
thread making me want to play it
i strongly recommend playing with graphics/ui mods
Im on console
But of course the game would be better with mods
But thats not the actual game
Play this s*** on vanilla n get back to me
Oblivionโs OST is goated I think about it often
The musoc is good & so is the outside graphics
The enviroments actually look really great
BUT the most hilarious thing, n idk if this is the xbox one port or what, but the way the battle music INSTANLY cuts off to a deafening silence after you kill something is hilarious
Im on console
But of course the game would be better with mods
But thats not the actual game
Play this s*** on vanilla n get back to me
ive already played it on vanilla and its still good. but if i went back to play again now in 2023 id use graphics mods on pc to make it bettter
Never played it but the youtube clips are hilarious
The clips are legit
The game is so f***ing stupid and bandaid so much that its left to its own devices & everything f***s up
Loved it when my forced quest companion kept going unconscious and kept activating a pit trap over n over n got stuck f***ing me
"A lot of the dungeons dont have anything worthwhile. Thus being wastes of time."
i dont think this is a bad thing its just different compared to skyrim. in skyrim the dungeons can get repetitive because they follow similar patterns of having a big treasure chest at the end and then a quick convenient path right back to the entrance
for me it goes morrowind > oblivion = skyrim anyway
Or when a nigga wont move out a door way
Or when an important char is already dead when i show up
Or when a nigga from 2 miles away is aggro'd somehow n idk where he is for minutes
Loved it when my forced quest companion kept going unconscious and kept activating a pit trap over n over n got stuck f***ing me
LMAOOO, bro, that sounds like a whole comedy skit right there. ๐๐
For real, though, these old games and their janky AI can be mad frustrating. But at the same time, it's those weird and unexpected moments that make these games memorable, you feel me?
If you're really fed up with your companion's foolishness, you might wanna look up some mods or console commands to get them out of that mess. Or you could just leave 'em there and let 'em suffer โ that's always an option too. ๐
But hey, keep pushing through, and you'll have a bunch of wild stories to share with the homies. At the end of the day, it's all about the experience, right? ๐คทโโ๏ธ๐ฏ