why had no one mentioned it
Bruh post some alternatives I been using this site since high school. Always found better prices than Amazon.
idk how they run it (i.e if they were using the same warehouses anyway)
but it could just be a way to move all the traffic back to amazon since they owned it anyway
This move is part of wider cutbacks at Amazon outlined in a blog post in January. “In November, we communicated the hard decision to eliminate a number of positions across our Devices and Books businesses,” as a result of the “uncertain economy,” CEO Andy Jassy wrote. “I also shared that we weren’t done with our annual planning process and that I expected there would be more role reductions in early 2023.” In total, the company was planning to make just over 18,000 people redundant, Jassy added. Amazon has not shared how many jobs will be lost specifically at Book Depository.
Libgen + secondhand Nook/Kindle
Library card
This is the cheapest way but reading on paper is a better experience imo. It's also nice seeing your bookshelf grow
This is the cheapest way but reading on paper is a better experience imo. It's also nice seeing your bookshelf grow
Physical media is just clutter to me. Dusty ass bookshelf for whaf
What are the best places that aren't owned by Amazon to buy books?
Local bookstore tbh
If it needs to be a big box store then chapters/indigo or B&N
What are the best places that aren't owned by Amazon to buy books?
Ebay, local bookstores, estate/tag/yard sales, 2nd & Charles, Half-Price Books, local secondhand stores that sell miscellaneous items.
I hesitate to say Goodwill, cause they often will have a s*** load of random books available, but thats just it: they're random, often unorganized outside of childrens and romance groups, and its a total crapshoot whether or not you'll find anything you find interesting. And you can spend a solid 30 mins or an hour bending down and looking at all of them and not find a single thing you would ever even thinn about buying
You can also search Amazon for different books you already like or want to read, then go to the "new and used" page, look at the names of stores selling them secondhand on amazon, then google the names to see if they have their own site where they sell directly to you. If they do, it might even be cheaper because they dont have to be extremely competitive with the prices like they do on Amazon.
Ebay, local bookstores, estate/tag/yard sales, 2nd & Charles, Half-Price Books, local secondhand stores that sell miscellaneous items.
I hesitate to say Goodwill, cause they often will have a s*** load of random books available, but thats just it: they're random, often unorganized outside of childrens and romance groups, and its a total crapshoot whether or not you'll find anything you find interesting. And you can spend a solid 30 mins or an hour bending down and looking at all of them and not find a single thing you would ever even thinn about buying
You can also search Amazon for different books you already like or want to read, then go to the "new and used" page, look at the names of stores selling them secondhand on amazon, then google the names to see if they have their own site where they sell directly to you. If they do, it might even be cheaper because they dont have to be extremely competitive with the prices like they do on Amazon.
I just copped Fall Of Cthulhu Ombibus at Goodwill for about 90 euros while everywhere else the lowest ive seen it listed was about 250
What are the best places that aren't owned by Amazon to buy books?
...your local library
...your local library
This isn't on you because I should have specified but I am dealing with a medical issue that makes it near impossible to leave my home currently
There are actually some incredible libraries (and local bookstores @BBLDRIZZY good looks on getting me to remember that too) in my area though and I never took enough advantage of when I was healthy so this post is a great reminder that I got to change that and all the more motivation to do everything I can to overcome my health issues so that I can
Thank you fr for this post, sometimes the smallest/simplest of stuff really is a game changer for me
Ebay, local bookstores, estate/tag/yard sales, 2nd & Charles, Half-Price Books, local secondhand stores that sell miscellaneous items.
I hesitate to say Goodwill, cause they often will have a s*** load of random books available, but thats just it: they're random, often unorganized outside of childrens and romance groups, and its a total crapshoot whether or not you'll find anything you find interesting. And you can spend a solid 30 mins or an hour bending down and looking at all of them and not find a single thing you would ever even thinn about buying
You can also search Amazon for different books you already like or want to read, then go to the "new and used" page, look at the names of stores selling them secondhand on amazon, then google the names to see if they have their own site where they sell directly to you. If they do, it might even be cheaper because they dont have to be extremely competitive with the prices like they do on Amazon.
Love Half Priced Books
Have never heard of 2nd & Charles though so thank you for putting me on and thank you for such a thoughtful response