  • suzuki

    if a movie mentions israel or includes it at all you have to flash in massive red writing covering the whole screen ISRAEL IS BAD for a full minute or the movie is automatically pro zionist i don't make the rules

    Lmao haven’t seen the film but this probably another Oppenheimer situation, where dumb mfers were saying it was glorifying the dropping of the atomic bomb lol

  • Jan 2
    1 reply

    if a movie mentions israel or includes it at all you have to flash in massive red writing covering the whole screen ISRAEL IS BAD for a full minute or the movie is automatically pro zionist i don't make the rules

    You ppl come in here and automatically dismiss any sort of criticism for some reason ? does it make you guys uncomfortable lol?

    No one here said that or made that argument. The fact is, the director explicitly frames the narrative in a way that makes the viewer sympathize with the need for Israel to exist. Would you disagree with that?

    the fact to omit Palestine from the narrative is extremely noticeable ESPICALLY when it's a movie about displacement and refuge. You realize a pro Zionist movie does not have to be on the nose saying "We hate Palestinians" or something like that ? it does not have to have stereotypes of middle eastern Muslims, it doesn't have to paint Arabs in a bad light or anything. but when you're discussing israel throughout the movie, and its a huge plot point, omitting Palestine COMPLETELY from the conversation IS pro-Zionist. Erasing Palestine from the entire history is another reason why this movie is Pro-Zionist.

    Each individual point is not indicative of the movie being pro-Zionist but coupled together it 100% is

  • this is not an alt

    Lmao haven’t seen the film but this probably another Oppenheimer situation, where dumb mfers were saying it was glorifying the dropping of the atomic bomb lol

    imagine they never mentioned japan once in the entire movie its exactly what happened in this movie lol

  • Jan 2
    2 replies

    You ppl come in here and automatically dismiss any sort of criticism for some reason ? does it make you guys uncomfortable lol?

    No one here said that or made that argument. The fact is, the director explicitly frames the narrative in a way that makes the viewer sympathize with the need for Israel to exist. Would you disagree with that?

    the fact to omit Palestine from the narrative is extremely noticeable ESPICALLY when it's a movie about displacement and refuge. You realize a pro Zionist movie does not have to be on the nose saying "We hate Palestinians" or something like that ? it does not have to have stereotypes of middle eastern Muslims, it doesn't have to paint Arabs in a bad light or anything. but when you're discussing israel throughout the movie, and its a huge plot point, omitting Palestine COMPLETELY from the conversation IS pro-Zionist. Erasing Palestine from the entire history is another reason why this movie is Pro-Zionist.

    Each individual point is not indicative of the movie being pro-Zionist but coupled together it 100% is

    I looked into it and think it’s worth mentioning: “(Andrew Lauren Productions) developed the screenplay with Corbet and financed the film.” Andrew Lauren is the son of Ralph Lauren, whose brand has historically had close ties with pro-Israel enterprises.

    I haven’t seen the movie myself, but this detail does lend some credence to the idea that certain aspects might have been omitted from the script or that the narrative could be tilted in a particular direction, especially given their direct involvement in the script’s development. Not necessarily conclusive, but nonetheless interesting.

  • Jan 2

    if a movie mentions israel or includes it at all you have to flash in massive red writing covering the whole screen ISRAEL IS BAD for a full minute or the movie is automatically pro zionist i don't make the rules

  • Jan 2
    1 reply

    This movie is terrible and i’m Being serious it might be the biggest waste of 3.5 hours. Please don’t watch this lmao.

    A joke of a film and completely pro israeli. Beyond that it’s oscar bait trash and the long runtime is not indicative of a complete plot.

    Came into it with no expectations whatsoever left it completely disgusted. This movie f***ing stinks and one of the worst I’ve had to watch in theatres.

    i think its pretty zionist as well but its not trash Lol, get your head out your ass pal

  • Jan 2

    i think its pretty zionist as well but its not trash Lol, get your head out your ass pal

    Lmao 😭 u got it man

  • Jan 2

    I looked into it and think it’s worth mentioning: “(Andrew Lauren Productions) developed the screenplay with Corbet and financed the film.” Andrew Lauren is the son of Ralph Lauren, whose brand has historically had close ties with pro-Israel enterprises.

    I haven’t seen the movie myself, but this detail does lend some credence to the idea that certain aspects might have been omitted from the script or that the narrative could be tilted in a particular direction, especially given their direct involvement in the script’s development. Not necessarily conclusive, but nonetheless interesting.

    I honestly had no idea but like if that’s true i wouldn’t be suprised

  • Jan 3
    1 reply

    ok... gonna try to see this next week but the 3.5 hr runtime has me nervous

    adrien brody better be up there shaking his ass bc i dont think theres anything else he could do to be 3.5hrs worth of entertainment !!

  • suzuki

    if a movie mentions israel or includes it at all you have to flash in massive red writing covering the whole screen ISRAEL IS BAD for a full minute or the movie is automatically pro zionist i don't make the rules

  • i am sasuke

    ok... gonna try to see this next week but the 3.5 hr runtime has me nervous

    adrien brody better be up there shaking his ass bc i dont think theres anything else he could do to be 3.5hrs worth of entertainment !!

    15 min of this is a built in intermission tbf

  • Jan 3
    1 reply

    so when i went to check the showtimes for next week, all of them had disappeared. it was just here last week for 9th-16th but now everything is gone

    I don't know if it's a good thing I waited to cop or bad

  • Jan 3
    2 replies

    this movie has strong elements, i don't want to take away from brody's performance and the rest of the cast or the formal accomplishments but to me, especially in the second half, it felt stiff and ended up being very on the nose metaphorical. i think a lot of it has to do with the fact that its clearly using a certain sort of template of the great american epic that is perhaps misguided; like trying to recreate or cosplay what made those films it's being compared to great and in turn expecting to be cemented as such but missing the mark on what actually made those films revolutionary. a true american epic in 2024 would have to come from a more inspired place and representative of our time in cinema.

  • Jan 3
    1 reply

    so when i went to check the showtimes for next week, all of them had disappeared. it was just here last week for 9th-16th but now everything is gone

    I don't know if it's a good thing I waited to cop or bad

    Bad thing, prolly sold out but not like they're won't be more

  • flootures

    Bad thing, prolly sold out but not like they're won't be more

    nah i don't believe that. there were a lot of showtimes and many seats still open last time I had checked. somethin fishy going on

  • Jonz

    I looked into it and think it’s worth mentioning: “(Andrew Lauren Productions) developed the screenplay with Corbet and financed the film.” Andrew Lauren is the son of Ralph Lauren, whose brand has historically had close ties with pro-Israel enterprises.

    I haven’t seen the movie myself, but this detail does lend some credence to the idea that certain aspects might have been omitted from the script or that the narrative could be tilted in a particular direction, especially given their direct involvement in the script’s development. Not necessarily conclusive, but nonetheless interesting.

    Pro Izzy no kizzy

  • Jan 3
    1 reply

    this movie has strong elements, i don't want to take away from brody's performance and the rest of the cast or the formal accomplishments but to me, especially in the second half, it felt stiff and ended up being very on the nose metaphorical. i think a lot of it has to do with the fact that its clearly using a certain sort of template of the great american epic that is perhaps misguided; like trying to recreate or cosplay what made those films it's being compared to great and in turn expecting to be cemented as such but missing the mark on what actually made those films revolutionary. a true american epic in 2024 would have to come from a more inspired place and representative of our time in cinema.

    I'm very interested in your last point, could you expand on it please

  • Jan 3
    1 reply

    I'm very interested in your last point, could you expand on it please

    in the sense that, it would have to be giving a new sort of sensation in order to feel revolutionary which is ultimately what made things like the godfather and there will be blood feel grand for their respective eras; going by the films that this is being compared to. it feels kinda like "you ain't lived it, you witnessed it from your folks' pad, scribbled it in your notepad and created your life"

    all of this could be swept to the side if the work itself actually stood up to those giants, but for me it simply doesn't, the material isn't as lived in, the characterization and writing feel too broad to be as iconic as the films that have gone down as epics.

    but to my last point, i'm not entirely sure what that would be when it comes to a new american epic, i guess that's what it would have to be, something that breaks a mold rather than fitting within it

  • vahn

    in the sense that, it would have to be giving a new sort of sensation in order to feel revolutionary which is ultimately what made things like the godfather and there will be blood feel grand for their respective eras; going by the films that this is being compared to. it feels kinda like "you ain't lived it, you witnessed it from your folks' pad, scribbled it in your notepad and created your life"

    all of this could be swept to the side if the work itself actually stood up to those giants, but for me it simply doesn't, the material isn't as lived in, the characterization and writing feel too broad to be as iconic as the films that have gone down as epics.

    but to my last point, i'm not entirely sure what that would be when it comes to a new american epic, i guess that's what it would have to be, something that breaks a mold rather than fitting within it

    So in other words, this to you was referential to a fault or maybe to no meaningful end

    I'll have to watch and come to my own conclusions but I like coming across different perspectives

  • Jan 3
    1 reply

    So in other words, this to you was referential to a fault or maybe to no meaningful end

    I'll have to watch and come to my own conclusions but I like coming across different perspectives

    yeah exactly

    you should definitely engage with it and see what you get out of it, seeing it on 70mm was def a cool worthwhile experience

  • Good LORD this was a piece of work

  • Jan 4
    1 reply

    At intermission I thought this was a masterpiece. 2nd section didn’t really work for me and knocked it off the pedestal a bit. But still a huge accomplishment.

    I feel weird about this movie

  • Jan 4
    1 reply

    At intermission I thought this was a masterpiece. 2nd section didn’t really work for me and knocked it off the pedestal a bit. But still a huge accomplishment.

    I feel weird about this movie

    How was the film split up timewise?

  • Jan 4
    1 reply

    yeah exactly

    you should definitely engage with it and see what you get out of it, seeing it on 70mm was def a cool worthwhile experience

    Sup vahnski
