  • Oct 10, 2022
    3 replies

    Man why do ppl s*** on bleach it’s about as good as shonen can get, I put it right up there with Naruto

    Ichigo being a Human/Shinigami/Hollow/Quincy hybrid is part of it. I know for me at least, once it was revealed he had some Quincy blood, I stopped keeping up with the manga.

  • Mr Motion

    Ichigo being a Human/Shinigami/Hollow/Quincy hybrid is part of it. I know for me at least, once it was revealed he had some Quincy blood, I stopped keeping up with the manga.

    How come?

  • Oct 10, 2022
    Mr Motion

    Ichigo being a Human/Shinigami/Hollow/Quincy hybrid is part of it. I know for me at least, once it was revealed he had some Quincy blood, I stopped keeping up with the manga.

    Another complaint i had as well . It’s get to the point of desensitization when your protagonist retroactively becomes everything. I wasn’t hyped it was kinda like an “okay i guess”. If it was better hinted then i wouldn’t have mind

  • Oct 10, 2022
    1 reply
    Mr Motion

    Ichigo being a Human/Shinigami/Hollow/Quincy hybrid is part of it. I know for me at least, once it was revealed he had some Quincy blood, I stopped keeping up with the manga.

    I get this.

    They could have really made things more apparent and fluid had it been boldly touched throughout the series instead of “here’s a giant chunk of your history at the last moment”.

    There’s pieces pointing towards it in plain view, such as his Zangetsu being a literal manifestation of that blood, but it could’ve been dealt with better for sure.

    I loved the idea at heart.

  • Oct 10, 2022

    We probably won’t see this until next year this time or early 2024

    idc when it’s out, i’m just grateful i’ll finally get to see it animated

  • Oct 10, 2022


    bleach is back.

  • Oct 10, 2022
    1 reply
    March Rigness

    I don’t think using the heavy anime watching audience’s opinion on Bleach is the way to go, as backwards as that sound

    Bleach is kinda Dragon Ball like in that the casual masses are going to fw it, and most weebs probably aren’t gonna rate it very highly

    disagree. when it came to the big 3, bleach was hardly followed by normies in the first place.

    it became popular to hate on bleach when the fullbring chapters were being released cause it came off the back of one of the most loved shonen arcs

  • Oct 10, 2022

    also ppl just liked to s*** on kubo’s lack of backgrounds for some reason

    never mattered to me since his character design was great

  • Oct 10, 2022
    1 reply

    disagree. when it came to the big 3, bleach was hardly followed by normies in the first place.

    it became popular to hate on bleach when the fullbring chapters were being released cause it came off the back of one of the most loved shonen arcs

    at the time, it was less mainstream than its counterparts, but it was still one of the three biggest anime in the western world. I knew far less people who knew of it than Naruto or DB, but people still recognized it when I said the name

    As time has progressed, I think it has attracted alot of shonen fans who just like cool s***, and watch anime casually.

    I don't think the Fullbring Arc was bad at all, until the ending, but between the people who weren't fans of the Aizen arc's pacing by the time we got to FKT, I can see why another arc that felt like really a retread of stuff we already got, didn't sit well.

  • Oct 10, 2022

    Looks amazing

    It didnt feel that amazing tho. Was an aight first ep

  • Oct 10, 2022

    Most of that is me playing advocate, as I really didn't find the pacing in the Arrancar arc to be that bad (at the time, it was incredibly frustrating to have restart the damn thing 100 times on Adult Swim or insert tons of filler just to keep track with the manga though). The Fullbring Arc was actually semi-enjoyable overall, even if Kubo copies a ton of thematics over

  • Oct 10, 2022
    1 reply

    Man why do ppl s*** on bleach it’s about as good as shonen can get, I put it right up there with Naruto

    Not at all bro. While Naruto fumbled the last parts/arc it had way more heart than Bleach

  • Oct 11, 2022

    Not at all bro. While Naruto fumbled the last parts/arc it had way more heart than Bleach

    impossible. kubo literally created The Heart

  • Oct 11, 2022
    1 reply
    March Rigness

    at the time, it was less mainstream than its counterparts, but it was still one of the three biggest anime in the western world. I knew far less people who knew of it than Naruto or DB, but people still recognized it when I said the name

    As time has progressed, I think it has attracted alot of shonen fans who just like cool s***, and watch anime casually.

    I don't think the Fullbring Arc was bad at all, until the ending, but between the people who weren't fans of the Aizen arc's pacing by the time we got to FKT, I can see why another arc that felt like really a retread of stuff we already got, didn't sit well.

    i get you. from my perspective as someone who was Extremely Online when fullbring was out it was the introduction of a lot of the bleach hate i saw. ppl didn’t like the concept, thought kubo was face recycling, etc

    admittedly i was in manga only spaces

  • Oct 11, 2022
    · edited

    i get you. from my perspective as someone who was Extremely Online when fullbring was out it was the introduction of a lot of the bleach hate i saw. ppl didn’t like the concept, thought kubo was face recycling, etc

    admittedly i was in manga only spaces

    That’s how I was with Naruto, literally posted on a Naruto forum. If someone asked me about the 4NW arc, my perspective would stem from that, so I feel you

  • Niggamortis

    I get this.

    They could have really made things more apparent and fluid had it been boldly touched throughout the series instead of “here’s a giant chunk of your history at the last moment”.

    There’s pieces pointing towards it in plain view, such as his Zangetsu being a literal manifestation of that blood, but it could’ve been dealt with better for sure.

    I loved the idea at heart.

    I mean they've hinted at it throughout the entire manga in small bites. It would be kind of easy to guess reading it now vs back then.

  • Oct 11, 2022
    1 reply

    when a show has as much unbearably boring filler as f***ing Bleach, that’s all anyone needs to say when explaining why they don’t like it a lot of anime watchers skip filler, but you can’t even skip Bleach’s without jumping ahead 25-40 episodes multiple times

    I'd say the filler is less of the issue, but moreso that in the Arrancar arc to efficiently watch it you have to skip 5-7 minutes of recap every episode. That is way more frustrating than having to skip filler (though I'll admit watching Bleach weekly was a f***ing awful experience, I think Bleach would greatly benefit from a manga-canon only remake without 7 minute recaps every f***ing episode when all the cool fights are going on)

  • Oct 11, 2022
    1 reply

    Also I suppose this is my Bleach hot take but I liked the fullbring arc and it wasn't that bad. It was nice seeing Ichigo reflect on how he always wanted to be normal and now he had what he always wanted and realized it just didn't feel right. Probably would've felt better if that wasn't the "end" of the Bleach anime at the time, but overall I thought it was okay.

  • Oct 11, 2022
    1 reply

    I'd say the filler is less of the issue, but moreso that in the Arrancar arc to efficiently watch it you have to skip 5-7 minutes of recap every episode. That is way more frustrating than having to skip filler (though I'll admit watching Bleach weekly was a f***ing awful experience, I think Bleach would greatly benefit from a manga-canon only remake without 7 minute recaps every f***ing episode when all the cool fights are going on)

    A Bleach kai stands to gain more than any of its peers, sans One Piece (which would just gain more by having less f***ing episodes). Outside of the 4NW, I didn't think Naruto had bad pacing (now, looking back), but it just had too much filler. Bleach just had actual bad pacing in its manga and anime

  • Purrp 🌚
    Oct 11, 2022
    1 reply
    March Rigness

    A Bleach kai stands to gain more than any of its peers, sans One Piece (which would just gain more by having less f***ing episodes). Outside of the 4NW, I didn't think Naruto had bad pacing (now, looking back), but it just had too much filler. Bleach just had actual bad pacing in its manga and anime

    Naruto is a smooth ride until the 4NW, it’s actually paced quite brilliantly imo until then. The power creep felt earned up to about Pain. The filler during the war on top of the wars pace killed my rewatch last year.

  • Oct 11, 2022

    Naruto is a smooth ride until the 4NW, it’s actually paced quite brilliantly imo until then. The power creep felt earned up to about Pain. The filler during the war on top of the wars pace killed my rewatch last year.

    I was thinking about this earlier in thinking about the gap in time between Bleach's last ep and this ep

    but the 4NW arc actually started before the TYBW arc in Bleach if Im remembering correctly. And I don't think it ended much earlier than this series ended

    im gonna check the times to make sure, but I know for a fact that the Obito-Kakashi fight was 11 years ago and there's like 100 things that happen before that

  • Oct 11, 2022

    this s*** made me emotional bleach really back

  • Oct 11, 2022
    1 reply

    the 4NW countdown begins with the death of Danzo, or volume 52, which dropped in august 4, 2010

    the end of the series was February 4, 2015, with volume 72. 5 god damn years

    (TYBW lasted from June 4, 2012 to November 4, 2016, not much better lmao)

  • Purrp 🌚
    Oct 11, 2022
    2 replies
    March Rigness

    the 4NW countdown begins with the death of Danzo, or volume 52, which dropped in august 4, 2010

    the end of the series was February 4, 2015, with volume 72. 5 god damn years

    (TYBW lasted from June 4, 2012 to November 4, 2016, not much better lmao)

    Honestly TYBW arc felt much much much much longer than the 4NW, it dragged as much as I like bleach and i felt like the payoff was pretty half assed

  • Oct 11, 2022
    1 reply

    Honestly TYBW arc felt much much much much longer than the 4NW, it dragged as much as I like bleach and i felt like the payoff was pretty half assed

    Yeah that’s partially why I can’t blame Shonen for cutting him off short. Kubo was just really bad at pacing those last few years.

    I can see he had some massive ideas behind…well I guess I cant talk about the s*** without spoilering since we have an anime now. But he definitely had a way better finish set up based on the breadcrumbs. Just needed to cut out the BS

    I don’t think it helped that there were so many things fans wanted answers to, that he set up in the golden age of the anime. He tried to touch on some Unohana/Kenpachi, Jushiro, the SK, background of quincies but he just promised too much over the years
