  • Jun 9, 2023
    1 reply

    Gonna read Edgedancer before reading Words of Radiance

  • Jun 17, 2023

    Gonna read Edgedancer before reading Words of Radiance

    Reading that now. Dope as hell. Cool seeing Lift have some mature moments here and there.

  • Jun 27, 2023

    Oathbringer chapter 117 spoilers


  • Jun 27, 2023

    I googled who ash was cuz I forgot and I think i got spoiled about her identity

  • Jul 2, 2023
    1 reply

    Just bought the first 3 in a pack. Excited to jump in because of how highly praised they are but ngl the size is a bit daunting, havnt read anything this big in a while

  • Jul 2, 2023

    Just bought the first 3 in a pack. Excited to jump in because of how highly praised they are but ngl the size is a bit daunting, havnt read anything this big in a while

    100% worth it. Read it slow and take in the world.

  • Jul 2, 2023
    3 replies

    dis accurate? might start it soon

  • Jul 3, 2023

    dis accurate? might start it soon

    Cosmere sxn looks about right although some of them are unreleased right now

  • Jul 3, 2023

    dis accurate? might start it soon

    id start with the way of kings

    i am biased bc it's the best book series i have ever read tho

  • Jul 3, 2023
    1 reply

    Rhythm of war starting off exciting

  • Jul 4, 2023
    Mitclan 616

    Rhythm of war starting off exciting

    Kal and Leshwi whew

  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply

    I swear The flashbacks always killing momentum. Most of the times I close the book is when a flashback pops up

  • Jul 25, 2023

    going back and reading way of kings dammit this is so great

  • Jul 25, 2023
    1 reply
    Mitclan 616

    I swear The flashbacks always killing momentum. Most of the times I close the book is when a flashback pops up

    i did not really love the venli flashbacks in rhythm of war. but kaladan's were awesome in WOK. Shallan's did explain so much about why she is how she is. i honestly thought dalinar's were pretty bad ass and eventually brutal

  • Jul 26, 2023
    1 reply

    About 200 pages into The Final Empire atm. I'm really into the setting and premise of the book (worldbuilding so far has been AMAZING imo), and I think a lot of the side characters are good, but i'm not digging the way Vin and Kelsier have been characterized so far. It's hard to describe, but I feel like the way Vin is being written so far is trying too hard to be edgy, and the way Kelsier is being written is trying too hard to be smooth and cool? A few too many corny one liners so far too, and the description of the magic system felt a bit too much like reading a manual lol.

    I'm going to keep pushing through though - i'm enjoying the other characters and the world so far that my gripes aren't too major

  • Jul 26, 2023
    Jim Halpert

    i did not really love the venli flashbacks in rhythm of war. but kaladan's were awesome in WOK. Shallan's did explain so much about why she is how she is. i honestly thought dalinar's were pretty bad ass and eventually brutal

    They all enjoyable to me but my problem is the placement. The chapter before gets me hyped about something but then they give a 16 min slow chapter of exposition

  • Jul 26, 2023

    About 200 pages into The Final Empire atm. I'm really into the setting and premise of the book (worldbuilding so far has been AMAZING imo), and I think a lot of the side characters are good, but i'm not digging the way Vin and Kelsier have been characterized so far. It's hard to describe, but I feel like the way Vin is being written so far is trying too hard to be edgy, and the way Kelsier is being written is trying too hard to be smooth and cool? A few too many corny one liners so far too, and the description of the magic system felt a bit too much like reading a manual lol.

    I'm going to keep pushing through though - i'm enjoying the other characters and the world so far that my gripes aren't too major

    I got that sometimes with kelsier too

  • Jul 26, 2023
    1 reply

    I’m almost done the first mistborn book now. Pretty fun read and I’m absolutely gonna finish the series but I’m not blown away quite yet

    I’m struggling because I can’t really think of what sets Sanderson apart from other fantasy authors I’ve read. Like Tolkien had amazing worldbuilding, Rothfuss had incredible prose and was really immersive, and George RR Martin had the best characterization. Sanderson does everything adequately but doesn’t really stand out in any category for me.

    I also really do not need the magic system to be that developed LOL it feels like I’m reading a video game tutorial sometimes

    Still enjoying it heavily and and very eager to read it each day

  • Jul 26, 2023

    I’m almost done the first mistborn book now. Pretty fun read and I’m absolutely gonna finish the series but I’m not blown away quite yet

    I’m struggling because I can’t really think of what sets Sanderson apart from other fantasy authors I’ve read. Like Tolkien had amazing worldbuilding, Rothfuss had incredible prose and was really immersive, and George RR Martin had the best characterization. Sanderson does everything adequately but doesn’t really stand out in any category for me.

    I also really do not need the magic system to be that developed LOL it feels like I’m reading a video game tutorial sometimes

    Still enjoying it heavily and and very eager to read it each day

    For what’s it’s worth IMO the Stormlight archive blows mistborn out of the water

  • Jul 31, 2023
    1 reply
    Mitclan 616

    Chapter 77 spoilers of WoR somethings up with navani I don't trust her

    ROW Chapter 89 spoilers why i feel like She gonna join the Raboniel

  • Aug 1, 2023

    ROW Chapter 96 spoilers Venli gonna get her group killed. Raboniel knows what she's planning

  • Aug 1, 2023
    Mitclan 616

    ROW Chapter 89 spoilers why i feel like She gonna join the Raboniel

    Nvm she just an idiot

  • Aug 1, 2023
    1 reply

    5 hours left on my book but I lowkey don't want to finish it cuz I know this time imma have to wait till the next one

  • Aug 4, 2023
    1 reply
    Mitclan 616

    5 hours left on my book but I lowkey don't want to finish it cuz I know this time imma have to wait till the next one

    im doing a reread through the entire series to prepare and buy time

  • Aug 5, 2023
    1 reply

    dis accurate? might start it soon

    I’m confused. All these books are the same series or take place in the same universe?