I was slacking but finally started mistborn. My first Sanderson book. I’m only about 60 pages in but I’m liking it so far.
Elantris and yumi are the only books left I need to read but I'm kinda burnt out on sanderson books. I'm just waiting on stormlight 5
I just started Oathbringer and really don’t understand why some fans dislike Shallan. I like her POV chapters a lot because it’s a nice lil break from the intense Kaladin and Dallinar chapters lol. So far I like all the main POV’s
I just started Oathbringer and really don’t understand why some fans dislike Shallan. I like her POV chapters a lot because it’s a nice lil break from the intense Kaladin and Dallinar chapters lol. So far I like all the main POV’s
she was just super annoying and whiney for a while
I just started Oathbringer and really don’t understand why some fans dislike Shallan. I like her POV chapters a lot because it’s a nice lil break from the intense Kaladin and Dallinar chapters lol. So far I like all the main POV’s
It’s Kaladan’s POV in the final quarter and pretty much all of RoW that is kinda a drag to read but it was very relatable to me tbfh.
It’s Kaladan’s POV in the final quarter and pretty much all of RoW that is kinda a drag to read but it was very relatable to me tbfh.
Yea I’m halfway thru RoW and some of Kaladin’s chapters don’t have that same feeling. I still like Shallan in this book too
It’s Kaladan’s POV in the final quarter and pretty much all of RoW that is kinda a drag to read but it was very relatable to me tbfh.
did not love ROW on my first go through
Last year I read Mistborn Era 1, Elantris, and the Sel novellas
My ratings
Final Empire 4.5/5
Well of Ascension 4/5
Hero of Ages 5/5
Elantris 3/5
The Emperor’s Soul 3.5/5
Okay I’m finished Stormlight and Warbreaker. Thoroughly enjoyed all of them, while the third and fourth books were a little slower to me.
My ratings (in order of when I read them):
The Way of Kings 4.5/5
Warbreaker 3/5 (the ending lowered the score for me)
Words of Radiance 5/5
Edgedancer (novella) 3/5
Oathbringer 4.5/5
Dawnshard (novella) 3.5/5
Rhythm of War 4/5
Gonna take a break before I go into Mistborn Era 2
Damn I wish I would’ve found this thread a grip ago
Currently reading Rhythm of War rn. This series is so good.
Finding it hard to finish the last 2 books of Stormlight after starting Malazn tbh.
Finding it hard to finish the last 2 books of Stormlight after starting Malazn tbh.
who now
im intrigued
Finding it hard to finish the last 2 books of Stormlight after starting Malazn tbh.
Is malazan really good? I've heard a lot of ppl mention it
Is malazan really good? I've heard a lot of ppl mention it
It is but its very dense and disorienting in the beginning. I used a google doc that gave a recap of each chapter and character as i was reading the first 2 books.
It is but its very dense and disorienting in the beginning. I used a google doc that gave a recap of each chapter and character as i was reading the first 2 books.
That sounds like a commitment. I'll save that for later
Its worth it
I don't doubt it but rn I'm reading the first law series by Joe Abercrombie
It is but its very dense and disorienting in the beginning. I used a google doc that gave a recap of each chapter and character as i was reading the first 2 books.
Need that doc, I'm about to start
Need that doc, I'm about to start
The og google doc for the first book is under review by google for some reason. This is a pdf version of it. drive.google.com/file/d/19BQOoO0FcbykHH-YG0PVy4OyomZgTU8e/view
Almost done with The Way of KIngs...started out a little slow but really picks up. It took me a while (month+) to get through the first quarter but I think I might be done with the last 3/4 in like a week or so.
My first book by him.
Almost done with The Way of KIngs...started out a little slow but really picks up. It took me a while (month+) to get through the first quarter but I think I might be done with the last 3/4 in like a week or so.
My first book by him.
Starts out with a badass assassination attempt. But I get what you mean
Been wanting to get into Sanderson. Where should I start? Are any of the Novels stand alone that I can pickup without having to read anything else?
Been wanting to get into Sanderson. Where should I start? Are any of the Novels stand alone that I can pickup without having to read anything else?
Oof the standalone books are Elantris, Warbreaker, tress of the emerald sea, The Sunlit Man, and Yumi and the Nightmare Painter.
If you want to dip your toes into sanderson I'd recommend the first mistborn book it's only like 500 pages. I've only read 3/5 of the stand alones. Tress was boring imo. Warbreaker was cool I enjoyed it and sunlit was good there's a lot of action in that one if your into that. It also has a lot cosmere references you prolly won't understand if it's your first book