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  • Jun 16, 2021

    Like I definitely got some musical role models, but when it came to role models who I'd base my leadership, morals, you know the whole "stand for something" kinda s*** I can't say too many rappers/musicians did that for me.

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    In my 5 years on ktt this is the worst thread I've come across

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    @localblaccmane that got me hot I need an apology

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    You being facetious but it’s serious.

    I cant really speak on other rappers/ other areas but Keef and a lotta them Chicago rappers used to have everybody wanting to be like them when drill popped off

    because the music was so fresh and sounded good

  • Jun 16, 2021

    Got damn

    What about those situations did Rap start?

    Those situations, or circumstances didn’t create themselves so how and when did they originate?

    I was being sarcastic, I was agreeing with the poster.

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Maga Law


    Niggas this is the life they are LIVING or have LIVED

    The f*** is y'all talking about

    That does almost nothing to dissuade my point.

    Do you honestly think the music that these niggas listen to, and the music they rap about, is harmless?

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    @localblaccmane that got me hot I need an apology

    Boy f*** you

  • Jun 16, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    Boy f*** you

    Nah f*** you
    Watch how you speak

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Its okay to admit its a problem idc if it issue started before this is creating a whole new waves of d*** addicts! At least niggas BELIEVE that crack is some trash lowlife bummy d***. Niggas celebrate pints on snap stories!!

    Yea now niggas believe crack is bad after seeing it destroy a whole generation of black peoples and communities but when it first hit niggas ain’t know better lol

  • Jun 16, 2021
    Maga Law

    In my 5 years on ktt this is the worst thread I've come across

    Are you offended?

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Yea now niggas believe crack is bad after seeing it destroy a whole generation of black peoples and communities but when it first hit niggas ain’t know better lol

    No one was rapping about doing crack bro

  • Jun 16, 2021
    3 replies

    Bold Take: Mainstream Republican opinion for 40 years

  • lmao op got him one easy, look at this

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    That does almost nothing to dissuade my point.

    Do you honestly think the music that these niggas listen to, and the music they rap about, is harmless?

    Completely harmless

  • Jun 16, 2021
    4 replies

    Bold Take: Mainstream Republican opinion for 40 years

    What if its factual though? Rap isn't the only reason causing the havoc but its one of the matters thats contributing to it

  • Jun 16, 2021

    Rap and what it did for pop culture for black ppl is literally so important

    It's a part of the normalization of black people in America. Rap played a big role in many realizing they're being able to pursue legitimate success and helped fuel an entrepreneurial mindset in those who don't want to even be rappers.

    Two of the richest black people in the world are rappers who expanded into business.

    The positives far outway the negatives

    someone yelling GDK, BDK, VLK does not care about rap music/aren't following what some random rappers says or does, in fact they have THEIR OWN genre of rap music to begin with

    let me know when a black suburban kid shoots someone down cause that person reps his fav rappers OPs

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Bold Take: Mainstream Republican opinion for 40 years

    Being on the internet actually makes me “republican” because you niggas are f***ing stupid and in denial and its scary we cant ever get real with each other

  • Jun 16, 2021

    how is he not banned

  • Jun 16, 2021
    Maga Law


    Niggas this is the life they are LIVING or have LIVED

    The f*** is y'all talking about

    Niggas are capping online bro 😂 And even if they dont.. Niggas that post their business online do this out of insecurity not necessity

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Dizzy Dake

    What if its factual though? Rap isn't the only reason causing the havoc but its one of the matters thats contributing to it

    You dumb asf

  • Jun 16, 2021

    Bold Take: Mainstream Republican opinion for 40 years

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Maga Law

    You dumb asf

    No you

  • Jun 16, 2021

    Its like this in London too with niggas knifing each other up in broad day over beef next day theyll make a track talking about splashings

    They out there with machetes wtf

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Dizzy Dake

    What if its factual though? Rap isn't the only reason causing the havoc but its one of the matters thats contributing to it

    not really

  • Jun 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Dizzy Dake

    What if its factual though? Rap isn't the only reason causing the havoc but its one of the matters thats contributing to it

    Thats all im tryna say man

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