Disney should’ve footed the bill to get a simulcast going like Netflix did Jojo’s
I get it like the filler arcs are kinda ass and the ending may have left something to be desired for some but it always felt like the hate was overstated.
Hate and love comes in waves . Just like how the final arc was very disappointing for a lot of people when it was releasing but in retrospect a lot of people are saying it’s “great just rushed” . Time away from a project can make flaws stand out or the great parts stand out . Just depends on how the hype is atm.
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when we get the mayuri pernida fight
We probably won’t see this until next year this time or early 2024
Man why do ppl s*** on bleach it’s about as good as shonen can get, I put it right up there with Naruto
most of the complaints i see for it is "it has filler" but that never made sense to me cause bleach has actual things you could critique on but ppl rather use the filler copout instead. almost feels like ppl bandwagoning off another opinion instead of coming up with their own
also putting it up there with naruto is not the best comparison
People have issues with a lot of the arcs following soul society and some of the complaints make sense . Some structures and narrative decisions were not everyone’s cup of tea
Honestly, not of the complaints are far if Bleach was consumed through anime only. I read the entire manga so far, and my only complaint is the length of some battles and maybe one or two moral choices.
is there a single good reason other than plot that almost none of the relevant captains/vizoreds used bankai against Aizen
I didn't think about that until right now lmao
Weren't nearly all of them were occupied with fighting with the other Espadas beforehand?
crazy seeing Bleach make a comeback like this I remember people used to s*** on it so much
I get it like the filler arcs are kinda ass and the ending may have left something to be desired for some but it always felt like the hate was overstated.
It def was. I used to s*** on all the Big 3 for the memes (I never watched any of them), but I always saw Bleach get the worst hate compared to Naruto and One Piece. It's like the Jcole of the Big 3.
crazy seeing Bleach make a comeback like this I remember people used to s*** on it so much
Same thing as Jcole hate
also putting it up there with naruto is not the best comparison
Naruto wrote itself into a lame excuse
Bleach will always be greater
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!https://youtu.be/MK_3q9ljcxkKeep the grind up . This season of anime is the best time to be on your s*** for growth! Good luck bro
crazy seeing Bleach make a comeback like this I remember people used to s*** on it so much
I don’t think using the heavy anime watching audience’s opinion on Bleach is the way to go, as backwards as that sound
Bleach is kinda Dragon Ball like in that the casual masses are going to fw it, and most weebs probably aren’t gonna rate it very highly
Bleach is definitely the worst written of the 3, if you’re just talking about the average arc or moment, but its highs are wonderful.
I think the elements outside of the story are what makes it so memorable for me. The different languages, the referencing of real life wars and conflicts, the character and power designs, etc etc
Hate and love comes in waves . Just like how the final arc was very disappointing for a lot of people when it was releasing but in retrospect a lot of people are saying it’s “great just rushed” . Time away from a project can make flaws stand out or the great parts stand out . Just depends on how the hype is atm.
If they let Kubo fill in some blanks, I really think it can be a classic ending
Keep the grind up . This season of anime is the best time to be on your s*** for growth! Good luck bro
Thanks fam!
most of the complaints i see for it is "it has filler" but that never made sense to me cause bleach has actual things you could critique on but ppl rather use the filler copout instead. almost feels like ppl bandwagoning off another opinion instead of coming up with their own
when a show has as much unbearably boring filler as f***ing Bleach, that’s all anyone needs to say when explaining why they don’t like it a lot of anime watchers skip filler, but you can’t even skip Bleach’s without jumping ahead 25-40 episodes multiple times
first 2 arcs of Bleach are some of the best s*** the old big 3 had to offer, but the rest of it is 100% mid
when a show has as much unbearably boring filler as f***ing Bleach, that’s all anyone needs to say when explaining why they don’t like it a lot of anime watchers skip filler, but you can’t even skip Bleach’s without jumping ahead 25-40 episodes multiple times
Been probably like a decade since I last watched Bleach anime, but I remember liking Bleach's filler arcs the most out of the big 3 at the time. The Bounto? Bounty? arc imo, was pretty good for a filler arc. Can't remember any of the others