  • Jan 5, 2020

    Bet Miura doesnt even know what to do with it rn

    He might not, but he takes his time with releasing so even if he doesn't yet he'll eventually figure it out

  • Jan 8, 2020

    finally started reading... Finished the Golden Age Arc yesterday and I gotta say I wasn't ready for how f***ed up it would get

    But this Arc's a 10/10 easily

    Can't wait to read Conviction arc but I have zero money left after buying 14 volumes lol (yes I know I can read them online but I like collecting things)

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply

    F*** Griffith forever btw

  • Jan 8, 2020

    saw the first and only season to the 90's anime and got hooked.

  • Jan 8, 2020
    3 replies

    F*** Griffith forever btw

    griffith did nothing wrong.

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply

    griffith did nothing wrong.

    Yeah no

  • Jan 8, 2020

    The moment he dry humped casca while he was wounded I knew he was a lost cause

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I still don’t know what Griffith is, is he a demon or something between a demon and a hero Created to bring everyone together

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah no

    Griffith did a lot of things wrong

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply
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    Griffith did a lot of things wrong

    I hate this mf

  • Jan 8, 2020

    Will never finish

  • Jan 8, 2020
    Larry Ishvalan Fox

    I still don’t know what Griffith is, is he a demon or something between a demon and a hero Created to bring everyone together

    It's all down to perspective. Both yours and the characters themselves. As femto he was declared the fifth angel of the godhand, and the apostles themselves view all the godhand as such. But to humanity it all comes down to what face they're wearing. Griffith in his beautiful human form is obviously seen as a messiah to his people and an angel, but had they seen his form as Femto and known the truth of what's hes really done they would call him a Demon. Guts obviously sees them as Demons cause of what has happened to him and all that hes gone through. But really what's the difference when the god in the world is called the idea of evil lol.

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I hate this mf

  • Jan 8, 2020
    2 replies

    griffith did nothing wrong.

    Facts. They were f***ing mercenaries. They all knew what it was from the jump. None of them niggas were innocent either. All murderers, robbers, etc.

  • MeechMercury

    Facts. They were f***ing mercenaries. They all knew what it was from the jump. None of them niggas were innocent either. All murderers, robbers, etc.

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Facts. They were f***ing mercenaries. They all knew what it was from the jump. None of them niggas were innocent either. All murderers, robbers, etc.

    Him raping Casca was wrong plain and simple, so was forcing Guts to watch this all happen. Sacrificing them all for his dream on the other hand? Yeah they had committed to him but in making such a decision Griffith did it as he held his dream to such a high regard over all. Its purposefully selfish. He did a lot wrong that you cant seriously argue for, theres also a difference between having them willingly join you and die on the battlefield and having them be part of a ritual slaughter. S*** is morally wrong even if you were to just view it as Griffith cashing in on the fact they were willing to die for him

  • LuJo

    griffith is the best villain EVER lmao. every nigga knows a backstabbing nigga that is just like him

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply
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    Him raping Casca was wrong plain and simple, so was forcing Guts to watch this all happen. Sacrificing them all for his dream on the other hand? Yeah they had committed to him but in making such a decision Griffith did it as he held his dream to such a high regard over all. Its purposefully selfish. He did a lot wrong that you cant seriously argue for, theres also a difference between having them willingly join you and die on the battlefield and having them be part of a ritual slaughter. S*** is morally wrong even if you were to just view it as Griffith cashing in on the fact they were willing to die for him

    Rape was wrong, the rest still their fault. They basically joined a cult. Not his fault they didn’t realize. They were all evil people

  • Jan 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Ok lol I’m PARTIALLY trolling but I honestly don’t put full blame on him

  • Jan 9, 2020

    Rape was wrong, the rest still their fault. They basically joined a cult. Not his fault they didn’t realize. They were all evil people

    I hate those kinda cults that you join and never realise it was a cult cause you werent doing cult s***. A cult of personality is fitting though
    Guts was full in on the whole cultish, secret mission stuff though tbf lol.

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Ok lol I’m PARTIALLY trolling but I honestly don’t put full blame on him

    Yeah he did a lot wrong, I love him as a character though. Long live Falconia

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply
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    Yeah he did a lot wrong, I love him as a character though. Long live Falconia

    said it before, but man, your avy is goat

  • Jan 9, 2020

    gotta find me a new griffith one
