Can’t believe it
This man delayed another game
Holy s*** the rumors were true they were gonna utilize the sky more
Can’t believe it
This man delayed another game nigga again
So we're gonna actually play in the same map?
That’s what I’m confused about too. I truly hope so, I’d want the same map, but it looks like majority of time might be just in the sky.
I want the same locations, etc, but imagine that’d be hard af to do.
I hope they add more towns and civilization while still keeping that roaming land vibe.
Just 4 decent sized towns and then let everything outside of that get crazy.
I really wanna know the significance and the gameplay mechanics they are implementing with the sky theme
By the time we get botw2 it might be the same amount of time between skyward sword and botw
That’s what I’m confused about too. I truly hope so, I’d want the same map, but it looks like majority of time might be just in the sky.
I want the same locations, etc, but imagine that’d be hard af to do.
Guessing it’s gonna be three tiered. Underground elements (ie first trailer) surface level similar to BOTW, and Sky areas.
If that’s the case
I played it all, day 1. Easily one of the worst Zelda games I’ve ever played.
Best to worst:
2. WW
3. Twilight Princess
4. OOT
5. SS
6. 4 Swords
7. Minish Cap
Is it really that bad? I’ve never played it and I was thinking about getting the remake
All that cool s*** in the trailer and the Bokoblin/Talus collab is what caught my eye lmao.
I hate Talus
I should run thru botw again and conquer beating those, the lynels too I just kinda avoided those completely
Guessing it’s gonna be three tiered. Underground elements (ie first trailer) surface level similar to BOTW, and Sky areas.
If that’s the case
That's f***ing insane. I f***ing hope so.
I'd bet on just all those dungeons coming up from the ground and it just being mainland and sky.
But who knows it's a masterpiece already
Wait a minute
3 tiered?
Need a trailer with the hype of the original botw one with the guardian chasing link through the trees
That's f***ing insane. I f***ing hope so.
I'd bet on just all those dungeons coming up from the ground and it just being mainland and sky.
But who knows it's a masterpiece already
Wait a minute
3 tiered?
What if you find a piece in each tier?
Honestly I have no clue what to expect. Like you said, the game is already at least a 9 by sheer virtue of using the same engine of BOTW. The mechanics make that game so amazing, and adding more enemies and gear and dimensions to the game is going to make it so f***ing fire.
imagine tho! Zora World
oh god
A botw trilogy would be the best trilogy of all time
I hate Talus
I should run thru botw again and conquer beating those, the lynels too I just kinda avoided those completely
They probably my favorite monsters to fight. Hope we somehow get more variants tbh
Lynels still got me shook and I havent even tried Master Mode yet lmao.
I can take em but i keep that shield up.
I need Mummy Ganon to bring some spooky monsters back in the mix tho
Guessing it’s gonna be three tiered. Underground elements (ie first trailer) surface level similar to BOTW, and Sky areas.
If that’s the case
I hope that first trailer isnt a pump fake and we really do get underground stuff but Zelda being taken again in what looks like that scene makes me a lil worried its just the intro
This is gonna be what aonuma wanted skyward sword to be but couldnt because of hardware limitationd. He always wanted ss to be open world with an explorable sky with isles, i cant wait
I hope that first trailer isnt a pump fake and we really do get underground stuff but Zelda being taken again in what looks like that scene makes me a lil worried its just the intro
I don’t think it will be honestly. We will see though. It’d be kind of bad PR to show that scene and then just completely ditch it. Like the time between each trailer isn’t long enough to justify that imo.
Some games that take literally a decade to release I can see why the trailer doesn’t really align but this game has been in development for a far shorter amount of time
They probably my favorite monsters to fight. Hope we somehow get more variants tbh
Lynels still got me shook and I havent even tried Master Mode yet lmao.
I can take em but i keep that shield up.
I need Mummy Ganon to bring some spooky monsters back in the mix tho
I’ve made it to like 117 shrines and there’s the one where u have to fight the lava Talus
I HAVE to beat the game before this comes out lol guess I got plenty of time
Yeah I wasn’t a big fan of the cartoon-y looking bokoblins