No you
Can't even say what I wanna say to you because I'll get banned so I'ma go ahead and block ya
No one was rapping about doing crack bro
Well 1) when crack hit rap wasn’t even a big genre like that the way it was when lean got popularized. R&B and other genres were deff still bigger
2) back then s*** like that spread through word of mouth and s***. Mad people were already doing coke and s*** and they assumed crack was similar to that in that regard.
You’re trying to compare two different eras without using proper context LOL
What if its factual though? Rap isn't the only reason causing the havoc but its one of the matters thats contributing to it
but is it the fault of rap or because of the tons of compounding factors in the black American experience
Can't even say what I wanna say to you because I'll get banned so I'ma go ahead and block ya
Go ahead snowflake
And you call me pathetic for not having a father at all
Check yourself
"Check yourself"
Lil boy go tf on somewhere lmao
This is not a bold take, but it's a stupid one because it severely undermines more tangible and plausible reasons as to why things are the way they are.
I think rappers glamorizing street culture is bad becsuse it f***s up our public perception
but acting like it causes that type of behavior is ridiculous
if anything rap is just an accessory to an already complex problem lmao
but is it the fault of rap or because of the tons of compounding factors in the black American experience
Both can be true man is a cycle that feeds eachother
there’s a billion more productive ways to uplift black culture than to tackle an intricately creative and productive cornerstone of it
People with legitimate opportunity and a chance at upward social mobility can listen to rap all day and nothing will happen
The issue isn’t rap, it’s that so many things in this country are intentionally gimped to make sure poor stay poor.
And as all evidence has shown, poverty and single parent households are the two biggest predictors of incarceration when you remove all other variables
people are fixated on the belief that music can have that much of a big impact on your life
but is it the fault of rap or because of the tons of compounding factors in the black American experience
These niggas are dumb and have done ZERO research
"Check yourself"
Lil boy go tf on somewhere lmao
Still talking s*** smh
Grow up
but is it the fault of rap or because of the tons of compounding factors in the black American experience
Nah not rap's fault, maybe its contributing like 5% to the problem but very minor
Both can be true man is a cycle that feeds eachother
there is causation within the cycle that isn’t sourced in rap.
Ayy man delete this trash ass thread
because the music was so fresh and sounded good
So was young thugs. Never heard of kids coming out wearing skirts and calling eachother hubby when he came in the game lol