  • Mr Motion

    Just do cumm dungeon n buy all the vials n bullets you’ll ever need

    Man I beat him like 5 tries later lol

  • Mar 22

    The only 30 fps game I’ll play on the ps5

  • Mr Motion

    Just do cumm dungeon n buy all the vials n bullets you’ll ever need

    What? This one of those dungeons I need PS Plus to be able to put a code in?

  • Apr 5
    1 reply

    I’m playing old hunters for the first time and I just got to Lady Maria, these games are so cool man

  • Apr 5
    1 reply

    Which one of y’all weebs was this

  • Apr 6
    1 reply

    I’m playing old hunters for the first time and I just got to Lady Maria, these games are so cool man

    Just beat her, that has to be a top 5 from boss for me. Now onto Kos

  • Apr 6
    Banana Clip

    Which one of y’all weebs was this

    That s*** hurted

  • Apr 6
    1 reply

    Not bad for first try

  • Apr 7
    1 reply

    Just beat her, that has to be a top 5 from boss for me. Now onto Kos

    Even though I struggled with it for like 20+ attempts, I love that Lady Maria fight. When you get the timing down and can parry her first phase perfectly Music fire too

  • Apr 7
    1 reply
    Huge Castillo Fan

    Even though I struggled with it for like 20+ attempts, I love that Lady Maria fight. When you get the timing down and can parry her first phase perfectly Music fire too

    Yeah I tried the parry strategy my first couple of fights but eventually I figured out that 90% of her attacks were pretty easy to dodge around if you stay close. The speed of the fight and the phase changes are just so perfect.

    The quality of the music for all the bosses in the DLC is just insane, Ludwig 2nd phase theme has to be one of my favorites in any From game.

  • Apr 7
    1 reply

    Not bad for first try

    this boss gave me such a woat time that it legit made me stop likign these games. im not built for them i like easy normal guy stuff

    I hit this insane Soulsbourne equilibrium after playing most of bloodbourne, DS 1-3, Sekiro. I went back to finish Bloodbourne after finishing all those and honestly this boss is the one that tipped me over the edge and made me realise i didn't really like em the heart rate anxiety irl training montage evenings of learning the boss was not an equal trade with the satisfaction feeling when i finally beat it.

  • Everest

    this boss gave me such a woat time that it legit made me stop likign these games. im not built for them i like easy normal guy stuff

    I hit this insane Soulsbourne equilibrium after playing most of bloodbourne, DS 1-3, Sekiro. I went back to finish Bloodbourne after finishing all those and honestly this boss is the one that tipped me over the edge and made me realise i didn't really like em the heart rate anxiety irl training montage evenings of learning the boss was not an equal trade with the satisfaction feeling when i finally beat it.

    OoK a tough boss for sure, the one I struggled with the most on Bloodborne by far. Can't imagine what he's like on NG+

    Melania looks even tougher, not looking forward to that when I eventually play Elden Ring

  • ILoveCheeseCake

    Yeah I tried the parry strategy my first couple of fights but eventually I figured out that 90% of her attacks were pretty easy to dodge around if you stay close. The speed of the fight and the phase changes are just so perfect.

    The quality of the music for all the bosses in the DLC is just insane, Ludwig 2nd phase theme has to be one of my favorites in any From game.

    Dodging felt impossible, she's just so fast. I barely parried throughout the game but I felt like I needed to against her

    Ludwig was a great fight too. Only Old Hunter boss I was disappointed with was Laurence. Fight was too easy and ended quickly, so I couldn't really savor it

  • Apr 13

    theyre combining the main book with old hunters

  • Apr 13


    Broski you know what's one of my fav enemies, those mosquito things, so nasty haha

    And Ebrietas is probably my hardest boss, damn that fight.

  • Apr 13
    3 replies

    Still the greatest game of all time any era

  • Apr 14
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Still the greatest game of all time any era

    Recently played through and its absolutely up there bro

    felt dumb as hell playing it this late but i made it

  • Water Giver

    Still the greatest game of all time any era

    top 5 easily

  • Water Giver

    Still the greatest game of all time any era

  • May 13

    Bloodborne 2 with similar or less amount of trick weapons, except each trick weapon is so unique that each one yields a play style as focused and special as sekiro delivers with its single katana

  • She called me back once again.

    Made a fresh new file on the ps5 im borrowing. Gonna go hunt for the Moonlight Holy Blade and main that.

    Havent died in all on central yharnam yet. The game is so fimiliar but every playthrough is still exhilarating

  • butch22

    Recently played through and its absolutely up there bro

    felt dumb as hell playing it this late but i made it

    My fault i didnt see this prior but hell yeah bro in glad you enjoyed it.

    Its on the list of one of the few games i play through every year or two

    Legit my fav game of all time and i been playing video games before i could even properly read and ive played a lot

  • I tried to do the dlc a little early. I was humbled very quick.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jun 13
    4 replies
  • Jun 13
