  • Mar 22, 2023
    1 reply

    Skyblivion soon

  • rvi 🐸
    Mar 22, 2023
    FKA Tadow

    Skyblivion soon

    Skywind soon too

  • greatest game of all time. Skyrim doesn't have half the soul Oblivion has

  • Oblivion's engine is so bad it makes it fun

  • Mar 22, 2023

    never replayed it but i remember being 1000% immersed in this game as kid i think i completed every single quest

  • Mar 22, 2023

    you had to be there man

  • Mar 23, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    And why tf is everyone so f***ing ugly, again even for the time

    Nightmare fuel fr

  • Mar 23, 2023
  • Mar 23, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Dont say its because of its time either because there are snes/ps1/xbox/ps4 era games i never played before till Emulators that i enjoy.

    Ive been saying 360/ps3/wii era mostly ass besides a handful of first party games from each n a handful of 3rd party. This just further cements it.

    S*** is legit my least fav gen we've past so far.

    Im mad af at my wasted time

    How can you say the 360/PS3 era is trash it has all of the best games

  • Mar 24, 2023
    2 replies

    How can you say the 360/PS3 era is trash it has all of the best games

    Most of them are ass or just fine.

    Only a few are worthwhile.

    The best games are PS2/Og Xbox & N64/PS2.
    Its the best in terms of multiplayer for console tho.

    Most of the games of that era are pretty much colorless for "realisim" (which doesnt even make sense in the first place, real life has hella color even deserts & cities) which hurts their timelessness even more, a lot of them are either overly serious or ridiculously edgy which neither side most of them can pull off, the era is full of shovelware the most of any other era, the era killed off many genres besides FPSs & RPGs, many games are rehashed or literal ripoffs of others (probably due to the abundance of shovelwar titles n companies) while homongenizing gaming to a ridiuclous point that we're slowly getting out of.

    My fav games of the ps3/wii/x360 era tho:

    Dark Souls 1
    Super Mario Galaxy 1 n 2
    Mass Effect 2
    God of War 3
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
    Fallout NV & 3
    Bioshock 1 & Infinite
    Halo 3 & Reach
    Metroid Prime 3
    Dishonered 1
    Dead Space 1
    Monster Hunter 3

    My fav multiplayer game:

    Battlefield 3

    Outside of those im good. The library is good 5 percent ok 10 percent and terrible 85 percent imo.

    I haven't played Half Life 2 or the Portsls besides a lil bit at a friends. Idc about Borderlands, Assassins Creed, Uncharted, COD or Far Cry. The Last of Us & Red Dead Redemption 1 (i love RDR 2 tho) is ok, they have great stories but their gameplay weak n sometimes annoying. Little Big Planet series is fun for what it is but its nothing that lasts worthwhile for me. Killzone & Resistance are some of the most missed potential of all time that ended up mediocre as hell n look terrible nowadays. Gears of War series is mind numbing & whack to me and are also super ugly n rough nowadays. And i was never into the Arkham games theyre repetitive to me (although i dont hate them).

    Wii is the only console i ever had buyers remorse for so far.

  • Mar 24, 2023

    Nightmare fuel fr

    Argonians & Khajits got a big glow up in Skyrim i need their skin treatment routine that got em up like that ASAP!

  • Mar 24, 2023
    1 reply
    fwt 2

    Can we acknowledge that he said there’s no fast travel. Not only is there fast travel but i’m pretty sure you can straight up fast travel to all the cities without having been there

    I didnt know that, the map doesnt even seem like you can click on anything & the ui is a mess.

    But i also said "that i can see" because i knew there was something i was probably missing.

    I rarely use fast travel in any game as is, but yeah knowing i could fast travel and avoid the terrible n empty open world for the most part would have been a blessing.

    Doesnt negate everything else i said tho. "No fast travel" isnt even top 5 of my complaints. Its the s***ty combat, terrible robotic characters, dungeons that rarely have anything useful, terrible UI & the baffling dialogue.

    Honorable mention to the trash AI & the game literally stopping you from going up even a SLIGHT incline in the open world.

  • Mar 24, 2023

    Kotor 1 had better AI, Dialogue, & more lively dynamic characters 4 years prior than Oblivion on a previous gen console bro.

    And you can say this next part isnt a fair comparison since Oblivion is mostly all one world, but still, Kotor also had more going on in its mini open worlds.

  • Mar 24, 2023
    Water Giver

    I didnt know that, the map doesnt even seem like you can click on anything & the ui is a mess.

    But i also said "that i can see" because i knew there was something i was probably missing.

    I rarely use fast travel in any game as is, but yeah knowing i could fast travel and avoid the terrible n empty open world for the most part would have been a blessing.

    Doesnt negate everything else i said tho. "No fast travel" isnt even top 5 of my complaints. Its the s***ty combat, terrible robotic characters, dungeons that rarely have anything useful, terrible UI & the baffling dialogue.

    Honorable mention to the trash AI & the game literally stopping you from going up even a SLIGHT incline in the open world.

    This game is 17 years old and put together a full package that is still discussed every single day online. Yes parts haven’t aged well I assume but you’re also playing it for the first time as an adult in 2023. When I was 11 in 2009 playing this on my Xbox the flaws weren’t as apparent

  • Mar 24, 2023
    Water Giver

    Bro this s*** lowkey ass.

    The sword combat is even dumber than Skyrim which doesnt have good melee (although passable) gameplay already either.

    The UI is a mess n cumbersome.

    The characters are robots.

    Partner n escort AI is so f***ing bad even for the time.

    A lot of the dungeons dont have anything worthwhile. Thus being wastes of time.

    Armor fashion is ass.

    To level up you have to find a place to literally sleep.

    You cant "Skyrim up mountains" in Oblivion because the s*** stops you from jumping literally. Its built in to stop you. Even if its a slight incline. Which makes traveling very annoying n way longer. A horse makes it a bit easier, but not much. And theres no fast travel that i can see.

    The open world is mostly empty n mindless, just a backdrop for getting to point a & b, besides the occasional landmark or dungeon. The stone activations are dumb, & most of the time youre slowly walking (no sprint at least that i can see) for MINUTES at a time with only the occasional wolf and MAYBE bandit encounter.

    Im a Battlemage. Destruction/Conjure magic n Sword/Blunt weapons.

    The only cool things is the magic spells & how cities are set up.

    I mean, all of these are fair point's to the extent of you're playing a 16 year old game, yea a lot of it is very annoying/antiquated which makes it harder to get into if it's your first playthrough.

    You are also wrong, it's way better than Skryim and I don't have the words to describe it outside of better lore, more incentives with the side quests, it doesn't hold your hand and uh, idk I didn't play this until 2013 after thinking Skyrim was f***ing ass and this made me respect Elder Scrolls as a franchise so

  • Mar 24, 2023

    @op tho have you ever played Morrowind?

    This thread is 100% more fitting for that game if we keeping it a buck

  • Mar 24, 2023

    Ayo, I feel you on this one, fam. 😂

    Oblivion's definitely showing its age by now, especially when you compare it to Skyrim or more recent games. But you gotta remember, it was released in 2006 – so of course the combat, UI, and AI ain't gonna be on the same level as newer titles.

    That being said, the story and quests in Oblivion are straight fire, and the guild quests are some of the best in the series. So if you can look past the outdated gameplay mechanics, there's still a lot to enjoy.

    And bruh, don't even get me started on the leveling up system – I always found that sleep-to-level-up thing mad annoying. 😒

    But for real, give the game a chance. It's a classic for a reason. Just remember to save often, and if the open world feels too empty, maybe try out some mods to spice things up. 💯

    Oh, and by the way, there is fast travel in Oblivion, you just gotta open the map and click on a discovered location. It's a lifesaver, trust me. 😏

    Anyway, happy gaming, bro. And remember, you can't expect every old game to live up to today's standards – sometimes you gotta appreciate the classics for what they were at the time. 🎮👊

    AI NPC ass nigga 😂

  • Mar 24, 2023

    Bro shut the f*** up

  • Mar 24, 2023

    thieves guild was so kino linking up with the gang behind an old building, waterfront slums always at night

    dark brotherhood more twists and turns than a pretzel

    blades hideaway temple in the mountains

    getting suspended from the mages guild

    the ARENA

    immersion was on another level man

  • Mar 24, 2023
    Water Giver

    Most of them are ass or just fine.

    Only a few are worthwhile.

    The best games are PS2/Og Xbox & N64/PS2.
    Its the best in terms of multiplayer for console tho.

    Most of the games of that era are pretty much colorless for "realisim" (which doesnt even make sense in the first place, real life has hella color even deserts & cities) which hurts their timelessness even more, a lot of them are either overly serious or ridiculously edgy which neither side most of them can pull off, the era is full of shovelware the most of any other era, the era killed off many genres besides FPSs & RPGs, many games are rehashed or literal ripoffs of others (probably due to the abundance of shovelwar titles n companies) while homongenizing gaming to a ridiuclous point that we're slowly getting out of.

    My fav games of the ps3/wii/x360 era tho:

    Dark Souls 1
    Super Mario Galaxy 1 n 2
    Mass Effect 2
    God of War 3
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
    Fallout NV & 3
    Bioshock 1 & Infinite
    Halo 3 & Reach
    Metroid Prime 3
    Dishonered 1
    Dead Space 1
    Monster Hunter 3

    My fav multiplayer game:

    Battlefield 3

    Outside of those im good. The library is good 5 percent ok 10 percent and terrible 85 percent imo.

    I haven't played Half Life 2 or the Portsls besides a lil bit at a friends. Idc about Borderlands, Assassins Creed, Uncharted, COD or Far Cry. The Last of Us & Red Dead Redemption 1 (i love RDR 2 tho) is ok, they have great stories but their gameplay weak n sometimes annoying. Little Big Planet series is fun for what it is but its nothing that lasts worthwhile for me. Killzone & Resistance are some of the most missed potential of all time that ended up mediocre as hell n look terrible nowadays. Gears of War series is mind numbing & whack to me and are also super ugly n rough nowadays. And i was never into the Arkham games theyre repetitive to me (although i dont hate them).

    Wii is the only console i ever had buyers remorse for so far.

    What didn't you like about RDR gameplay?

  • Mar 24, 2023

    Hopped over from morrowind a few days ago, mechanics wise its much better but morrowind had a vibe to it. I miss it.

  • Mar 24, 2023
    Water Giver

    Most of them are ass or just fine.

    Only a few are worthwhile.

    The best games are PS2/Og Xbox & N64/PS2.
    Its the best in terms of multiplayer for console tho.

    Most of the games of that era are pretty much colorless for "realisim" (which doesnt even make sense in the first place, real life has hella color even deserts & cities) which hurts their timelessness even more, a lot of them are either overly serious or ridiculously edgy which neither side most of them can pull off, the era is full of shovelware the most of any other era, the era killed off many genres besides FPSs & RPGs, many games are rehashed or literal ripoffs of others (probably due to the abundance of shovelwar titles n companies) while homongenizing gaming to a ridiuclous point that we're slowly getting out of.

    My fav games of the ps3/wii/x360 era tho:

    Dark Souls 1
    Super Mario Galaxy 1 n 2
    Mass Effect 2
    God of War 3
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
    Fallout NV & 3
    Bioshock 1 & Infinite
    Halo 3 & Reach
    Metroid Prime 3
    Dishonered 1
    Dead Space 1
    Monster Hunter 3

    My fav multiplayer game:

    Battlefield 3

    Outside of those im good. The library is good 5 percent ok 10 percent and terrible 85 percent imo.

    I haven't played Half Life 2 or the Portsls besides a lil bit at a friends. Idc about Borderlands, Assassins Creed, Uncharted, COD or Far Cry. The Last of Us & Red Dead Redemption 1 (i love RDR 2 tho) is ok, they have great stories but their gameplay weak n sometimes annoying. Little Big Planet series is fun for what it is but its nothing that lasts worthwhile for me. Killzone & Resistance are some of the most missed potential of all time that ended up mediocre as hell n look terrible nowadays. Gears of War series is mind numbing & whack to me and are also super ugly n rough nowadays. And i was never into the Arkham games theyre repetitive to me (although i dont hate them).

    Wii is the only console i ever had buyers remorse for so far.

    What does shovel war mean Ive never encountered that term before

  • Mar 26, 2023
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Im on console

    But of course the game would be better with mods

    But thats not the actual game

    Play this s*** on vanilla n get back to me

    “I’m on console”

    There’s your first problem

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Mar 26, 2023
    2 replies

    “I’m on console”

    There’s your first problem

    I have oblivion installed on steam and never played it

    should i put any mods on, thinking graphical or qol for a first run

  • Mar 26, 2023

    I have oblivion installed on steam and never played it

    should i put any mods on, thinking graphical or qol for a first run

    Nexus mod manager now has mod collections that includes a ton of mods together that are already tested.