  • Feb 18, 2024
    1 reply

    99% of the people i spoke with about the game, myself included, agreed that once the initial hype wore out, the game was simply not as great as we hoped it would be. So its def not just a niche opinion with zelda fans, but the overall fan opinion.
    Feels like it's the consensus on almost all gaming related forums, this one included. Most of the comments are exactly that - the game feels basically just like a major DLC and not standalone enough & thats 100% correct.
    Don't get me wrong, its a good f***ing game, but its not anywhere close to my fav zeldas.

    It won game of the year in the biggest gaming, if not general forum on the internet, and in general the opinion on this game is more positive than not online. Let alone the fact that generally you see more posts of people who dislike something than the ones that do, they simply keep moving, and that the internet =/= reality.
    Youd think botw wasnt a consensus masterpiece if you stayed too much on the internet too

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    BOTW and TOTK are mid and Nintendo will probably never make another good Zelda game again

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    BOTW and TOTK are mid and Nintendo will probably never make another good Zelda game again

    Nearly 40 years of classics and one iteration of Zelda not being up to standards means they’ve permenantly fallen off. Y’all are more melodramatic than a sixteen year old who had a bad prom night.

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    Nearly 40 years of classics and one iteration of Zelda not being up to standards means they’ve permenantly fallen off. Y’all are more melodramatic than a sixteen year old who had a bad prom night.

    These print money lol they're not gonna deviate from this

  • Feb 19, 2024
    2 replies

    These print money lol they're not gonna deviate from this

    Oh come on they always switch the style up, next one is gonna be completely different and you know it

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    Oh come on they always switch the style up, next one is gonna be completely different and you know it

    We will see

    I haven't enjoyed a Zelda game since Skyward Sword lmbo

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    We will see

    I haven't enjoyed a Zelda game since Skyward Sword lmbo

    Twilight Princess 2 incoming

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    Twilight Princess 2 incoming

    I would actually get on my knees and sob if they made a semi-open world Twilight Princess 2 with everything handcrafted

    That would reinvigorate my faith in gaming as a whole

  • Feb 19, 2024

    man the lead-up to this water temple is something else

  • Feb 19, 2024

    Oh come on they always switch the style up, next one is gonna be completely different and you know it

    It will still be open air, its the new template

  • Feb 19, 2024

    I would actually get on my knees and sob if they made a semi-open world Twilight Princess 2 with everything handcrafted

    That would reinvigorate my faith in gaming as a whole

    Of course you dont like the open world zeldas😭😭😭😭

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    Twilight princess was the greatest mistake aonuma made, great game and all but goddamn, why the least creative, most catering to fans 3d Zelda gotta be the most loved by the fans

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    It won game of the year in the biggest gaming, if not general forum on the internet, and in general the opinion on this game is more positive than not online. Let alone the fact that generally you see more posts of people who dislike something than the ones that do, they simply keep moving, and that the internet =/= reality.
    Youd think botw wasnt a consensus masterpiece if you stayed too much on the internet too

    I was talking about real life when talking about the people I spoke with that don't love the game as much as they did when it first dropped. So your argument that internet =/= real life doesn't apply to this.

    3 colleagues at work, plus 2 of my close friends, all either avid gamers or avid gamers and huge Zelda fans, all share my view - the game was overrated at drop, is still a good/great game, but def shares too much with BOTW to be considered a standalone masterpiece. Like I wrote, after seeing the first 15 or so hours of the game, I just got bored with seeing most of the same world, just slightly different, and rushed through most of the game. Another thing is that the story is nothing special so it doesn't help in holding your interest if you're not as awed by the world.

    More power to anyone that enjoyed the game, but if they make just something similar to this as the next Zelda game, I'd be heavily disappointed.

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    I was talking about real life when talking about the people I spoke with that don't love the game as much as they did when it first dropped. So your argument that internet =/= real life doesn't apply to this.

    3 colleagues at work, plus 2 of my close friends, all either avid gamers or avid gamers and huge Zelda fans, all share my view - the game was overrated at drop, is still a good/great game, but def shares too much with BOTW to be considered a standalone masterpiece. Like I wrote, after seeing the first 15 or so hours of the game, I just got bored with seeing most of the same world, just slightly different, and rushed through most of the game. Another thing is that the story is nothing special so it doesn't help in holding your interest if you're not as awed by the world.

    More power to anyone that enjoyed the game, but if they make just something similar to this as the next Zelda game, I'd be heavily disappointed.

    You talked to 5 people and you think you know how 20 million+ people feel the fact that you and your friends have the same opinion isn’t that surprising, my friends all really enjoyed it, like I did. We’re often similar to our friends, birds of a feather flock together bruh bruh

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    You talked to 5 people and you think you know how 20 million+ people feel the fact that you and your friends have the same opinion isn’t that surprising, my friends all really enjoyed it, like I did. We’re often similar to our friends, birds of a feather flock together bruh bruh

    I wrote in my OG post that I'm basing it on both real life and online, I was just replying to a post that said I'm basing it only on online posts. But yeah, plenty of posts on KTT specifically, not even talking about X or Reddit or whatever where people feel the same the way as I do.
    Like I said, more power to you if you enjoyed it, I didn't as much as I thought I would and that's it.

  • Feb 20, 2024

    Only thing i hope is for rje next game they keep thd new formula, make a new world from scratch, finally choose between open endedness or linear and go all in with one or the other for the dungeons, and also a focus on quality over quantity when it. Comes to shrines and various other things

  • Feb 22, 2024

    Judt got to tje ruins at the entrance of gerudo canyon again

    I just dont understand why they didnt just have these huge ruins up in the sky too like that would've been so cool its such a no brainer too to have a big city like area in the sky

    F***ing nintendo

  • Feb 22, 2024

    Still top 3 Zelda. Now give me back my linear classic

  • Feb 22, 2024

    I wrote in my OG post that I'm basing it on both real life and online, I was just replying to a post that said I'm basing it only on online posts. But yeah, plenty of posts on KTT specifically, not even talking about X or Reddit or whatever where people feel the same the way as I do.
    Like I said, more power to you if you enjoyed it, I didn't as much as I thought I would and that's it.

    5 real people + people online who you can’t even confirm if they played the game and are just hating because gaming communities online are filled with the type of people who make metacritic accounts to rate games 0 because they don’t like the console or something

  • Feb 22, 2024
    2 replies

    A lot of the reactions itt after it released were that we were worried it was gonna feel like dlc but ultimately we were pleasantly surprised by more challenging and varied quests/side adventures, caves and other unique waypoints, depths, better shrine design, no more boring combat trials, double the variety of enemies and enemy types, and unlike BOTW they actually focused on telling a classic Zelda story.

  • Feb 22, 2024
    2 replies

    A lot of the reactions itt after it released were that we were worried it was gonna feel like dlc but ultimately we were pleasantly surprised by more challenging and varied quests/side adventures, caves and other unique waypoints, depths, better shrine design, no more boring combat trials, double the variety of enemies and enemy types, and unlike BOTW they actually focused on telling a classic Zelda story.

    I always thought the story was lacking tbh

    Not that its bad but the open structure just takes away all the urgency and mystery out of it

    It was fine in botw but in totk it really shows how limiting thid type of storytelling is wjen it comes to telling a compelling story