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  • blonded

    Okay but if you want to change someone's opinion you're going to need to provide like, sources, other than expecting someone to take you at your word

    i’m not trying to change anyone’s opinions in here, i’m trying to shame those who are clearly predatory

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Billie threads bring out the weirdest f***ing posts Jesus Christ

    how is this weird

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Once you hit like 23/24/25 you kind of realize that this s*** is wrong.

  • May 3, 2021
    2 replies

    I just posted a DUKE University article about this.

    21 is the mid point between 18 and 24. There's a difference.

    Surely you can't be this dense.

    I'm not saying there isn't a difference. But how much of a difference is that?

    You're saying that 21 is the mid point between 18 and 24. Ok. There's a difference.

    Let's say there's a hypothetical situation where your brain is 99.9% developed at 18. Then at 21 it's 99.999%. Then at 24 it's 100%.

    You're probably going to think, "Okay, that's stupid. There's no way that's how it actually works."

    But that's what I'm asking for to change my mind. How much of a difference is there? And does that equate to it being wrong or weird?

  • May 3, 2021

    I feel like nobody read the article on what she actually said? She wasnt talking about that dude in the doc who is in the music industry, she was likely talking about someone in her before game relationships

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Once you hit like 23/24/25 you kind of realize that this s*** is wrong.

    you gotta remember we’re in here arguing with dudes who are still on the younger side, so us telling them it’s predatory is them realizing it would be predatory for older women to want to hook up with them, killing their fantasies

  • May 3, 2021

    I know, I can't speak for everyone but this is just my stance on it.

    I'll still stick with the idea that at 21 you are more mentally mature than at 18.

    yes most definitely. but most of the time I still feel very behind most of the people who are my age especially in social/sexual situations. while I can’t say I’d ever date an 18yo, I certainly don’t think I could look down on someone else my age who did.

    everyone is different and unless the person is in high school or seriously being taken advantage of, I don’t see anything wrong with it.

  • May 3, 2021
    2 replies

    you gotta remember we’re in here arguing with dudes who are still on the younger side, so us telling them it’s predatory is them realizing it would be predatory for older women to want to hook up with them, killing their fantasies

    I'm 23, and there's no way I'd be in a relationship with anyone under 20. I just haven't seen any reason for why 21 and 18/19 is weird other than "I think so, haha!"

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Surely you can't be this dense.

    I'm not saying there isn't a difference. But how much of a difference is that?

    You're saying that 21 is the mid point between 18 and 24. Ok. There's a difference.

    Let's say there's a hypothetical situation where your brain is 99.9% developed at 18. Then at 21 it's 99.999%. Then at 24 it's 100%.

    You're probably going to think, "Okay, that's stupid. There's no way that's how it actually works."

    But that's what I'm asking for to change my mind. How much of a difference is there? And does that equate to it being wrong or weird?

    you know google exists right? if you put a quarter as much effort into typing a question into as you did typing out literal paragraphs in this thread, you’d have your answer

  • Goo


    Hope whoever did it will suffer the consequences

  • May 3, 2021

    you know google exists right? if you put a quarter as much effort into typing a question into as you did typing out literal paragraphs in this thread, you’d have your answer

    Why would I be googling this? I'm not making any claim to prove.

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Surely you can't be this dense.

    I'm not saying there isn't a difference. But how much of a difference is that?

    You're saying that 21 is the mid point between 18 and 24. Ok. There's a difference.

    Let's say there's a hypothetical situation where your brain is 99.9% developed at 18. Then at 21 it's 99.999%. Then at 24 it's 100%.

    You're probably going to think, "Okay, that's stupid. There's no way that's how it actually works."

    But that's what I'm asking for to change my mind. How much of a difference is there? And does that equate to it being wrong or weird?

    So can I legally equate it to being wrong or weird? NO. You have me there.

    I can say that if you drink and smoke at 21 then someone who is 18 your dating can't legally. So that's one difference.

    Think about it, your given the ability to do those things at 21, right? Then scientifically it had to have been proven at some point that there is SOME difference between these two ages.

    Dude I also never said it was illegal or immoral. I just think it's weird personally. You can't police other people's opinions.

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm 23, and there's no way I'd be in a relationship with anyone under 20. I just haven't seen any reason for why 21 and 18/19 is weird other than "I think so, haha!"

    okay so let me get this straight

    you agree with the stance, but instead of arguing against people with legitimate predatory posts in this thread, you’re arguing with DavidP because you don’t want to google things yourself?

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm 23, and there's no way I'd be in a relationship with anyone under 20. I just haven't seen any reason for why 21 and 18/19 is weird other than "I think so, haha!"

    Wait what year were you born

  • May 3, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    You forget it's 17 year olds who go off and do their own thing even after being made aware of this by their parents. Like I said they think they got it all figured out but they don't, most eventually realize that sooner rather than later realistically.

    No matter how you try to split it, if a grown dude is actively seeking teenagers/high school girls it's almost always to take advantage of them being young, dumb, and rebellious. It's always going to be a much weirder look on the dude's part. Doesn't matter if the 15-17 year old are seeking them. These are grown ass adults who are fully capable of saying no and staying away.

    I agree with you....

    Except the fact about them still going off and doing it anyway I don’t think those talks exist as a fixture largely

  • May 3, 2021

    tf goin on itt thiught this was getting locked

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    okay so let me get this straight

    you agree with the stance, but instead of arguing against people with legitimate predatory posts in this thread, you’re arguing with DavidP because you don’t want to google things yourself?

    What? Me deciding whether or not I want to google something is irrelevant

    I'm asking about DAVIDP's stance and why he believes that. Why would I google something when I want to understand why he believes something?

    Are you f***ing stupid?

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Wait what year were you born


  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    What? Me deciding whether or not I want to google something is irrelevant

    I'm asking about DAVIDP's stance and why he believes that. Why would I google something when I want to understand why he believes something?

    Are you f***ing stupid?

    let me spell this out a little more simply

    you are arguing semantics against someone whose stance you mostly agree with instead of arguing against people who want to f*** children

  • May 3, 2021

    21 and 18/19 isn’t weird. 23+ and you’re too old to be dating 18 year olds

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    So can I legally equate it to being wrong or weird? NO. You have me there.

    I can say that if you drink and smoke at 21 then someone who is 18 your dating can't legally. So that's one difference.

    Think about it, your given the ability to do those things at 21, right? Then scientifically it had to have been proven at some point that there is SOME difference between these two ages.

    Dude I also never said it was illegal or immoral. I just think it's weird personally. You can't police other people's opinions.

    Sure, I don't know the exact answer so I'm not saying that your reasoning why things are or aren't legal at 21 isn't legitimate.

    But having your reasoning be it has to be this for a reason isn't really solid

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply


    Dude don't you think that at your age now, you can see a clear difference between maturity and personality of someone who is 18/19 and yourself?

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah I'm aware. But I'm saying that once you hit that age there's still a level of responsibility.

    Yeah 18-23 dating is considered normal these days and I don't think people really bat an eye cause it is two consenting adults who are within five years of one another.

    Personally once I turned 21 I strictly limited my dating pool to 21 and older. If you too young to get in the bar/club we got nothing to talk about. I'm 25 now and my dating age range is 25 and older. Financial stability (moreso a steady job/income) along with emotional literacy is just more common to find from women in their mid to late 20s.

    Women in their 30s-50s though

  • May 3, 2021

    What do you mean we don’t?

    We’ve had PSAs about staying away from “tricky people” since childhood, this is a well-discussed and safety-planned topic within female circles, and it’s not like your idea of of telling girls to be cautious of older men is groundbreaking or profound

    I’m glad you think our society has moved so far away from victim blaming that we’re no longer holding women accountable, but we’re nowhere close. If it’s not illegal to sexually assault women who voluntarily get drunk in some states, I doubt that 15-17 year olds are immune to being seen as responsible for their abuse

    I went thru s***ed in hs, numerous sexual activity training in college and HS and never once did they talk about hey all the 16 yr old girls here wanting a 21 yr man isn’t good, these people who’d want you at yr age are most likely weirdos and abusers. Just my experience

  • May 3, 2021
    1 reply

    let me spell this out a little more simply

    you are arguing semantics against someone whose stance you mostly agree with instead of arguing against people who want to f*** children

    I fully understand what you're saying.

    You're actually just dense as f***.

    If I want to understand someone's argument, I'm going to ask them to explain it and why they believe that. If someone uses "brain development" as a reason, I'm going to ask them to expand on that.

    It's not my job to google someone's argument for them.

    Don't quote me again

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