  • Tubig 🌊
    Apr 9, 2020

    I hope someone proves me wrong, but I cant stop but feel like he abandoned us right in the middle of a pandemic.

    Was he losing? sure. Did he not have a chance in winning? sure.

    But to straight up drop out? wave the white flag and accept defeat? That was f***ed up. And he obviously did it to save face to the DNC and give them a heads up to plan their next move.

    How can the people in the future even think of voting progressive in the future when the MAN himself accepts defeat in the middle of a pandemic and people are getting f***ed by the economy?

    He was the voice of the people and he just decides to abandoned them, proving that you can not beat the elites and corrupt politicians.

    Maybe I'm on my feelings rn, maybe im wrong...but I cant stop but feel this way.

    I dunno, I just respected the man so much, and if he kneels and endorses and rallies for Biden like we all know he will, then I think we really dont have hope anymore

    He didn't straight up drop out. He suspended the campaign, he asked for people to continue voting for him but with his odds basically at 0 he wasn't going to keep campaigning in the middle of a pandemic when people shouldn't be going to the polls.

    The math didn't provide him a chance, so urging people to go to the polls didn't make any sense anymore.

  • Apr 9, 2020
    2 replies

    Yall niggas keep saying forced like damn. I really think some of you live in a video game.

    Forced all the candidates but Warren and Biden to drop out?

    People drop out of elections all the time. Why do you niggas turn the simplest s*** into a conspiracy

  • Apr 9, 2020
    1 reply

    cant wait for my man Trump to f*** these pathetic ass democrats in the ass

  • Apr 9, 2020
    1 reply

    cant wait for my man Trump to f*** these pathetic ass democrats in the ass


  • Apr 9, 2020


    its what this country deserves at this point
    I cant believe they f***ed over Bernie again :(

  • Apr 9, 2020

    What? Bloomberg and Warren dropped out after Super Tuesday

    Klobuchar and Buttigieg dropped out before Super Tuesday.

    You're the clown here brother and you obviously didn't pay attention to the race.

    And everyone else dropped out way before Super Tuesday and the 1st caucus besides Yang

    Also that's a crazy good conclusion you came to. It doesn't even logically follow, and the fact you think people don't normally drop out when they have no viable path is hilarious.
    Can't imagine how uninformed niggas are, even on a Kanye Best forum.

  • Tubig 🌊
    Apr 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Yall niggas keep saying forced like damn. I really think some of you live in a video game.

    Forced all the candidates but Warren and Biden to drop out?

    People drop out of elections all the time. Why do you niggas turn the simplest s*** into a conspiracy

    Pete finished top 2 in the first 2 primaries then dropped out before the biggest day of primaries. That's literally never happened before. Then he literally said he didn't want to be the reason Bernie had an insurmountable lead.

    Warren stayed in to leech the progressive votes, and when she finally did drop out she refused to endorse the last progressive in the race.

    They literally conspired against Bernie.

  • Apr 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Pete finished top 2 in the first 2 primaries then dropped out before the biggest day of primaries. That's literally never happened before. Then he literally said he didn't want to be the reason Bernie had an insurmountable lead.

    Warren stayed in to leech the progressive votes, and when she finally did drop out she refused to endorse the last progressive in the race.

    They literally conspired against Bernie.

    I'm gonna stop replying to these posts with this King.

    You are assuming bad faith in the actions of everyone but Bernie.

    Warren dropped out after realizing she had no path. She refused to endorse him because her endorsement isn't beholden to Bernie because they share a base of voters. (And Warren got practically no votes)

    Pete finished top 2 and then got eviscerated in South Carolina and realizing he lacked a strong African American voterbase that he had no path to victory. Also Pete said to coalesce around him not Biden, not that he didn't want to be the reason Bernie had an insurmountable lead (????)

    Also it doesn't matter if someone else dropping out after finishing top 2 in a Caucus and a primary has never happened before (Which I doubt is true). What matters are if his reasons are legitimate

  • He had two choices, keep fighting a losing war which in the end would only serve to see Trump elected again, or bite the bullet. Sometimes you do things you don't like, but everyone's main goal here is to see Trump out of office.

  • Tubig 🌊
    Apr 9, 2020

    I'm gonna stop replying to these posts with this King.

    You are assuming bad faith in the actions of everyone but Bernie.

    Warren dropped out after realizing she had no path. She refused to endorse him because her endorsement isn't beholden to Bernie because they share a base of voters. (And Warren got practically no votes)

    Pete finished top 2 and then got eviscerated in South Carolina and realizing he lacked a strong African American voterbase that he had no path to victory. Also Pete said to coalesce around him not Biden, not that he didn't want to be the reason Bernie had an insurmountable lead (????)

    Also it doesn't matter if someone else dropping out after finishing top 2 in a Caucus and a primary has never happened before (Which I doubt is true). What matters are if his reasons are legitimate

    "If the dynamics of the race did not dramatically change, Democrats could end up coming out of Super Tuesday with Bernie Sanders holding a seemingly insurmountable delegate lead," the campaign wrote in a memo released Thursday.

    You're arguing with reality my man

    While they were dropping out and flying to Texas to support Biden, Warren was using her post-SC speech to s*** on Bernie. She's not beholden to anyone she can do what she wants, and if that's turning her back on the progressive movement she claimed then so be it.

  • Apr 9, 2020

    He's putting the movement in our hands now it's up to us to carry it on.

  • Apr 9, 2020

    he was not going to win. He didn't abandon us. Would you rather he not advocate for Biden? I'd much rather vote for Joe Biden than Trump and so should every Bernie supporter.

  • Apr 9, 2020
    1 reply

    didn't half of the country not even vote yet

    Biden would have had to lose every remaining state by 20 points to lose his lead, and would have to lose by 8 points in every state to have a contested convention. Considering he was repeatedly winning the elections, that seems basically impossible.

  • Apr 9, 2020

    Biden would have had to lose every remaining state by 20 points to lose his lead, and would have to lose by 8 points in every state to have a contested convention. Considering he was repeatedly winning the elections, that seems basically impossible.

  • FREE 💜
    Apr 9, 2020
    1 reply

    we need a trump persona + bernies ideas

    Kanye told y'all

  • Apr 9, 2020
    2 replies

    Kanye told y'all


  • Apr 9, 2020

    When your state's primaries happen, still vote for Bernie. It'll give him more delegates at the DNC convention, theoretically giving him more influence on any potential changes made to Biden's platform

  • KuntaKinte

    Abandoned you? Nigga his name is still on the ballot. He has no path to victory. He us still in the senate.
    Leave that nigga alone, damn

  • FREE 💜
    Apr 9, 2020
    2 replies


    He literally said it in the Charlemagne interview in 2018 when he came out as a Trump supporter he said exactly that.

    "My ideal candidate is Trump attitude with Bernie policies"

    He's been clear about it since too but everyone focused on the Trump part

  • Apr 9, 2020
    1 reply

    He literally said it in the Charlemagne interview in 2018 when he came out as a Trump supporter he said exactly that.

    "My ideal candidate is Trump attitude with Bernie policies"

    He's been clear about it since too but everyone focused on the Trump part

    kanye 2024

  • rezyk


  • FREE

    He literally said it in the Charlemagne interview in 2018 when he came out as a Trump supporter he said exactly that.

    "My ideal candidate is Trump attitude with Bernie policies"

    He's been clear about it since too but everyone focused on the Trump part

    i think he was more talking about what hed be like as a president

  • FREE 💜
    Apr 9, 2020
    1 reply

    kanye 2024

  • Apr 9, 2020

    imagine the debates

  • Apr 9, 2020

    Bernie abandoned you in 2016 when he join Hillary and the establishment.

    you keep putting hope in these "progressive" candidates. they are all frauds.

    Beto, Yang, Tulsi, Bernie , AOC etc... all of them have gave in to the establishment. you guys keep falling for this s***.

    never fall in love with a politician. that way, you just stay making excuses for their lack of action and spine, instead of holding their feet to the fire. many bernie supporters are still in denial just like obama and trump voters