  • Feb 22, 2023

    I live 30 miles from East Palestine, I dont give a f*** if Biden shows up or not. He had months long secret trip planned it wasn't "instead".

    This smells like R f***ery as usual.

    Pretty telling a this area is highly red so they want to spin this as FEMA bad, Biden bad, instead of having the people stop voting for politicians who receive donations to de-regulate.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    I agree of course but in reality everything is political theater in this country, even disasters and tragedies.

    And yet somehow Biden even fails at political theater that would have benefitted Ohio and his own approval

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    And? It's not a bad policy. 99.9% of asylum claims from the southern border are fraudulent hustles to enter the country illegally. You're supposed to go to the nearest safe country to seek asylum, not bypass all of the less desireable ones until you arrive at the one that's most economically beneficial for you

    Hardmode for liberals: don't complain about skyrocketing rent, grocery prices, and insurance premiums when you also support unfettered illegal immigration, which increases the demand and scarcity of basic sustenance.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    And? It's not a bad policy. 99.9% of asylum claims from the southern border are fraudulent hustles to enter the country illegally. You're supposed to go to the nearest safe country to seek asylum, not bypass all of the less desireable ones until you arrive at the one that's most economically beneficial for you

    Hardmode for liberals: don't complain about skyrocketing rent, grocery prices, and insurance premiums when you also support unfettered illegal immigration, which increases the demand and scarcity of basic sustenance.

    do you not think it's funny that biden campaigned on remain in mexico being inhumane and racist only to then literally implement it lol

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    The only good Biden has done has been reinstating Trump policies that he originally got rid of, to make him look better/tougher. (Insulin, border, etc.)

  • Feb 22, 2023

    And yet somehow Biden even fails at political theater that would have benefitted Ohio and his own approval

    Eh, I'm not sure I'd go that far. It's a failure on the part of Biden for sure but in reality as far as political theater from a Dem perspective it'd be appealing to a base in a red county they don't think would vote for them anyway. Plus, acknowledging this as a disaster would mean validating his f*** up of the railroad union reforms and the incompetence of his transportation secretary pick. An equivalent would be like, if Trump went to San Francisco to talk about the s***trafficking epidemic. Like it's not gonna gain him any votes and he knows that, and anyone concerned with the issue isn't changing their mind about it. From a completely political perspective, it makes sense that Biden treated it this way

  • Feb 22, 2023
    2 replies

    The only good Biden has done has been reinstating Trump policies that he originally got rid of, to make him look better/tougher. (Insulin, border, etc.)

    pulling out of afghanistan was a good decision i'll continue to defend regardless of the optics of the process of such

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    do you not think it's funny that biden campaigned on remain in mexico being inhumane and racist only to then literally implement it lol

    Of course I do, it's the most hilarious part of American politics. Democrats routinely appropriate the most criticized elements of Republican policies, and once they get in power, expand on them. Case and point: Bloomberg in NYC expanding unconstitutional stop-and-frisks and illegal searches that were originally spearheaded by Giuliani. Or Obama expanding illegal mass surveillance and foreign drone striking despite positioning himself as their biggest adversary before he was elected.

    There's really only one party in America, and it's the plutocrats. It doesn't matter who wins or loses; lobbyists, billionaire donors, and party financiers ultimately control both sides of the aisle.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    pulling out of afghanistan was a good decision i'll continue to defend regardless of the optics of the process of such

    All he did was keep Trump’s word, and failed at doing so in a safe and smart way (left weapons, lives, etc). I think it would have made him look like a warmonger (he is, look at Ukraine) if he had stayed, which is why he was forced to follow through. I think it’s better that he followed through with it vs staying, but a competent person, even Trump, would have done so a lot differently/more effectively.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    2 replies

    Of course I do, it's the most hilarious part of American politics. Democrats routinely appropriate the most criticized elements of Republican policies, and once they get in power, expand on them. Case and point: Bloomberg in NYC expanding unconstitutional stop-and-frisks and illegal searches that were originally spearheaded by Giuliani. Or Obama expanding illegal mass surveillance and foreign drone striking despite positioning himself as their biggest adversary before he was elected.

    There's really only one party in America, and it's the plutocrats. It doesn't matter who wins or loses; lobbyists, billionaire donors, and party financiers ultimately control both sides of the aisle.

    If there was ever an exception or someone that threatened the one party, it was Trump. Whether you agree with him or not. Ukraine would not have happened under him, nor would the balloon or whatever is coming next.

  • krishna bound

    pulling out of afghanistan was a good decision i'll continue to defend regardless of the optics of the process of such

    Agree with this. The extraction was sloppy, but at least he made the definitive decision to do it and get it over with. Yes, the Taliban acquired American weaponry, but America was already arming the Taliban with their ordinance directly and through shipment diversions anyways lol.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    If there was ever an exception or someone that threatened the one party, it was Trump. Whether you agree with him or not. Ukraine would not have happened under him, nor would the balloon or whatever is coming next.

    idkkk everyone always makes note of Ukraine and how it would not happen under trump. just not so sure about it. easy to say he would not have allowed it to turn into what it is now, but to say he would have avoided all US aid/assistance from the onset i just dont buy. EVERYONE (politician) was supporting Ukraine at the onset of it.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    2 replies

    idkkk everyone always makes note of Ukraine and how it would not happen under trump. just not so sure about it. easy to say he would not have allowed it to turn into what it is now, but to say he would have avoided all US aid/assistance from the onset i just dont buy. EVERYONE (politician) was supporting Ukraine at the onset of it.

    Because they all benefit from it. I don’t think Trump’s ego would have allowed him to look weak with Putin (I hope we’re all past the fake Russia collusion thing).

    There’s a reason we were closer to world peace than ever before under Trump, and why literally every country (China, North Korea, Russia) relations have escalated under Biden.

    They do not want peace with Russia or for the Ukraine war to end, and they are owned by China.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply
    · edited

    Because they all benefit from it. I don’t think Trump’s ego would have allowed him to look weak with Putin (I hope we’re all past the fake Russia collusion thing).

    There’s a reason we were closer to world peace than ever before under Trump, and why literally every country (China, North Korea, Russia) relations have escalated under Biden.

    They do not want peace with Russia or for the Ukraine war to end, and they are owned by China.

    U really braindead dawg

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    U really braindead dawg

    Which of our world views more accurately reflects reality?

    Which part of what I said is not true, other than the intuitive assumption that a narcissist would have made his own decision to not look weak rather than listen to the uniparty?

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply
    · edited

    Which of our world views more accurately reflects reality?

    Which part of what I said is not true, other than the intuitive assumption that a narcissist would have made his own decision to not look weak rather than listen to the uniparty?

    Not yours for sure

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    Because they all benefit from it. I don’t think Trump’s ego would have allowed him to look weak with Putin (I hope we’re all past the fake Russia collusion thing).

    There’s a reason we were closer to world peace than ever before under Trump, and why literally every country (China, North Korea, Russia) relations have escalated under Biden.

    They do not want peace with Russia or for the Ukraine war to end, and they are owned by China.

    I only believe that about NK for a moment because Dems really pushed for Trump to take back peace relations with NK.

    Russia would have still lied and invaded Ukraine no matter what.

    China is whatever.

  • Feb 22, 2023

    Not yours for sure

    Feel free to actually refute anything I said.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    The fact that Trump still hasn't even been tried for insurrection is crazy.

    The MAGA crowd is quite literally bat s*** crazy, just go on twitter. It's an honest to god 'cult'.

    MTG calling for 'national divorce' (even though personally I can agree a little with the sentiment but not for the same reasons) is just proof that this is getting very, very, very out of hand.

    Most of these people are elderly, or at least middle aged and they are being duped into a cult by social media misinformation.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    3 replies
    Mountain Dude
    · edited

    The fact that Trump still hasn't even been tried for insurrection is crazy.

    The MAGA crowd is quite literally bat s*** crazy, just go on twitter. It's an honest to god 'cult'.

    MTG calling for 'national divorce' (even though personally I can agree a little with the sentiment but not for the same reasons) is just proof that this is getting very, very, very out of hand.

    Most of these people are elderly, or at least middle aged and they are being duped into a cult by social media misinformation.

    Because it didn’t happen lol

  • Feb 22, 2023

    Because it didn’t happen lol

    What makes you say that? Who was behind it?

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    Because it didn’t happen lol

    I watched it happen bro

    Cut the Fox News out

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    If there was ever an exception or someone that threatened the one party, it was Trump. Whether you agree with him or not. Ukraine would not have happened under him, nor would the balloon or whatever is coming next.

    That's how I felt about Trump early in his presidency. He had a point: he was wealthy enough to not really be controlled by lobbyists and special interests. Bernie Sanders was the only other fathomable candidate in this regard, but the DNC already preselected Hillary to win.

    As far as the Ukraine situation? It preceded Trump by 2 years, and I don't think his thawing of relations with Russia would have stopped it. The US backed a regime change that toppled a pro-Russian administration and installed a pro-Western one; naturally Russia viewed this as an act of aggression and have been plotting an invasion ever since.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    I only believe that about NK for a moment because Dems really pushed for Trump to take back peace relations with NK.

    Russia would have still lied and invaded Ukraine no matter what.

    China is whatever.

    So why hasn’t the US or EU pushed for peace between Ukraine and Russia? Why did Putin feel bold enough to invade? If the guy who showed a photo of the Taliban leader a photo of his house and told him he’d be wiped off the earth if he stepped to him, why wouldn’t he do the same to Russia? Russia collusion comments are false and irrelevant.

    Even if Putin did invade, Trump would have pushed for peace and there’s no way he would’ve thrown away billions of dollars to a corrupt country partially ran by Nazis. The fact that they are so cozy with Biden should prove that.

  • Feb 22, 2023

    That's how I felt about Trump early in his presidency. He had a point: he was wealthy enough to not really be controlled by lobbyists and special interests. Bernie Sanders was the only other fathomable candidate in this regard, but the DNC already preselected Hillary to win.

    As far as the Ukraine situation? It preceded Trump by 2 years, and I don't think his thawing of relations with Russia would have stopped it. The US backed a regime change that toppled a pro-Russian administration and installed a pro-Western one; naturally Russia viewed this as an act of aggression and have been plotting an invasion ever since.

    I agree, I think trump was heavily controlled/manipulated, but one thing you can be certain of is he’d never allow anyone to make him look weak. His ego wouldn’t allow that. So something like letting your people drown in a recession while throwing billions at a corrupt country like Ukraine would have never happened.
