What's yall prediction for book 5? I need to watch a recap for the series cuz I forgot stuff. I'm expecting a lot if death tho
What's yall prediction for book 5? I need to watch a recap for the series cuz I forgot stuff. I'm expecting a lot if death tho
I would love so much for Adolin to end up being a champion and saving the world.
I would love so much for Adolin to end up being a champion and saving the world.
Hopefully they big him up next book cuz I felt like they did him dirty last one
Hopefully they big him up next book cuz I felt like they did him dirty last one
Almost think that’s the point. He’s extraordinary without powers
Easily the best person in this series IMO
Definitely gonna need to fit a re read in. Very daunting to do for such a big series though. Got so much other stuff to read.
Rereading SA books in preparation for WaT. Currently a lil over half way through TWOK reread. The chapter Chasm Duty, when Kaladin picks up the spear and does the Kata…
Tried reading this guy and jumped into Way of Kings. Not for me, but good to see he's got a passionate fanbase
Rereading SA books in preparation for WaT. Currently a lil over half way through TWOK reread. The chapter Chasm Duty, when Kaladin picks up the spear and does the Kata…
Tried reading this guy and jumped into Way of Kings. Not for me, but good to see he's got a passionate fanbase
I’d give it a try. It does throw you right in but damn if it’s not the best s*** I’ve ever read in my life.
You are not shocked when a child knew how to breathe.
You are not shocked when a Sky eel took flight for the first time.
You should not be shocked when you hand Kaladin Stormblessed a spear and he knows how to use it.
The chapter Three Gylphs TWOK Spoiler!
When Kaladin sucks in the Stormlight, and starts realizing he ain’t never hit his full potential until now HE KNOW HE’S HIM
The chapter Three Gylphs TWOK Spoiler!
When Kaladin sucks in the Stormlight, and starts realizing he ain’t never hit his full potential until now HE KNOW HE’S HIM
Tried reading this guy and jumped into Way of Kings. Not for me, but good to see he's got a passionate fanbase
Way of Kings start really slow but really picks up, I feel like all of the books do. But I just couldn’t put it down during the last quarter of the first 2 books.
The chapter Three Gylphs TWOK Spoiler!
When Kaladin sucks in the Stormlight, and starts realizing he ain’t never hit his full potential until now HE KNOW HE’S HIM
Honor is dead, but I’ll see what I can do.
Finished my TWOK reread. Into Words of Radiance. It was my least favorite book my first time reading through SA. But I feel good about going into it this time round
Finished my TWOK reread. Into Words of Radiance. It was my least favorite book my first time reading through SA. But I feel good about going into it this time round
It’s my favorite of the series.
But I typically always like the second books best in general. The set up is there now we can just watch them cook.
Loving my reread of Words of Radiance. There are so many details I'm catching on this second read. I knew from TWOK Shallan had already developed that coping mechanism, but man in WOR, I'm on the chapter Feminine Wiles and there is a part where Shallan is practicing lightweaving on her way to meet Adolin, she tried a few times and was able to change her hair. So she was like that ain't bad for me since it's only been a short time shes been able to do it. Then Pattern is like, "Short time? We first..." and Shallan straight up mentally blocks him out I didn't realize it was that severe this early on in the story. I thought s*** was starting to crack in Oathbringer, not here. God damn.
I really need to dive into Way of Kings but I’m so god damn busy at work