Don’t mind me finally on here just trying to get my post count up, but these are all genuine replies lol
Trump would have either stopped the Russian invasion of Ukraine from happening, it wouldn’t have happened because Trump was in office, pushed for peace deals that actually worked, or let Ukraine perish. All of which are smarter than letting your own country suffer and being a bank to Ukraine
So why hasn’t the US or EU pushed for peace between Ukraine and Russia? Why did Putin feel bold enough to invade? If the guy who showed a photo of the Taliban leader a photo of his house and told him he’d be wiped off the earth if he stepped to him, why wouldn’t he do the same to Russia? Russia collusion comments are false and irrelevant.
Even if Putin did invade, Trump would have pushed for peace and there’s no way he would’ve thrown away billions of dollars to a corrupt country partially ran by Nazis. The fact that they are so cozy with Biden should prove that.
There's a lot of different arguments and situations in this post on the idea of Trump having a 2nd term. We don't know. I only mentioned that Russia still would have invaded. How Trump would react is a different discussion I don't have much input on.
I do agree that the West and EU do want some sort of proxy war with Russia.
There's a lot of different arguments and situations in this post on the idea of Trump having a 2nd term. We don't know. I only mentioned that Russia still would have invaded. How Trump would react is a different discussion I don't have much input on.
I do agree that the West and EU do want some sort of proxy war with Russia.
The alternative outcome would be Trump succumbed to the uniparty and let the proxy war happen, but it seems to be the least likely given his ego, peace talks with Taliban, NK, Israel, willingness to have positive talks with Russia etc., and the fact that he outwardly spoke against wars that weren’t in America’s best interest.
even if you want to think that would have happened, it still remains that Biden is doing the bidding of the pro war party at the expense of the US and world stability.
We’ve never been closer to nuclear war or the appearance of one (if it’s all staged). None of that is good for anyone but those who profit from the war continuing.
And the corruption and failure of all of this on Biden adds context to all of Biden’s other decisions/“mistakes” that are not in the best interest of the US.
I would take the ego driven narcissist who thought he was America’s savior and pushed for peace and prosperity of the US over the outwardly authoritarian, corrupt, warmongering, and incompetent Biden we have now lol
What's Trump even saying to them? Ik it ain't about better regulations
"A total failure from the democrats, if you guys vote for me, I'll only have the best trains on the job. Highest quality rail carts made here in America, they'll never fail."
What's Trump even saying to them? Ik it ain't about better regulations
"A total failure from the democrats, if you guys vote for me, I'll only have the best trains on the job. Highest quality rail carts made here in America, they'll never fail."
See for yourself since the media won’t cover it.
See for yourself since the media won’t cover it. nothing
So nothing
More than Biden has done, too concerned with Ukraine and not concerned enough about the stairs in front of him, apparently
I watched it happen bro
Cut the Fox News out
You watched a bunch of red necks & feds walk into the capitol. Trump asked for peaceful protest & told them to stop too.
This was one of his last tweets
What you witnessed was political spin by the media and democrats to stir up division and enact more censorship. But as with all the other hoaxes, they all conveniently fizzle out before any legal proceedings happen, or are proven false.
You watched a bunch of red necks & feds walk into the capitol. Trump asked for peaceful protest & told them to stop too.
This was one of his last tweets you witnessed was political spin by the media and democrats to stir up division and enact more censorship. But as with all the other hoaxes, they all conveniently fizzle out before any legal proceedings happen, or are proven false., Trump isn't smart though. The people who follow him are gullible for treating his politics like a pathology of life.
The whole idea of this "Patriot Party" is cringe as s***, and realistically back 20 years ago wouldn't even make up a small percentage of the GOP.
Dude, Trump isn't smart though. The people who follow him are gullible for treating his politics like a pathology of life.
The whole idea of this "Patriot Party" is cringe as s***, and realistically back 20 years ago wouldn't even make up a small percentage of the GOP.
Dude, Trump isn't smart though. The people who follow him are gullible for treating his politics like a pathology of life.
The whole idea of this "Patriot Party" is cringe as s***, and realistically back 20 years ago wouldn't even make up a small percentage of the GOP.
Yes Trump fell into all his money and enterprise, fell into the presidency, etc.
If he’s as dumb as you say he’s still smarter than 52+% of the population and then go and weed out the ones that couldn’t possibly do what he’s done.
I don’t think he’s a genius but he is by no means not smart & capable.
What makes it even worse is those that will defend an dimentia puppet like Biden and in the same breath criticize Trump’s capability lol. Look at the country during Trump vs now and tell me who had a better handle.
Yes Trump fell into all his money and enterprise, fell into the presidency, etc.
If he’s as dumb as you say he’s still smarter than 52+% of the population and then go and weed out the ones that couldn’t possibly do what he’s done.
I don’t think he’s a genius but he is by no means not smart & capable.
What makes it even worse is those that will defend an dimentia puppet like Biden and in the same breath criticize Trump’s capability lol. Look at the country during Trump vs now and tell me who had a better handle.
It's not that he's necessarily 'dumb' it's that he's a sociopath and easily duped people who were naive.
People at this point don't want to admit they were wrong, it's a pride thing. Frankly it's disgusting too.
It's not that he's necessarily 'dumb' it's that he's a sociopath and easily duped people who were naive.
People at this point don't want to admit they were wrong, it's a pride thing. Frankly it's disgusting too.
I voted for him twice. Better than both options. Might be a sociopath, but “no wars, good economy, America first” are all of much better than whatever is going on now. He’s also hilarious. I think if you look at actions vs media portrayal and spin and brainwash you will see two different realities.
But at the end of the day he went out sad and pathetic after losing
I voted for him twice. Better than both options. Might be a sociopath, but “no wars, good economy, America first” are all of much better than whatever is going on now. He’s also hilarious. I think if you look at actions vs media portrayal and spin and brainwash you will see two different realities.
But at the end of the day he went out sad and pathetic after losing
To be fair though;
Trump's America still had the same culture war that the dystopian technological world is in today. We were also still in huge debt with him. Didn't create more jobs.
Like I get where you're coming from (to a degree) but at the same time, I can't openly admit Trump did anything good while in office besides the bill about hunting animals, and banning tiktok (which never happened).
Jan. 6th was on his hands, and whether you think it's "real or not" he failed to denounce it. He doesn't care if sacred laws of our country are broken, it's all personal gain.
Trump would have either stopped the Russian invasion of Ukraine from happening, it wouldn’t have happened because Trump was in office, pushed for peace deals that actually worked, or let Ukraine perish. All of which are smarter than letting your own country suffer and being a bank to Ukraine
It more depends who was in his department at the time. Trump himself may have had certain views, but the views of those in his cabinet did not reflect that - his inability to understand coalitions during his term I would assume has to be his #1 regret. I mean this mf appointed John Bolton as National Security Advisor at one point. That said based on recent rhetoric I do think he's mostly learned his lesson based on recent quotes from him, but I would be interested to see if he did win another term what this would look like in practice. His administration pivoted very heavily from his original campaign in many cases (from a more protectionist, populist rhetoric to a more typical neocon administration w/ a rw populist streak/wildcard) - would be interested to see if it repeats itself and who he'd appoint. If he picks Pence as VP again though I think it'd over before it starts
To be fair though;
Trump's America still had the same culture war that the dystopian technological world is in today. We were also still in huge debt with him. Didn't create more jobs.
Like I get where you're coming from (to a degree) but at the same time, I can't openly admit Trump did anything good while in office besides the bill about hunting animals, and banning tiktok (which never happened).
Jan. 6th was on his hands, and whether you think it's "real or not" he failed to denounce it. He doesn't care if sacred laws of our country are broken, it's all personal gain.
None of the democrats care about sacred laws either, they try to erode them every chance they get. He was responsible for engaging people, I 100% disagree that he is at all responsible for Jan 6 and wouldn’t call it an insurrection at all. The claims that our elections are 100% safe secure and trustworthy by every media outlet and banning of discussion that they aren’t also would suggest that’s probably not true. But I don’t know enough about that stuff to really have an opinion.
Regardless, the democrats and big tech colluded to silence the right and discussion of voting and other things like Biden laptop stuff, which absolutely impacted the outcome of the election.
It more depends who was in his department at the time. Trump himself may have had certain views, but the views of those in his cabinet did not reflect that - his inability to understand coalitions during his term I would assume has to be his #1 regret. I mean this mf appointed John Bolton as National Security Advisor at one point. That said based on recent rhetoric I do think he's mostly learned his lesson based on recent quotes from him, but I would be interested to see if he did win another term what this would look like in practice. His administration pivoted very heavily from his original campaign in many cases (from a more protectionist, populist rhetoric to a more typical neocon administration w/ a rw populist streak/wildcard) - would be interested to see if it repeats itself and who he'd appoint. If he picks Pence as VP again though I think it'd over before it starts
Doubt Pence would even accept. I mean you saw how they did Trump for even the small steps/progress he did make on his campaign promises, just imagine what they could/would have done if he actually threatened to change anything. It really felt like a pause in time between the trajectory we were on pre trump and post trump, and it’s not a good trajectory.
All he did was keep Trump’s word, and failed at doing so in a safe and smart way (left weapons, lives, etc). I think it would have made him look like a warmonger (he is, look at Ukraine) if he had stayed, which is why he was forced to follow through. I think it’s better that he followed through with it vs staying, but a competent person, even Trump, would have done so a lot differently/more effectively.
Every US president is neccesarily a warmonger
I voted for him twice. Better than both options. Might be a sociopath, but “no wars, good economy, America first” are all of much better than whatever is going on now. He’s also hilarious. I think if you look at actions vs media portrayal and spin and brainwash you will see two different realities.
But at the end of the day he went out sad and pathetic after losing
We have all three of those things now guy
We have all three of those things now guy
Are you trolling? We have a proxy war with Russia, we’re in a recession and all of your tax dollars are going to fund a war in ukraine. We have open borders maybe now corrected by Biden (but something he never supported), lmk where those 3 things are at.
Every US president is neccesarily a warmonger
well if you had to make a list from most to least trump would probably be at the bottom
He edited his post, Jan 6 was not an insurrection or even an attempted insurrection. Democracy was not at risk. It was a bunch of unarmed rednecks and a few feds.
But the other part of his message, MTG & all the cringe super religious pro life republicans are terrible too and part of why they will continue to lose. Very surprised trump chose to die on that hill