said it before, but man, your avy is goat
Thanks I appreciate it. I'll probably change it up eventually but I do love this avi a hell of a lot. Theres so much good griffith artwork out there, both official and fanmade
Hopefully no one, but if I had to say who I would miss the least it would be Serpico. Havent got anything against him though really
I mean Griffith sacrificing them to demons was a bit much even if they agreed to join him
got an appointment to get this tatted soon
where on your body are you getting it?
where on your body are you getting it?
im thinkin wrist
might change to further up the arm not sure yet
im thinkin wrist
might change to further up the arm not sure yet
post pix when you get it done
Whats y'all favorite arc ?
conviction arc goat asf
black swordsman arc underrated imo, doesn't have as much depth as the others but still solid and gets you straight into the action
wat do you think will finish first berserk or vagabond ?
Berserk. Pretty sure they will never finish vagabond
Berserk. Pretty sure they will never finish vagabond
yea Inoue completely forgot about vagabonds existence but berserk's story seems so grand that I can't imagine how you would write it's ending
conviction arc goat asf
black swordsman arc underrated imo, doesn't have as much depth as the others but still solid and gets you straight into the action
I love Black Swordsman, Golden âge is a masterpiece, only read the two first parts of conviction but I like it so far
Berserk was what got me into "real" anime when I found a dubbed copy at computer camp back in 2001. Awesome show - really would love to see a Vinland style creation for it. <3
wat do you think will finish first berserk or vagabond ?
unsure if either will finish, especially with miura releasing duranki
but berserk we have no idea abt the ending,
vagabond is at least based on other works and real events where you can kinda predict what they were going for
unsure if either will finish, especially with miura releasing duranki
but berserk we have no idea abt the ending,
vagabond is at least based on other works and real events where you can kinda predict what they were going for
I mean vagabond has literally only one fight left idk why it's taking so long for inoue to finish it
s*** fresh as hell but i love it
"You have now been marked with the Brand of Sacrifice. The lives of those who bear the Brand, from the last drop of blood, to the last moment of your agonizing death, will feed life to the new Child of Darkness."
It looks real nice, I'd want to get a Berserk related tattoo one day ngl
Whats y'all favorite arc ?
Black Swordsman arc for me, Golden Age close second though.
I forgot to post before but I got these real nice laminated bookmarks from a secret santa I did. Using one in the manga currently