  • Tubig 🌊
    Jan 7, 2020
    1 reply

    The main pro of our generation is that we are able to easily access the other generations and live vicariously through the albums and live footage. Though yes, it’s a crying shame we will never experience those eras and those live shows. Can you imagine the f***ing 80s my guy? Prince popping. MJ popping. Cameo popping. Rick James Popping. Whitney Houston popping and so many more. And that’s STILL ONLY BLACK MUSIC. When we start factoring in Queen and Madonna and Bowie etc??? Jesus Christ.

    Maaaaaaaaaaan rewatching that Do I Do video all I could think was "Damn I wanna be in this 80s disco party rn." S*** you're talking about the 80s and didn't even mention the birth of Rap. 80s were wild. Even had Stevie and Rick James producing Eddie Murphy's album.

  • Jan 7, 2020

    Greatest artist of all time

    Definitely can make one of the most solid cases for this.

  • Jan 7, 2020

    Maaaaaaaaaaan rewatching that Do I Do video all I could think was "Damn I wanna be in this 80s disco party rn." S*** you're talking about the 80s and didn't even mention the birth of Rap. 80s were wild. Even had Stevie and Rick James producing Eddie Murphy's album.

    It was a madness! I live for 80s themed parties but there’s not enough of em. Damn I didn’t even mention Janet’s incredible run that started with 1986’s Control. That’s been in rotation heavy for me.

  • Jan 7, 2020
    1 reply

    A vocalist of the highest order, too..

    His range is huge even for a leggario tenor

  • rvi 🐸
    Jan 7, 2020
    2 replies

    i must admit ive never listened to Hotter Than July. am i missing out?

  • Jan 7, 2020

    i must admit ive never listened to Hotter Than July. am i missing out?

    Yeah, Rocket Love is my favorite stevie song. I like the album. It has All I Do and Master Blaster for cryin out loud, you sleeep.

  • Jan 7, 2020
    1 reply

    A vocalist of the highest order, too..


    His range is huge even for a leggario tenor

    He doesn’t use his falsetto often and it’s because he doesn’t need to. It’s insane how strong and supported his vocals are that high up while still being chest voice. Sheesh

  • Jan 7, 2020
    2 replies

    He doesn’t use his falsetto often and it’s because he doesn’t need to. It’s insane how strong and supported his vocals are that high up while still being chest voice. Sheesh

    it’s really impressive how high his chest voice stretches into the 5th octave just by how well his mixing is.. where as most men would have to switch into a disconnected falsetto instead of keeping that chord closure all the way through the 2nd passagio. Brian Mcknight had this ability as well, but he uses his falsetto just as much!

  • Jan 7, 2020

    it’s really impressive how high his chest voice stretches into the 5th octave just by how well his mixing is.. where as most men would have to switch into a disconnected falsetto instead of keeping that chord closure all the way through the 2nd passagio. Brian Mcknight had this ability as well, but he uses his falsetto just as much!

    His vocal technique and ability is what I dream to achieve honestly.

  • Jan 7, 2020
    1 reply

    it’s really impressive how high his chest voice stretches into the 5th octave just by how well his mixing is.. where as most men would have to switch into a disconnected falsetto instead of keeping that chord closure all the way through the 2nd passagio. Brian Mcknight had this ability as well, but he uses his falsetto just as much!

    I’m not too familiar on Brian McKnight’s music because 90’s r&b never really resonated with me. Mainly the ballads because I’ve never been a big ballad person in general. Love neo-soul though. I’m gonna run thru 90s r&b later this month and give it a proper chance.

  • Jan 7, 2020
    1 reply


  • Jan 7, 2020





  • Jan 7, 2020

    This man’s pen.

  • Tubig 🌊
    Jan 7, 2020

    Full version of Livin' in the City. Radio edits less than half the length, and the message sometimes gets lost as it cuts the interlude/skit and the final two verses. The way he comes in after the interlude and sings those last two verses in a gravelly/angry voice.

    This his greatest song imo

    I hope you hear inside my voice of sorrow
    And that it motivates you to make a better tomorrow
    This place is cruel nowhere could be much colder
    If we don't change, the world will soon be over
    Living just enough, stop giving just enough for the city

  • Jan 7, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m not too familiar on Brian McKnight’s music because 90’s r&b never really resonated with me. Mainly the ballads because I’ve never been a big ballad person in general. Love neo-soul though. I’m gonna run thru 90s r&b later this month and give it a proper chance.

    Im a singer and musician so I was always big on vocal showmanship and musicianship when it came to vocal arrangement and the 90s RnB and A/C pop alwayshad a surplus of crazy vocalists despite the song’s quality.

  • Jan 7, 2020

    underrated album

  • Jan 7, 2020

  • Jan 7, 2020
  • Jan 7, 2020

    The greatest ever

  • Jan 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Im a singer and musician so I was always big on vocal showmanship and musicianship when it came to vocal arrangement and the 90s RnB and A/C pop alwayshad a surplus of crazy vocalists despite the song’s quality.

    This is true. Can’t deny that. What do you play?

  • Jan 7, 2020

    Stevie has one of the best arguments for GOAT modern musician. Here's the original songs that were sampled in Hip-Hop.


    Gangster's Paradise - Coolio


    Love Me Not - Cole


    Wild Wild West - Will Smith


    So Many Tears - 2pac

    Not a direct sample but That Girl is a pretty obvious inspiration here

  • Jan 7, 2020

    This is a thread I can rock with

  • Jan 7, 2020


  • Jan 7, 2020


  • Jan 7, 2020
    1 reply