i have hot honey but i never use it unless i get pizza and even then i only use it on my last slice
what do u put it on?
salad dressing, marinades, cocktails, fried chicken, certain veggies you want to glaze with and then roast (carrots, squash, etc.), absolute smacks on some plain vanilla ice cream or plain greek yogurt, sometimes I f*** around and put some in my tea did a stir fry yesterday and added about a tablespoon in, that worked too
salad dressing, marinades, cocktails, fried chicken, certain veggies you want to glaze with and then roast (carrots, squash, etc.), absolute smacks on some plain vanilla ice cream or plain greek yogurt, sometimes I f*** around and put some in my tea did a stir fry yesterday and added about a tablespoon in, that worked too
oh yea fried chicken and honey fire but i rarely make fried chicken at home
Damn @op i literally came in here to post this lol:
Which El Yuca is your fave? I put the green habanero sauce on everything. My a****** stay burning but the flavor is too good to give up
Damn @op i literally came in here to post this lol:
Which El Yuca is your fave? I put the green habanero sauce on everything. My a****** stay burning but the flavor is too good to give up
Green habanero was my go to ran out a while back and just re ordered but made this thread to see what else is good out there lmao
Sinai Gourmet, doesn't use any vinegar in his sauces so they're super fresh tasting. Wide range of spice levels too, check em out:
just ordered these
these look fire i'm excited
nothin wrong wit basic. tabasco is timeless
ngl sometimes i just need that vinegary s*** i love it
just ordered these
these look fire i'm excited
real second one is easily one of the hottest sauces I’ve ever tried. That s*** will blow your head off but it still tastes so good
I’ve been in the hot sauce game for over a decade, and I can confidently say it’s this and it’s not even close:
@SlicedBread will get this thread right
Store bought. Yucateco for sure.
I think its hard to choose one because there's SO MANY sauces.
I recently had this from Montreal, QC. Crack in a bottle. Good on any meat.
I’ve been in the hot sauce game for over a decade, and I can confidently say it’s this and it’s not even close:
I need to try this one
It was a half full bottle of hot sauce from this guy who was selling a homemade recipe. Boy I made that bottle last as long as I could, never tasted hot sauce like that before or since. Had no idea it could have that much flavor.
Somehow he ran out of business
just ordered these
these look fire i'm excited
Report back in here and @ me when these come in please..
@project I can't find the thread but someone on here swore by this one:
See a lot of good things about it from other people and that brand has a range of flavors and spice levels: