  • Apr 24, 2024
    1 reply

    "If AI makes better music than humans why should we not be allowed to listen to it?"

    The creatives on KTT will say, "Because its not real and there's no human emotion behind it."

    Like I give AF, lol.

    No disrespect to the creatives, but they are taking this s*** way too seriously.

    “ Like I give AF, lol.
    No disrespect to the creatives, but they are taking this s*** way too seriously.”

    And you wonder why people are calling you a b****.

  • Apr 24, 2024

    Speaking of real human art, need u to drop again

    No cap. Its Bout that time for my lil 3 track ep a year

  • Apr 24, 2024

    I hear you, man. I really do. And I'm not disagreeing with you.

    But if it sounds good, I'm gonna listen

    Get better taste.

  • Apr 24, 2024
    2 replies

    People who enjoy AI in music, don't actually like music, and should not have their opinions on music taken seriously.

  • Apr 24, 2024

    AI and streaming go hand in hand

    There's millions of AI tracks already on Spotify, but I doubt any one of them would ever become popular enough to become a hit

    And those Drake AI songs were s***

  • Apr 24, 2024

    If it gets good enough it’ll replace 99.9% of the industry

  • Apr 24, 2024

  • Apr 24, 2024

    Only time AI should be used for music is when you do silly s*** like making SpongeBob sing a SZA song

  • Apr 24, 2024
    2 replies
    Smacked Voodoo

    People who enjoy AI in music, don't actually like music, and should not have their opinions on music taken seriously.

    I wouldn’t say they don’t like music, they definitely hate artistry though.

  • Apr 24, 2024
    1 reply

    can anyone explain the problem with someone photoshopping a d*** in my grandmas mouth??

  • Apr 24, 2024

    Then again the way I see it AI music is music if you stripped everything that makes it worth anything.

  • Apr 24, 2024
    1 reply

    As long as it looks good I really dont care.

    But I get YOUR point!

    I just don't look at art as "art", but more so a product.

    And once again, not saying that's right.

    Art in itself is not a product, it can be used as a product as has been done by the slimy industry but in it's inception an art piece is a form of expression

    AI don't know how to express genuine and original emotions at this point. It might look or sound good on the surface, but you know there isn't anything deeper to it. The fact that many films, songs, paintings are rooted in real memories, experiences etc is what gives them this extra dimension

  • Apr 24, 2024
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    can anyone explain the problem with someone photoshopping a d*** in my grandmas mouth??

    No one uses that to say the use of photoshop should be regulated though

  • Apr 24, 2024
    7 replies

    this is what happens when society spends decades harping about how worthless pursuing art is: a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals not only proud of their own estrangement from human connection but excited for a future built around it

  • Apr 24, 2024
    1 reply

    As long as we got your voice in the database you can die today but that voice belongs to the world so much that we can use it however we want to. Even if it’s something you never said, never wanted to be a part of or even more we gonna use your voice to say what we want you to say, for centuries.

    That’s the future of AI if nobody has a problem with it.

  • Apr 24, 2024
    1 reply

    No one uses that to say the use of photoshop should be regulated though

    people do want and have regulated photoshop p*** (just like how deepfakes which are just a sequel to that) and you can get in trouble for photoshopping someone negatively or against their wish, this already exists on rules of platforms and in some laws

    But my issue with AI music and AI adjacent is not a artistry one, its a personal autonomy and copyright

    I think AI can exist itself, again just like photoshop, just that the copyright and violation of personal liberties' is the issue

    Like a company can make AI music or pictures off of their own data etc.

    But someone making AI music of anyone would be illegal and so would be using a data set not properly allowed or agreed upon

    Randoms randomly using artists for ai, or like how some generative companies such as midjourney use random photos even kids suffering from cancer and their make a wish drawings

    Its really just a situation of advanced copyright law and "photoshop rights"

    Which are being fought for right now, such as the 2pac estate and make a wish of the kids drawings

    AI in itself is fine tho, all imo

  • Apr 24, 2024
    shin thread jpeg

    this is what happens when society spends decades harping about how worthless pursuing art is: a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals not only proud of their own estrangement from human connection but excited for a future built around it

    Laymen’s terms: niggas that get no p**** lmao

  • Apr 24, 2024

    Art in itself is not a product, it can be used as a product as has been done by the slimy industry but in it's inception an art piece is a form of expression

    AI don't know how to express genuine and original emotions at this point. It might look or sound good on the surface, but you know there isn't anything deeper to it. The fact that many films, songs, paintings are rooted in real memories, experiences etc is what gives them this extra dimension


    Take notes.

  • Apr 24, 2024
    Water Giver

    people do want and have regulated photoshop p*** (just like how deepfakes which are just a sequel to that) and you can get in trouble for photoshopping someone negatively or against their wish, this already exists on rules of platforms and in some laws

    But my issue with AI music and AI adjacent is not a artistry one, its a personal autonomy and copyright

    I think AI can exist itself, again just like photoshop, just that the copyright and violation of personal liberties' is the issue

    Like a company can make AI music or pictures off of their own data etc.

    But someone making AI music of anyone would be illegal and so would be using a data set not properly allowed or agreed upon

    Randoms randomly using artists for ai, or like how some generative companies such as midjourney use random photos even kids suffering from cancer and their make a wish drawings

    Its really just a situation of advanced copyright law and "photoshop rights"

    Which are being fought for right now, such as the 2pac estate and make a wish of the kids drawings

    AI in itself is fine tho, all imo

    Seems reasonable but honestly could see it getting messy as far as what’s regulated and what’s not. And possibly labels owning someone’s AI likeness would be wild and probably will end up happening

  • Apr 24, 2024
    1 reply

    As long as we got your voice in the database you can die today but that voice belongs to the world so much that we can use it however we want to. Even if it’s something you never said, never wanted to be a part of or even more we gonna use your voice to say what we want you to say, for centuries.

    That’s the future of AI if nobody has a problem with it.

    But this has been true about pictures for a minute now, you think Pac wanted anything to do with The Game?

    I don’t see this energy when people photoshop memes of historical figures on the regular. Maybe if it’s really egregious but for the most part it seems uncontroversial to realistically portray someone doing something they didn’t actually do

    Why is audio so much worse

  • Apr 24, 2024
    1 reply

    “ Like I give AF, lol.
    No disrespect to the creatives, but they are taking this s*** way too seriously.”

    And you wonder why people are calling you a b****.

    So this makes me a b**** ?

    Lighten up, man.

    It’s really not that serious

  • Apr 24, 2024
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    People who enjoy AI in music, don't actually like music, and should not have their opinions on music taken seriously.

    This is totally false

    So you’re saying that because I like AI music, my entire history/lifetime of liking real music is wiped away?

    Swing and a miss, fam.

  • Apr 24, 2024
    1 reply

    I wouldn’t say they don’t like music, they definitely hate artistry though.

    I wouldn’t say, hate. Just indifferent.

  • Man this whole beef smellin like a big test for the music companies into seeing how are ppl reacting to it and to start planting the idea

  • Apr 24, 2024
    1 reply

    I can understand ppl point about AI lacking artistry (even though art is subjective) but I don't get the one about ppl not getting paid

    We're all ok with piracy and leaks which essentially steals from artists and companies so why is that a problem when it's AI?
