  • Jun 15, 2021
    Jitney Spearx

    Is it really that bad? I’ve never played it and I was thinking about getting the remake

    If u played BOTW, you won’t like it tbh.

    At the time (when I was a kid) it was great, but it was only at the f***ing end that I realized..

    THEY JUST MAKE YOU GO TO THE SAME 3 F***ING REGIONS, 3 TIMES REPEATEDLY IN THE GAME. Forget “linear”, the game was bloody repetitive.

  • Jun 15, 2021

    I don’t think it will be honestly. We will see though. It’d be kind of bad PR to show that scene and then just completely ditch it. Like the time between each trailer isn’t long enough to justify that imo.

    Some games that take literally a decade to release I can see why the trailer doesn’t really align but this game has been in development for a far shorter amount of time

    Thats a good point. They also gotta revamp the main map in some way so it would make sense.

  • Jun 15, 2021
    Jitney Spearx

    Is it really that bad? I’ve never played it and I was thinking about getting the remake

    Its a polarizing game for sure, i for one loved it. Imo it had one of the best ost, the best dungeons, the best story, the best Zelda, amazing bosses and one of the 3 areas is legit one of the best levels gameplay wise ive ever played. The sky does get boring to go through and there is some fat to the game that makes it feel boring to play at times, but even if there are 3 main areas and you revisit them 3 times every time you go through these areas you get different experiences. Overall id say if you love zelda botw you might not like skyward sword as its the polar opposite, otherwise id say wait for reviews to make your decision

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply
    Jitney Spearx

    I’ve made it to like 117 shrines and there’s the one where u have to fight the lava Talus

    I HAVE to beat the game before this comes out lol guess I got plenty of time

    Yeah I wasn’t a big fan of the cartoon-y looking bokoblins

    Lmao damn I havent seen that one yet, can’t wait. Keep those ice arrows in the tuck

    The dark forest shrine was crazy.

  • game of life coming so soon

  • Jun 15, 2021

    If there is one thing i want them to expand on is enemies, i want them to go all out with enemy designs, there are still many classic zelda enemies we didnt get in botw1

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply
    no color

    Lmao damn I havent seen that one yet, can’t wait. Keep those ice arrows in the tuck

    The dark forest shrine was crazy.

    Best game ever.

    How far are you?

  • Jun 15, 2021

    I wonder what their original vision for the game was. I don't think they expected to take this much time working on it so obviously the scope of the game expanded a ton.

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply
    Jitney Spearx

    Best game ever.

    How far are you?

    Beat the main story a while ago, I kinda just f*** around in the overworld now and take out the remaining shrines very slowly. This trailer got me ready to go back in all the way for Master Mode

    Running through this world for the first time was a crazy experience. Brought back a wildly nostalgic feeling even tho I got into Zelda really late in the game lol

    Its kinda what I been missing in Pokemon for the last couple years.

  • Jun 15, 2021

    3rd replay of BOTW. Getting Revali’s gale + Mipha’s grace ASAP. Also gonna 100% the shrines first and foremost + heavy Korok seeds for inven expansion.

    Anyone got any other pointers or tips?

  • Jun 15, 2021

    Wait till the switch pro

    Any day now

    Wouldn’t make sense to release the Pro near BOTW2 so they can bundle it?

  • Jun 15, 2021
    2 replies

    Nintendo are smart for marketing Skyward Sword HD as much as they have and now implementing the sky into BotW2. They just increased the sales potential of Skyward Sword HD. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get SSHD, but after seeing BotW2's sky, I'm not so sure anymore. Perhaps I should get SSHD. There may be connections to SSHD in BotW2, and it would be interesting to compare the skies of SSHD to the skies in BotW2 when it drops.

  • Jun 15, 2021
    Jitney Spearx

    I hate Talus

    I should run thru botw again and conquer beating those, the lynels too I just kinda avoided those completely

    Same I get f***ing stomped by lynels. Parrying their attacks (parrying in general tbh) is tricky for me

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Nintendo are smart for marketing Skyward Sword HD as much as they have and now implementing the sky into BotW2. They just increased the sales potential of Skyward Sword HD. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get SSHD, but after seeing BotW2's sky, I'm not so sure anymore. Perhaps I should get SSHD. There may be connections to SSHD in BotW2, and it would be interesting to compare the skies of SSHD to the skies in BotW2 when it drops.

    Don’t play yourself you know you copping

  • Jun 15, 2021

    God damn god damn the skies

  • Jun 15, 2021

    Btw in the last shot with hyrule's castle lifting up there seem to be some buildings in hyrule feild that i dont remember being in botw1

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Nintendo are smart for marketing Skyward Sword HD as much as they have and now implementing the sky into BotW2. They just increased the sales potential of Skyward Sword HD. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get SSHD, but after seeing BotW2's sky, I'm not so sure anymore. Perhaps I should get SSHD. There may be connections to SSHD in BotW2, and it would be interesting to compare the skies of SSHD to the skies in BotW2 when it drops.

    SS is technically connected to the whole series since it introduces the legend explaining who zelda, link, master sword, triforce and ganondorf are

  • Jun 15, 2021

    Don’t play yourself you know you copping

    Skyward Sword one of my least favorite Zelda games

  • Jun 15, 2021
    3 replies

    SS is technically connected to the whole series since it introduces the legend explaining who zelda, link, master sword, triforce and ganondorf are

    That is correct, Skyward Sword is the root from which the whole legend grows, but I was thinking more in the lines of introducing some more direct connections that can tie SS to BotW2 in a more explicit manner, for example by letting you visit the ruins of Skyloft while exploring the sky, or having you connect to Fi, the spirit in the Master Sword that was presented in SS, for example.

  • Jun 15, 2021

    I played it all, day 1. Easily one of the worst Zelda games I’ve ever played.

    Best to worst:
    1. BOTW
    2. WW
    3. Twilight Princess
    4. OOT
    5. SS
    6. 4 Swords
    7. Minish Cap

    No Majoras Mask?

  • Jun 15, 2021

    That is correct, Skyward Sword is the root from which the whole legend grows, but I was thinking more in the lines of introducing some more direct connections that can tie SS to BotW2 in a more explicit manner, for example by letting you visit the ruins of Skyloft while exploring the sky, or having you connect to Fi, the spirit in the Master Sword that was presented in SS, for example.

    They had a lot of references to older games in botw1 so i could see it

  • Jun 15, 2021

    That is correct, Skyward Sword is the root from which the whole legend grows, but I was thinking more in the lines of introducing some more direct connections that can tie SS to BotW2 in a more explicit manner, for example by letting you visit the ruins of Skyloft while exploring the sky, or having you connect to Fi, the spirit in the Master Sword that was presented in SS, for example.

    I think I’m just gonna cop regardless in this case (being the root of it all)

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply
    no color

    Beat the main story a while ago, I kinda just f*** around in the overworld now and take out the remaining shrines very slowly. This trailer got me ready to go back in all the way for Master Mode

    Running through this world for the first time was a crazy experience. Brought back a wildly nostalgic feeling even tho I got into Zelda really late in the game lol

    Its kinda what I been missing in Pokemon for the last couple years.

    Same. I only played MM and the oracles when I was a kid.

    Then one day my friend at work brought up that he loves playing Zelda with his kids and it just took me down memory lane and then when I realized BOTW was pretty much considered the best Zelda game I immediately copped a switch. I also gotta finish links awakening too which is also amazing

    Really want them to remake OOT & MM for switch. Never even got to play oot.

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply

    1. Breath of the Wild
    2. Ocarina of Time
    3. Wind Waker

    If you don't say BotW is the best you're either blinded by nostalgia or old

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply

    i tried my best to get them as HD as possible, enjoy these:
