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  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Watch the video stop using this arguement niggas are really drilling with no regard so they can make songs with the credibility and hopes of making it

    its not an argument nigga that's just the way it is

    if a nigga hits the block in the hopes of gaining a rapper backstory hes a f***ing idiot

    why do you think a suburban canadian making millions of dollars pretending to be a mob boss

    when it comes to image mosf people dont care if youre credible or not

  • Culture

    So can you explain the spike in these issues post the end of the civil rights movement?

    These issues being:

    D*** use
    Single parent households
    Wealth gap
    Education gap

    They all predate hip hop/rap music

  • It certainly isn’t helpful to see niggas in the hood glorifying how they spun the block and killed their over bullshit

  • FelaBaby

    Is it? How?

    Because its just a wordier version of “video games cause mass shootings”

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Saul Goodman

    If every rap about being a dope boy ceased to exist today these issues would still be present

    I guarantee you more black kids would still be alive that died in chicago that 2011-2015 period

  • Jun 16, 2021

    What's funny is that I read a book about religious Black people blaming Jazz music for d*** addiction among Black people in the early 20th century.

    If I find it, I'll post it on here.

    Imagine trying to get John Coltrane outta here 😔

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    I grew up listening to rap, my role models were rappers. A lot of choices Ive made were influenced by rap and Im 100% im not the only one

    I listened to 50 Cent/G-Unit, Jeezy, TI, Pac, Biggie, Big L, etc. as a kid and, aside for fashion, they didn't inspire me to do s***.

    Reason is because my parents were active in my life and I had real life role models. People are really putting the cart before the horse here.

  • Jun 16, 2021

    When you have beef and everything in your culture is telling kill your opps..... choices are madd

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    It is but people gonna shrug it off because nobody wanna look in the mirror.

    This a black only topic btw.

  • Jun 16, 2021

    Whole Lotta White/Asian/Hispanic itt

  • FelaBaby

    I guarantee you more black kids would still be alive that died in chicago that 2011-2015 period

    They’d also be alive if the city of Chicago wasn’t grossly incompent and if America had the social mobility and safety nets of Western European countries.

    But sure, it’s the rappers fault

  • Jun 16, 2021

    There was a whole crack epidemic before rap music and after the movement wtf Are you on


    I hate the rose colored aspect of our community that over simplify our real life issues associating them with rap music

  • Jun 16, 2021

    I listened to 50 Cent/G-Unit, Jeezy, TI, Pac, Biggie, Big L, etc. as a kid and, aside for fashion, they didn't inspire me to do s***.

    Reason is because my parents were active in my life and I had real life role models. People are really putting the cart before the horse here.

    I grew up in a single parent home in the projects
    We moved out thankfully

  • Jun 16, 2021

    This discussion is complicated,we have to remember that rap isn’t necessarily sold as entertainment to the public. Kids listen to certain rappers and follow what they say as if there’s knowledge to be had from most of these acts now. (Today’s)Rap has barely any redeeming qualities but we have to remember that everyone is a product of their environment.

  • Jun 16, 2021
    math fifty

    its not an argument nigga that's just the way it is

    if a nigga hits the block in the hopes of gaining a rapper backstory hes a f***ing idiot

    why do you think a suburban canadian making millions of dollars pretending to be a mob boss

    when it comes to image mosf people dont care if youre credible or not

    Drake has people around him getting shot and dying too like bro even a child actor had to face the reality of this s***

  • Rap is a reflection of Black crime and poverty, not the cause of it.

    Rap is simply niggas picking up a mic and glorifying and rapping abt their fantasies with some real life elements to them.

  • Jun 16, 2021

    not a bold take

    old take

  • Jun 16, 2021
    3 replies


  • Jun 16, 2021

    Exactly. Gangsters in LA and Chicago were listening to James Brown, Parliament, and the Isley Bros when they were killing and doing drive bys in the 70's/early 80's.


  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    This is not a problem exclusive with rap

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Its like this in London too with niggas knifing each other up in broad day over beef next day theyll make a track talking about splashings

    Ayo this vid crazy niggas running around with long ass blades stabbing people in broad day surrounded by hella people

  • Jun 16, 2021
    math fifty

    You think these were caused by rap music?

    No bro, I’m saying they predate rap music 😂

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    It is but people gonna shrug it off because nobody wanna look in the mirror.

    This a black only topic btw.

    Like I said, I think people are putting the cart before the horse here.

    If you grew up in a s***ty household with no real role models, then's applicable.

    But, rap ALONE, isn't going to make anyone do that s***. You have to have already have been in a f***ed up environment for you to want to emulate negative lifestyles of certain rappers.

    That's my point.

  • Jun 16, 2021
    2 replies

    I grew up listening to rap, my role models were rappers. A lot of choices Ive made were influenced by rap and Im 100% im not the only one

    I mean this in the least disrespectful way bruh...but that's f***in pathetic forreal.

  • Jun 16, 2021
    Human Hunnid Emoji

    curtis mayfield wasn’t glorifying anything when he made pusherman

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